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  1. #76

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    Anyway, it was clearly not healthy. Ever seen his guitar, Trigger?


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #77

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    In my experience, weed and alcohol can slow you down - although really, if you only have a small amount of either, that can be ok. I never really liked alcohol and was a fairly heavy weed smoker at one time - which was good for 'taking notes' as it were and being creative in a way, but not great for getting stuff done.
    But stimulants can be good for a performance, since they can produce a kind of heightened awareness, rather than an intoxication, instead more of a heightened sobriety and euphoria, if that makes sense (though ultimately one has to come down, and of course these things can be addictive). I am reminded of pictures of Charlie Parker all wide-eyed on amphetamine.
    As for psychedelics, these can be very good, but it depends a lot in what context you're playing/performing, who you are, set & setting etc. It could be the best or worst thing. I think Coltrane tripped a lot towards the end of his life - Interstellar Space, go figure.

    Caveat - all of the foregoing is just in my experience/knowledge, I don't condone anything...

  4. #78

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    Quote Originally Posted by sgosnell
    The highest costs of addiction to society in the US, by far, is in incarceration costs. Keeping people in prison for years for drug possession or use is very, very expensive. It's far cheaper to treat them, or even allow them to use drugs, whatever the costs, than to pay for their imprisonment. But those who look or act differently must be punished.
    yes, but the uncomfortable part is treatment only works for those who want it - so you will have to allow people to destroy themselves with opiates, cocaine, meth or whatever - just like we do with alcohol (but you dont have to allow the drugs to be advertised and marketed)

    it means accepting more addicts but less collateral damage to civilians (crimes committed to get drugs, violence by drug gangs etc)'

    As by far the greatest victims of illegal drugs are ordinary Mexican citizens who have lost their country to the cartels, its been easy for US voters to write them off

  5. #79

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    My stimulant of choice is caffeine. IMO, life without coffee is not worth living. I have yet to find a credible study which finds it harmful, but many which find it somewhat helpful, mostly though they just find that it's neither. I don't really care about any health benefits, I just need it. I freely admit I'm addicted. They say the withdrawal headaches go away in a week or two, but I see no reason at all to go through that. I could easily give up alcohol, but not coffee, whatever the cost might rise to.

  6. #80

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    Quote Originally Posted by sgosnell
    My stimulant of choice is caffeine. IMO, life without coffee is not worth living. I have yet to find a credible study which finds it harmful, but many which find it somewhat helpful, mostly though they just find that it's neither. I don't really care about any health benefits, I just need it. I freely admit I'm addicted. They say the withdrawal headaches go away in a week or two, but I see no reason at all to go through that. I could easily give up alcohol, but not coffee, whatever the cost might rise to.
    I’ve been an espresso drinker since I was a kid. My sister (7 years older than me) went to Barnard in 1957 and made it her mission to assure that I grew into a proper man. For better or worse, her only lasting influence on me was espresso.

    There are many decent studies suggesting that moderate coffee consumption promotes lower mortality and morbidity. I embrace them! I make 2 cappuccinos every morning and have at least one espresso after most dinners.

    Practicing/performing while being high-0c65cc33-0801-4e5c-ac6d-30c9593d42f5-jpg

  7. #81

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    Music is sound that your brain interprets in various ways. If you take drugs/ alcohol it's going to affect the neurons in your brain that determine how you perceive music
    Example 1- My girlfriend and I have just come out of a bar, and she turns on the car radio to a jazz station she listens to. It's a guitarist playing "Darn That Dream". I'm the guitarist playing Darn That Dream. I start getting mad at her and asking her where she got that recording of me.
    She tells me it's the radio. I tell her she's lying, and I pull the car over and start searching the car for the tape recorder I think she's hidden. The radio announcer says "That was Jimmy Raney playing Darn That Dream from the album "Live in Tokyo".

    Example 2- We're on a gig and the trombone player has some coke, which I've never tried before. They cajole me into snorting some which I don't want to do, but they keep insisting, so I take a snort. We go back on.
    I play a solo on a Duke Ellington song which I didn't think was anything special. The two coke heads in the band say, "Man that was the greatest solo I've ever heard you play!" I said it wasn't any good.
    The pianist, who was a sideman with Chet Baker and had recorded with Woody Herman said, "Yeah, that was a great 'jazz' solo". I'm convinced that they're trying to make me think coke makes me play better to get me hooked on it, and I never do coke again (well, we did go to that strip club after one gig, and those two lunatics made me do it again, but that was it).

    3) I had to do a morning gig (=1pm) and couldn't sleep, so I took a valium to knock me out at about 6am, and showed up at the gig feeling very relaxed. We're playing in a room that has perfect acoustics- pure wood. The sax player sounds like the greatest thing I've ever heard, but the drug has a long half-life, and I don't have the coordination to play any single lines, but I can play chords okay, so I just play chord solos and comp the whole gig.

    4) We're having a jam session and I have a little something to drink at the guy's house. All of a sudden, he says he's going to tape us. I was feeling good, so I didn't think anything about it. We play ATTYA, and I think I played a very good, long solo on it.
    The next day he calls me, and says, "Hey, I just put ATTYA from last night on you tube."
    I listened to it, and it turns out I played a decent solo on it, but nowhere near as good as I thought it was last night., and notice one bad flub.
    I could go on, but you get the gist- drugs/alcohol + playing = Bad.

  8. #82

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  9. #83

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    Quote Originally Posted by sgosnell
    I have yet to find a credible study which finds it harmful
    IMHO it isn't in moderate doses, but the acceptable dose can get quite low if you develop a serious cardiac/blood pressure condition, or even something as mundane as chronic hemorroids (don't ask me why I've moved from tea to rooibos...)

    Also, it must depend on how you prepare it, and on the roast. American coffee used to be so bland that you could use the entire box and still end up with something tasteless, but you'd not be able to keep your hands still the rest of the day.

    I seem to recall there's some evidence that Robusta may be (more) beneficial for the nervous system than Arabica (contrary to what some believe).

  10. #84

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    Quote Originally Posted by RJVB
    What about SSRIs, anyone got an idea/impression what effect they have? Smoothing out dramatic swings, making everything (including your interpretations) sound like flegmatic like an English ensemble playing early Italian baroque music?
    On the advice from my then-physician, I did St. John's Wort for a while. Its effect was quite beneficial for a while, but I gradually found my usually up-beat optimism taking a darker turn, and I stopped. That is all, for what it's worth.

  11. #85

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    I no longer partake of anything other than a couple beers or glasses of wine, but I used to many years ago. I can recall thinking that what my friends and I were playing while high was amazing, only to hear it back later and discover it was utter rubbish. Very disappointing!

  12. #86

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    Drugz can make you play better or worse it seems. Sometimes you're just impaired and end up playing poorly. Other times, it gets elevated, and there are countless pro recordings to prove that. I've tried to go straight, but haven't been able to. I'm just sticking with booz because it's fun and enriching without being too destructive. I'm drunk right now and practicing Hammond. My favorite drugz and jazz movie is Round Midnight. Love that movie, check it out if you haven't seen it. Herbie did a great job on the soundtrack.
    Last edited by Bobby Timmons; 03-04-2022 at 04:11 AM.

  13. #87

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Smith
    Drugz can make you play better or worse it seems. Sometimes you're just impaired and end up playing poorly. Other times, it gets elevated, and there are countless pro recordings to prove that. I've tried to go straight, but haven't been able to. I'm just sticking with booz because it's fun and enriching without being too destructive. I'm drunk right now and practicing Hammond. My favorite drugz and jazz movie is Round Midnight. Love that movie, check it out if you haven't seen it. Herbie did a great job on the soundtrack.
    Apparently they can also cause confusion between letters of the alphabet and eccentricities in spelling.

  14. #88

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    I don't take drugs....but I do know that my playing suffers after just one beer, not by much mind you, and it will get worse if I drink a few. So I am in the camp of teetotalers when it comes to playing.

  15. #89

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    Quote Originally Posted by john a.
    apparently they can also cause confusion between letters of the alphabet and eccentricities in spelling.

  16. #90

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    There's hope O:-)

    AEF0117 - Wikipedia
    Effect of AEF0117 on Treatment-seeking Patients With Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD): SICA 2: SPECIFIC SIGNALING INHIBITOR IN CANNABIS ADDICTION - Full Text View -

    Although it's hard to predict the actual effect on use of the substance. The pestilient smell is my main reason to hate (sic) junkies using it in public and I'd not be happy at all if a cure against the addictive effects means more people will start blowing (I suppose you can no longer call them junkies then).

  17. #91

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    Junkies are heroin addicts.

  18. #92

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    There is a very interesting bit in the following interview with Gary Bartz (@ 5:00) which may explain why so many greats got addicted on H (apart from the fact that H obviously makes you feel like you are in your mother's womb; junkies and a friend who tried it once told me so).

    I never (and never would have) tried H but I had similar effects of slowing things down with smoking cannabis but I totally quit it (and smoking in general) because I have what they call bipolar disorder (I prefer to call it bipolar disposition) and it was doing me no good. Smoking too much during the lockdown of 2020 (although micro-dosing) drove me into mania and psychosis and I had to spend three month in psychiatry.

  19. #93

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    Quote Originally Posted by RJVB
    There's hope O:-)

    AEF0117 - Wikipedia
    Effect of AEF0117 on Treatment-seeking Patients With Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD): SICA 2: SPECIFIC SIGNALING INHIBITOR IN CANNABIS ADDICTION - Full Text View -

    Although it's hard to predict the actual effect on use of the substance. The pestilient smell is my main reason to hate (sic) junkies using it in public and I'd not be happy at all if a cure against the addictive effects means more people will start blowing (I suppose you can no longer call them junkies then).
    You've got to address the reason they're self medicating, otherwise it'll just be followed by another addition.

  20. #94

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    Jimmy Heath seconds what Gary Bartz is telling about the effects of heroin:

  21. #95
    I'm a singer-songwriter (so not a jazz guy, though I am learning) and have spent a lot of time on stage in front of an audience. I used to have terrible stage fright, and used to drink a ton. It made me sloppy and led to lots of problems off and on stage. (I also used to smoke weed but that makes me paranoid -- or rather exacerbates existing paranoia -- so isn't as much a problem, because I don't enjoy it).

    Long story short I got sober and don't drink anymore. I learned to manage the performance anxiety through meditation, self-talk (CBT) and therapy. Also I just accept it as part of my personality. That flighty, nervous as a cat part of me is always going to be there to some extent, and part of my challenge in life is to make friends with that shadow side and accept it. Give it a seat at the table. That said, I don't have to give any toxicity a seat at the table. Any voice saying "you suck" or "you don't belong here" can be quiet and begone.

    I did try SSRI, and they are not for me. Same with beta blockers. Both in a different way blunt some sort of edge that I found is desirable for being "on" and being able to engage emotionally with my material and my audience.

  22. #96

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    Quote Originally Posted by Litterick
    Junkies are heroin addicts.
    They can be

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Junkie is a pejorative usually referring to a person with an addiction.

  23. #97

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    Quote Originally Posted by SedanDelivery2022
    I'm a singer-songwriter (so not a jazz guy, though I am learning) and have spent a lot of time on stage in front of an audience. I used to have terrible stage fright, and used to drink a ton. It made me sloppy and led to lots of problems off and on stage. (I also used to smoke weed but that makes me paranoid -- or rather exacerbates existing paranoia -- so isn't as much a problem, because I don't enjoy it).

    Long story short I got sober and don't drink anymore. I learned to manage the performance anxiety through meditation, self-talk (CBT) and therapy. Also I just accept it as part of my personality. That flighty, nervous as a cat part of me is always going to be there to some extent, and part of my challenge in life is to make friends with that shadow side and accept it. Give it a seat at the table. That said, I don't have to give any toxicity a seat at the table. Any voice saying "you suck" or "you don't belong here" can be quiet and begone.

    I did try SSRI, and they are not for me. Same with beta blockers. Both in a different way blunt some sort of edge that I found is desirable for being "on" and being able to engage emotionally with my material and my audience.
    As you mention you are a singer: Smoking cannabis had a very relaxing effect on the body (not on the mind! I have a tendency to paranoia as well) for me. I was doing a lot of busking in a pedestrian underpass (nice accoustics!) close to my home during the lockdown of 2020. The hindus and buddhists talk about the opening of chakras and when I had smoked hash before busking I felt especially something happening in my voice box which is in the ancient traditions of the east the location of the throat chakra. That practice made me aware that I am a rather good singer with a good voice for blues, rock and soul with quite some range. The good thing is that my body kept the memory so after quitting "ganja" when I started going to sessions again I realized that the ability to sing and the range is still there. I only have to really take care not to press too hard as the vocal chords are not as "naturally" relaxed. Friday before last I ruined my voice for one week by letting myself go too much singing "Hoochie Coochie Man". When I used to be stoned I never had to warm up before singing which is something I will care for in future.

  24. #98

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    Quote Originally Posted by Litterick
    Junkies are heroin addicts.
    Same use of the word in German if not used with an additional noun such as "Jazz Guitar Forum junkie".

  25. #99

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    Quote Originally Posted by RJVB
    IMHO it isn't in moderate doses, but the acceptable dose can get quite low if you develop a serious cardiac/blood pressure condition, or even something as mundane as chronic hemorroids (don't ask me why I've moved from tea to rooibos...)

    Also, it must depend on how you prepare it, and on the roast. American coffee used to be so bland that you could use the entire box and still end up with something tasteless, but you'd not be able to keep your hands still the rest of the day.

    I seem to recall there's some evidence that Robusta may be (more) beneficial for the nervous system than Arabica (contrary to what some believe).
    There are studies that low doses of coffee (without milk!!!) such as one or two espressi per day have a cleaning and detoxicating life-lengthening effect which has something to do with the renewal of mitochondria in the cells of your body IIRC.

    The dose makes the poison. When I was smoking cannabis I was micro-dosing it e.g. rolling moroccan hash to a 1mm diameter "sausage" and putting 1cm of that into a cigarette. When I was taking a single draw from a spliff rolled by someone else I had the immediate intention to get to my couch at home. A junkie once gave me a big piece of hash "so you can roll one at home tonight". It took me two weeks to smoke it.

  26. #100

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bop Head
    There is a very interesting bit in the following interview with Gary Bartz (@ 5:00) which may explain why so many greats got addicted on H (apart from the fact that H obviously makes you feel like you are in your mother's womb; junkies and a friend who tried it once told me so).

    I never (and never would have) tried H but I had similar effects of slowing things down with smoking cannabis but I totally quit it (and smoking in general) because I have what they call bipolar disorder (I prefer to call it bipolar disposition) and it was doing me no good. Smoking too much during the lockdown of 2020 (although micro-dosing) drove me into mania and psychosis and I had to spend three month in psychiatry.
    I've tried H three times (smoked from a pipe) but like most people who try it, I never became addicted. Falling asleep then vomiting for hours after waking up wasn't my idea of fun. I guess you only really begin to appreciate the effects and not get nauseous once you are addicted to some extent.

    My experience is that cannabis can definitely slow things down and can kind of effect a conceptual synaesthesia. In the six months or so I spent smoking it and really enjoying it (before things went downhill) I had a few mystical moments while listening to music while high, where the time-slowing really enhances the rhythmic placement of the notes, and the music takes on an ineffably profound stature. These days while necessarily sober I try to adopt a meditative mind-set while listening to music to kind of replicate that.

    I'm sorry to hear about your experience with psychosis. I too became psychotic through drug use - mostly cannabis, but after becoming addicted to that about a year later I started no longer enjoying it and experiencing paranoia. I still smoked it though. Then I started taking MDMA and other stimulant drugs, which were fantastic and made smoking cannabis not only pleasant again, but also enabled me to smoke trees of it, since the MDMA swept away any tiredness or paranoia I would have otherwise experienced (as well as inducing profound and mystical states of mind while listening to music). But I started experiencing auditory hallucinations - but didn't realise I was (in hindsight I experienced them before ever having taken any stimulant). So I was prescribed antipsychotics eventually, but carried on taking other drugs and a few years later started experiencing oculogyric crises, which was really horrible. Anyway now both these things are history, but I still take medication to stop them and obviously don't take any other drug... including caffeine.