The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #26

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    My apologies. I didn't check my facts.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by BigDaddyLoveHandles
    A little different: the Godin Montreal:

    Isn't it funny how GAS can strike? The Montreal has been pointed out to me before, but only now do I suddenly find it the most desirable guitar on the planet! I so want one...

  4. #28

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    Yes it is funny! I think my GAS attack has passed for the time being, just as yours is beginning to rise!

  5. #29

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Karol
    Oh by the way, I tried a 339 briefly yesterday. It's 14" wide - too small - I'm stickin' with 15".
    I found the 339 to be too small for me as well but they are great guitars!

    Here's my uncle ripping it up on his old 339:

  6. #30

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Karol
    Yes it is funny! I think my GAS attack has passed for the time being, just as yours is beginning to rise!
    Well yes, I am getting to be an old hand with GAS thing, and it usually does fade somewhat if you wait a few weeks or so! Never entirely goes away though... I suspect it would always be dangerous for me to spot a Montreal in a guitar shop if I had a couple of grand or so in my pocket! (although when is that going to happen...).

  7. #31

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    so many guitars, so little money.

  8. #32

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jazzpunk
    Here's my uncle ripping it up on his old 339

    OLD? They've only been making them since 2007.

  9. #33

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    Quote Originally Posted by max chill
    OLD? They've only been making them since 2007.
    'Old' as in he no longer has it lol.

  10. #34

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flat

    Hey Mr. B! I'm fairly sure Wolfgang's guitar is a 2000 Heritage Millenium Eagle, and I love that thing too! (Have you seen the WM Friendly Travelers DVD with Brian Blade? There are some clips on youtube. Maybe that's what caught your eye?)
    Thanks so much for this post Flat! I had been unaware of the live DVD until your post.

    I ordered the CD/DVD through Amazon and watched it today. SO inspiring!

  11. #35

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    I bought prospect about a month ago and really love it. I've been looking around for a small semi for a long time and I think this one is the best value. Heritage guitars are way underpriced.

    They are not as easy to find as some people seem to think and they seem to sell pretty fast. I got a new one for $1600, used ones go for about $1300.