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  1. #351

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    Quote Originally Posted by jazzyguitar
    I was talking about what technique is more difficult and remarkable. I was absent for some time.Now I am back and ready to prove all the things i was talkin about. As I told you, the technique of this guy looks very easy to me . I recorded this,althugh is not at 100% is almost there and is way more remarkable than anything Grasso did with a guitar, but not only him, most of the jazz "legends". I never seen a guy playing the Charlie Parker's Alto break with a classical guitar using his fingers. With the plectrum is easy, (but still not many can do it). With the classical guitar there is no one that has done that before, so I decided to make it.

    I am going to say this as nicely as possible.

    If you were to go to a jam session in NYC (or really, any city with a good jazz scene), play like that, and then not only insist that was good, but that it was better than any "jazz legend"...

    ...the absolute best case scenario is that you'd be laughed off the bandstand.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #352

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr. beaumont
    This is
    …and that is the point, isn’t it?

  4. #353

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark M.
    …and that is the point, isn’t it?
    I just don't think it is, for everyone.

  5. #354

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark M.
    You should really start your own thread on the site so you can concentrate all your self aggrandizement in one place. Trying to build yourself up by criticizing an accomplished player is not a winning strategy. Really, just start a thread called “Jazzyguitar is so much better than Grasso”, or something to that effect. See how many others beside yourself contribute posts there.
    I dont need to start any thread and i dont want to build up my self with Grasso. If you check the previous pages you will see that I criticized Grasso technique saying that it was Easy technique. And then some guys started to challenge me and calling me troll. They thought I was just trolling. and they asked me to post videos of me doing somethig technically more remarkable. So I had to do it and post it, i was not gonna post initially. Its not my fault, if they challenge me, I have to react. Simple. And I will post more and more.

    Quote Originally Posted by dasein
    I am going to say this as nicely as possible.

    If you were to go to a jam session in NYC (or really, any city with a good jazz scene), play like that, and then not only insist that was good, but that it was better than any "jazz legend"...

    ...the absolute best case scenario is that you'd be laughed off the bandstand.
    This is a fact and its not under any debate. What I said is that to play Alto break with fingers you need skills that your "jazz legends" (not all but most of them) who plays with a plectrum doesnt have to play it. If you check on youtube theres not many playing it. I only found one guy doing the right way, but it was with a plectrum which is very very easy. With the fingers I havent found anybody. There are some guys that can do that for sure, but they are not many. Its not my fault the parker idea is meaningless, I agree that from a musical point of view is nothing special. I played it note by note, except for the ending, so is mostly accurate, next week will be 100%
    I am sure both of you and all the people here that are criticizing me cant even play the Alto Break with a plectrum which is very easy, this fact talks about a deep lack of skills.
    Doing it with fingers is WAY more remarkable than doing it with a plectrum and shows more technical skills that your beloved legends (most of them) These are facts, is not something I am inventing. If you deny it well, you clearly know 0 about guitar.And if you think you can play the guitar I challenge you to play the alto break with fingers. Only by playing it you will know how difficult is to do that. I know you cant.... Is an isolated phrase, I never would go to a jam session and playing it out of context, but yes its 100% more difficult than your plectrum guys. People who plays fast with fingers use to see plectrum like a proof of lack of skills

  6. #355

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    You got tabs for that alto break?

  7. #356

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    Quote Originally Posted by dasein
    I am going to say this as nicely as possible.

    If you were to go to a jam session in NYC (or really, any city with a good jazz scene), play like that, and then not only insist that was good, but that it was better than any "jazz legend"...

    ...the absolute best case scenario is that you'd be laughed off the bandstand.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark M.
    …and that is the point, isn’t it?
    Other thing. Here is another video of me.

    This is a phrase by a Flamenco Player named Vicente Gomez , (if you play it you can play anything by him). He was a very good player, actually if you check the video below you will see is named Flamenco MASTER Vicente Gomez. So yes he was a master in flamenco (which is WAY more difficult than grasso and your jazz guitar technique). He used to do tours back to the 30 and 40 , then he set up in USA, and made many recordings and appeared in some Hollywood movies playing the guitar (like The Snows of Kilimanjaro something with Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner). When Rubinstein was visiting Madrid he was impressed by him and encouraged him to take music seriously and then yes he got skills, toured around the world USSR (Yes was difficult to go there ), America, Europe, etc etc.

    This guy used to say this about playing with a plectrum. (you can check it on the commentaries) Im gonna quote you a comment by one of his students.

    "Rand - me too. I studied with Gomez more than 50 years ago and had a panic attack and quit the day before I was supposed to do my first concert. I went on to have a pretty good career on guitar but not flamenco or classical guitar. I will always remember one day I showed up for a lesson and reached into my pocket and pulled out a guitar pick. I thought "The Senor" was going to cry. He looked into my eyes and said with this heavy Spanish accent "was a matta you kiddy, you wanna you whole life to play like a hill billy"? He was a very sweet man one thing I remember about him is he loved his dogs and had Doberman Pinchers."

    As you can see is not only me who thinks playing with a plectrum is a proof of lack of skills, cause if you focus you can do the same with fingers, it takes more time cause its more difficult (WAY more), but if you want respect... it is worthy. Ok so here is his video
    The phrase of my video is 0:34 to 0:43

    If you check the comments everybody praises him saying he has a great right had etc, well I can do any of his solos, faster than him. So ifstart underestimating my videos , you really will look like people who has 0 idea of playing a guitar. He was a flamenco master and i can play his lines faster.

  8. #357

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    Not sure why the obsession for fast finger playing. I'm sure there are plenty of bass players who can do that already, big whoop

  9. #358

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    Quote Originally Posted by jazznylon
    Not sure why the obsession for fast finger playing. I'm sure there are plenty of bass players who can do that already, big whoop
    And here you are wrong, cause yes one thing is doing that with electric guitar as one guy Mateo Mancusso or the bass finger players and something very different and way more difficult is to do that with a nylon classical guitar. Its a completely different technique and way more difficult. With the bass or electric guitar you justn eed to move fast (a simple amp, will do the job) but with a classical guitar you need way more than that.

    I clearly see you understand little, sorry... if you want to compare classical guitar apoyando with people that hides and rely on their amp and doesnt need to train the nails and other things

  10. #359

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    So you don't like jazz?

  11. #360

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr. beaumont
    So you don't like jazz?
    I like jazz but I dont understand why people goes for plectrum instead of fingers, most of them thinks is very very difficult and its not, it takes more time but it is worthy

  12. #361

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    Ok, you don’t like plectrum playing. In your opinion, it is inferior to fingerstyle playing. We’ve heard it. Many of us have a differing opinion. Instead it of continuing to piss all over a thread for those that appreciate PG’s playing, can we move on?

  13. #362

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark M.
    Ok, you don’t like plectrum playing. In your opinion, it is inferior to fingerstyle playing. We’ve heard it. Many of us have a differing opinion. Instead it of continuing to piss all over a thread for those that appreciate PG’s playing, can we move on?
    One thing are opinions other are facts, and this is a clear one. But check the quote of the flamenco master. Its not only me. so my question to you is: you wanna you whole life to play like a hill billy"?

    Rand - me too. I studied with Gomez more than 50 years ago and had a panic attack and quit the day before I was supposed to do my first concert. I went on to have a pretty good career on guitar but not flamenco or classical guitar. I will always remember one day I showed up for a lesson and reached into my pocket and pulled out a guitar pick. I thought "The Senor" was going to cry. He looked into my eyes and said with this heavy Spanish accent "was a matta you kiddy, you wanna you whole life to play like a hill billy"? He was a very sweet man one thing I remember about him is he loved his dogs and had Doberman Pinchers.

  14. #363

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    Proud hillbilly here.

  15. #364

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    Yet another person who can’t make the distinction between opinion and fact. If he says it, or someone he agrees with, it’s a fact. I have no use for people like that, and there are many of them.

  16. #365

  17. #366

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    Quote Originally Posted by jazzyguitar
    I like jazz but I dont understand why people goes for plectrum instead of fingers, most of them thinks is very very difficult and its not, it takes more time but it is worthy
    Because it sounds great?

  18. #367

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr. beaumont
    Proud hillbilly here.
    I wouldn’t mind having the picking chops of some of those hillbilly bluegrass players!

  19. #368

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    People who think playing with a plectrum is easier than fingerstyle have never tried crosspicking… which the hillbillies are rather good at. Finger picking arpeggios is for the weak.

    If you want to be the winner at guitar, fingerpick your fast scales, and flatpick your arpeggios. Music is all about making things challenging for yourself. If you can’t fingerpick Al di Meola solos and flatpick Bach preludes, you may as well give up on guitar and become a hermit, because you won’t be able to show yourself face in public again.


  20. #369

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    Also, why not to play with teeth or toes then (people do). Even more difficult - more respect, right?

  21. #370

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    Quote Originally Posted by Christian Miller
    People who think playing with a plectrum is easier than fingerstyle have never tried crosspicking… which the hillbillies are rather good at. Finger picking arpeggios is for the weak.

    If you want to be the winner at guitar, fingerpick your fast scales, and flatpick your arpeggios. Music is all about making things challenging for yourself. If you can’t fingerpick Al di Meola solos and flatpick Bach preludes, you may as well give up on guitar and become a hermit, because you won’t be able to show yourself face in public again.

    finger picking arpegios is for the weak, maybe with 3 fingers as classical guitar plays, but not with 2 fingers using rest stroke that is what i use and is way harder than 3 fingers arpegios. Doesnt matter , is always harder to play with fingers specially the rest stroke technique, harder than any plectrum stuff. If you dont see it well thats not my fault. Crossing pickin hard? What do you mean by crosspicking? The technique u use to play the theme of anthropology? If so, nah its not hard, its harder with fingers, way harder. I can play the fast anthropolgy version with 2 fingers of parker. I was practicing with the recording and matched parker speed no problem at all. With plectrum is easier, that easier than I took a pic after long time without using and i plaid it same speed than no no way its difficult with a plectrum

  22. #371

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    I'm sorry but if you're going to be playing with other people then you're gonna need an amp (especially if you're using a classical guitar with classical technique). I know because I've been there.. I couldn't even hear myself despite trying my best to push the string as far down as possible and then playing, the volume just won't cut through. I had to resort to using my solely my thumb during that gig, striking down the strings as hard as possible using the fleshy part. Little did I know there was blood spurting out of my thumb but I just kept going at it blissfully unaware. And the worst part is after all that I'm not sure even that reached to the audience, maybe my bandmates though as one of them looked at me weird. Was a long time ago.. good memories

  23. #372

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    I use my right right earlobe, and I can play Donna Lee at 300 bpm with this technique. Fingers are for the weak. I said it. It’s a fact. If you can’t see it, it’s your problem.

  24. #373

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark M.
    I use my right right earlobe, and I can play Donna Lee at 300 bpm with this technique. Fingers are for the weak. I said it. It’s a fact. If you can’t see it, it’s your problem.

  25. #374

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    In his biography, George Van Eps mentions a recording session where he was required to play an impossible chord. He managed it by holding down one of the notes with his nose.

  26. #375

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    There's always one blowhard on every forum, nothing to see here.