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  1. #401

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    This turned out to be kind of fun, didn't it? Nice recordings, Jeff and PKirk! Actually everyone has done a good job.

    I have been up since 4:30 this morning working on the song and I'm ready to record, but at the moment the house is noisy. A couple of reflections on this song. I listened to many interpretations, because believe it or not, I had never learned this one. I usually go first to listen to singers, but there aren't that many on YT. One Sinatra version is ok, but he sang the lyrics in a slightly unusual way where he was delaying the phrasing. I don't think it actually worked that well in the context of the song. I listen to singers just to get the melody down, which I found a little elusive in the last verse of the song. Tricky, in other words. I also listened to Ella Fitzgerald's version which is nice.

    Then I checked out the instrumental versions. My favorite was a version with Birelli Lagrene, the Rosenberg Trio and Escoude . Fabulous playing! And I found a bunch of other great interpretations, including bossa nova style and a cool duet with guitar and bass. There was also a great version by an older guy demoing Collins guitars. He did a solo chord melody version that was superb. I also worked with a nice backing track for practice off the Learning Jazz site, which I used just to get a working template of the chordal harmony, and I got a copy of the lyrics on another site. The LJS site does not score in the melody for reasons of copyright. This is one very protected song, btw.

    In the end, I used my Tascam DR - 05 recorder to get my first track down. I'm doing one track as rhythm guitar with vocal and the second track will be "lead" guitar dancing over the melody. I really love this Tascam recorder. It is not the more expensive one with the capacity to multitrack, so I can't do it all with the Tascam, but I love the fidelity of the small condenser mics in a fixed X-Y pattern. So I'm going to try recording with the Korg to see if the sound is superior, but if not, I will transfer the rhythm vocal track into the Korg and then record the lead track either on the Korg or the Tascam. I'm using my Yamaha classical because I actually prefer the sound of the nylon strings with this tune in this context. As soon as the house quiets down, I'm going for the final takes.

    I know you guys get impatient with me, given that you whip off recordings on iPhones with apps and things, but I just have to do it my way. Anyone have any tips about uploading the files on Sound Cloud? I signed up the other day, but I haven't used it yet. I kind of regret not having gotten the more advanced version of the Tascam that would allow multitracking because it sounds so good. I think it has to do with the XY 'stereo' condensers. Anyway if anyone has any advice on uploading to Sound Cloud, please offer it. My version should be up today, too.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #402

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    Quote Originally Posted by targuit
    One Sinatra version is ok, but he sang the lyrics in a slightly unusual way where he was delaying the phrasing.

    Anyway if anyone has any advice on uploading to Sound Cloud, please offer it. My version should be up today, too.
    As far as I know that pretty much defines Sinatra's style.

    Step 1: Go here:
    Step 2: Hit the "upload" button

  4. #403

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    Ok here's my version. Just 2 guitars and TOTALLY NAKED! (fortunately, no video).

  5. #404

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    Quote Originally Posted by targuit
    I listened to many interpretations, because believe it or not, I had never learned this one
    believe it actually

  6. #405
    Quote Originally Posted by targuit
    I know you guys get impatient with me, given that you whip off recordings on iPhones with apps and things, but I just have to do it my way. Anyone have any tips about uploading the files on Sound Cloud? I signed up the other day, but I haven't used it yet. I kind of regret not having gotten the more advanced version of the Tascam that would allow multitracking because it sounds so good. I think it has to do with the XY 'stereo' condensers. Anyway if anyone has any advice on uploading to Sound Cloud, please offer it. My version should be up today, too.
    * You've posted midi-edited music for a competition, on-deadline, using very technology-specific hardware and guidelines,
    * You're all up into latency, Sibelius, and
    * You work daily in a field with intensive tech, continuing-education, and research requirements to stay up to date,


    * You're not quite "down" with drag-and-drop or recording with a smart phone.

    I suppose all of those things are possible, but I don't think they're likely. Something doesn't seem right in everything you've claimed over all of this time.

    I'm sure it will be great. Really interested to hear what an up-at-4:30, 3-day-arranged version from someone of your claimed proficiency might sound like. I don't know that I'll ever hear it, but whatever...
    Last edited by matt.guitarteacher; 11-15-2014 at 01:45 PM.

  7. #406
    Quote Originally Posted by inwalkedbud

    Sure but I took two ... and (obviously) no backing track
    Very hip. Thanks for kicking things off btw.

  8. #407

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    Lot of good players on here

  9. #408

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    Lot of good players on here

  10. #409

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    I know I've been on Vacation for a few weeks so I'm out of the loop a little and didn't read every post.....But the last thing I remember was there was a few tracks that were finished and were going to be uploaded on the 10th... Not learn a new song and work out something for that for a few next days and then upload.

    Seriously Jay you have made the claims that you are an excellent sight reader, multiple voices no less. I mean the tune isn't hard...I'm starting to think this is a put on

    anyway now for some's a MIDI track I did a few years ago in Reason for a comedy video...dedicated to David Hasselhoff

  11. #410

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    Quote Originally Posted by matt.guitarteacher
    Very hip. Thanks for kicking things off btw.

    Well ill it was my understanding that we'd gotten to the "put up or shut up" phase... What can I say .... I like to talk

  12. #411
    Quote Originally Posted by inwalkedbud
    Well ill it was my understanding that we'd gotten to the "put up or shut up" phase... What can I say .... I like to talk
    Do you sing by the way? I actually really liked the vocalizations as much as anything. Very fun, quick recording...

  13. #412

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    Quote Originally Posted by danwaineo
    As far as I know that pretty much defines Sinatra's style.

    Step 1: Go here:
    Step 2: Hit the "upload" button
    Listen, Dan, if you are suggesting that it is a piece of cake, thanks. Because I have never used this site before.

    If you are trying to be a wise guy, I'll let the music speak for itself. BTW, in case you and anyone else, including apparently DJangoles and that pudgy, pasty-faced music teacher, Matt, don't have the common sense or courtesy to be civil online, I suggest you shut up now while you are ahead. I said I will put the music up by Sunday and today is Saturday. I'm trying to find the time and quiet to record the final take.

    Perhaps you all have sheet music. I do not and don't intend to spend $5 on sheet music for the pleasure. I'm working out some spots in the melody that are not clear to me. In this situation I usually rely on a good vocalist like Sinatra or Sarah Vaugh. Unfortunately the only singers I heard on YT were a couple of lousy Sinatra recording and one by Ella.

    And yes I have a decent cell phone but no, I don't have any apps to upload music. No iPad. Not even a working camcorder. I have a Tascam DR -05, a MacBook, and a PC desktop, plus I record usually to a Korg d1200. I have a couple of fake books but none with this song. But what I will post will be good. And it will happen as soon as I can finish it. And that is very soon. At which point I will upload onto Sound Cloud.

    One can really appreciate the incivility of those who feel empowered by the anonymity of the internet. Remarkable. Of course, we have such excellent moderators on here. But that's ok. I thought this was just an opportunity to hear music, which was a success for some. Not a platform for uninformed stupidity and anonymous aggression.

    Maybe you guys need to get laid or something of luck.
    Last edited by targuit; 11-15-2014 at 04:15 PM.

  14. #413

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    Did you really just make fun of the way another member looks? What is this, seventh grade?

    Of course, the best way to make sure you never have to post your jazz playing is to get banned from the site.

  15. #414

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    Quote Originally Posted by targuit
    Listen, Dan, if you are suggesting that it is a piece of cake, thanks. Because I have never used this site before.

    If you are trying to be a wise guy, I'll let the music speak for itself. BTW, in case you and anyone else, including apparently DJangoles and that pudgy, pasty-faced music teacher, Matt, don't have the common sense or courtesy to be civil online, I suggest you shut up now while you are ahead. I said I will put the music up by Sunday and today is Saturday. I'm trying to find the time and quiet to record the final take.

    Perhaps you all have sheet music. I do not and don't intend to spend $5 on sheet music for the pleasure. I'm working out some spots in the melody that are not clear to me. In this situation I usually rely on a good vocalist like Sinatra or Sarah Vaugh. Unfortunately the only singers I heard on YT were a couple of lousy Sinatra recording and one by Ella.

    And yes I have a decent cell phone but no, I don't have any apps to upload music. No iPad. Not even a working camcorder. I have a Tascam DR -05, a MacBook, and a PC desktop, plus I record usually to a Korg d1200. I have a couple of fake books but none with this song. But what I will post will be good. And it will happen as soon as I can finish it. And that is very soon. At which point I will upload onto Sound Cloud.

    One can really appreciate the incivility of those who feel empowered by the anonymity of the internet. Remarkable. Of course, we have such excellent moderators on here. But that's ok. I thought this was just an opportunity to hear music, which was a success for some. Not a platform for uninformed stupidity and anonymous aggression.

    Maybe you guys need to get laid or something of luck.
    Yes, I've been such a coward. I shall now reveal my true identity. The user Danwaineo is revealed to be the person...

    Dan Waineo.

    I'll tell my wife I need to get laid. Thanks for that.

    I really doubt this is the first time you have had this type of experience (on the internet or elsewhere). These are all kind people on this forum including Richb (I would say honesty is a form of kindness). Charlie Haden has said you have to be a nice person to play jazz.

    As unpleasant as it will be, maybe you need to recognize the problem is YOU.

  16. #415

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    As I said earlier, for someone who has a medical degree, you're struggling man. The EASIEST THING is to upload to soundcloud. Why in earth would you even ask someone how to do it? It's not brain surgery. The instructions are clearly written there on the site. Even I figured it out in about less than a minute. As a matter of fact I didn't read too much. It's self explanatory. There's a button that says, UPLOAD.

    Jay - you clearly are not on the up and up.
    Last edited by henryrobinett; 11-15-2014 at 05:11 PM. Reason: typos

  17. #416

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    Seriously....I just had sex with my girlfriend

    Anyway If you need a lead sheet for out of nowhere go to google type "Out Of Nowhere Changes" click on's also in the real book I believe.

  18. #417
    Quote Originally Posted by mr. beaumont
    Did you really just make fun of the way another member looks? What is this, seventh grade?

    Of course, the best way to make sure you never have to post your jazz playing is to get banned from the site.
    Please, please. He's going to post it "very soon". He's been saying so for weeks.

    Let's get back to the original topic. We're talking about "tracks":

    Last edited by matt.guitarteacher; 11-15-2014 at 05:15 PM.

  19. #418

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    Quote Originally Posted by matt.guitarteacher
    Please, please. He's going to post it "very soon". He's been saying so for weeks.

    Let's stay on topic. We're talking about tracks:

    He's said he would post something for about a year.

  20. #419

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    Quote Originally Posted by targuit
    Listen, Dan, if you are suggesting that it is a piece of cake, thanks. Because I have never used this site before.

    If you are trying to be a wise guy, I'll let the music speak for itself. BTW, in case you and anyone else, including apparently DJangoles and that pudgy, pasty-faced music teacher, Matt, don't have the common sense or courtesy to be civil online, I suggest you shut up now while you are ahead. I said I will put the music up by Sunday and today is Saturday. I'm trying to find the time and quiet to record the final take.

    Perhaps you all have sheet music. I do not and don't intend to spend $5 on sheet music for the pleasure. I'm working out some spots in the melody that are not clear to me. In this situation I usually rely on a good vocalist like Sinatra or Sarah Vaugh. Unfortunately the only singers I heard on YT were a couple of lousy Sinatra recording and one by Ella.

    And yes I have a decent cell phone but no, I don't have any apps to upload music. No iPad. Not even a working camcorder. I have a Tascam DR -05, a MacBook, and a PC desktop, plus I record usually to a Korg d1200. I have a couple of fake books but none with this song. But what I will post will be good. And it will happen as soon as I can finish it. And that is very soon. At which point I will upload onto Sound Cloud.

    One can really appreciate the incivility of those who feel empowered by the anonymity of the internet. Remarkable. Of course, we have such excellent moderators on here. But that's ok. I thought this was just an opportunity to hear music, which was a success for some. Not a platform for uninformed stupidity and anonymous aggression.

    Maybe you guys need to get laid or something of luck.
    Wow, digging the ad hominems, so much drama.

    If you want sheet music just google the song title and click image.

    Soundcloud is completely sefl explanatory.

    And for the record you said you'd record something and post on the 10th

    And before that...

    You've been saying you'd record and post something soon for over a year. Over and over and over again. All the while with you being as good or better than the pros on the site and with your great ear, composition, and sight reading abilities. Very strange to say the least.

    You're the one that created this childish pissing contest/challenge.
    Last edited by fep; 11-15-2014 at 05:15 PM.

  21. #420

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    Matt - this is the link that you may have missed posted a couple of days ago. Perhaps you could listen. A country song and a bluesy New Orleans style - both originals.

    I really don't understand why people feel enabled under the cover of Internet anonymity to say stuff that they would not dare to say to another individual in person. It may have also escaped you that I complimented you on your version. Sincerely. In response, like a dog gnawing on a bone, you choose to rag on me, when I said I would post by Sunday. And I'm trying to get it done. Remarkable.

    What is truly astonishing is that you all are willing to overlook the bile posted by Rich on another thread. If I had the time and the motivation I would search for it and link it, but I don't have the stomach for that kind of thing. And Jeff, I complimented your fine version.

    You all have not heard my version of this song. But there is a link to sound click in this post. So if you think I cannot play, take a listen. And no, it isn't pure jazz. What I will put up quite soon is. And no, I won't record it with my cellphone with an app I do not have. Nor the camcorder that I do not have.

    What will be truly enlightening will be when I do post the song, and you guys will comment on it. I will be interested to hear your critiques. But not baseless ragging on me because your internet anonymity gives you a courage to say things you would not dare in person. If you don't get that, then it is truly a lost cause to try and dialogue.

    Djangoles - I was looking for a lead sheet with the melody because I am kind of a stickler for the details. This song is highly protected. I have a couple of fake books including a Hal Leonard Real Ultimate Jazz Fake Book and another. Neither book has this song. So if you want to help, post a link to a site with the melody. That is all the fine adjustment I'm doing at this point. And I did Google for the song with links to sites like music plus. The online Real Book link I found has a page with the songs listed and a next to the title with the explanation that "greedy music publishers have removed the music on their site due to copyright" or something to that effect. Anyway I can't even find a decent recording - all I wanted is to get the vocal correct.

    But that is besides the point. I will look forward to hearing your response to the music. Oh, and one other thing. Funny how life is - once in a while you are reminded what is truly important. In previous post defending myself against baseless accusations of being a fake, inauthentic, etc., I posted a comment that I am a musician and serious as a heart attack.

    An hour ago, I got a call from my sister that my eighty five year old uncle, last survivor of the siblings in my Dad's family, was just hospitalized with AMI - a heart attack. So chill out till you hear my version of this song, lest you make more of a fool of yourself. In life there are priorities. Posting music is not likely one of them by comparison, wouldn't you say? And btw, I have made a few test recordings of this song, as I noted earlier. Pretty good. You be the judge - but how about waiting until you hear it.

    Last edited by targuit; 11-15-2014 at 05:46 PM.

  22. #421

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  23. #422

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    There is no pissing contest, Henry. And remember, face downwind the next time.


  24. #423

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    Thanks for the link, DJ. Appreciate it. I looked in a few sites by not this one. Thanks.

    Oh, and for the record, I guess the post by Rich which our esteemed moderator termed "cranky" is right on this thread - here is the link.

    Judge for yourselves if this is just good natured ribbing or something else, perhaps amendable to an atypical antipsychotic med....

    Practicing Lines - Do you need a backing track of some sort?
    Last edited by targuit; 11-15-2014 at 06:15 PM.

  25. #424
    Jay, like you, I think priorities are very important. Every minute I spend on the internet is a moment away from family and other obligations. That's a choice. But you have to also be honest and admit that, by your own actions, you are prioritizing "talking about" playing over actual playing, learning to upload a tune etc. Even if you type 5,000 words per minute, you've had more than enough time over the last year to figure it out.

    I'll be real with you and admit that I didn't listen to your music until this morning. Honestly, I have to say that I think Vladan's take on it was pretty fair. You pieced together a lot of parts and there are some good ideas, but the timing isn't great.

    I spent a fair amount of time in midi back in the day and, like Vladan, I don't understand why you wouldn't have quantized it somewhat. There are infinite tweaks you can do adjusting the degree of eighth note swing and the percentage "strength" of the quantization, keeping the human touch in there from the original performance. It would also seem to be pretty easy to mute the midi guitar and just monitor through an amp while recording. That way, the latency could be pretty well addressed on the back end, keeping the timing on the original take intact.

    There are a lot worse amateur things that are posted daily by many people on this forum, and no one has anything bad to say about them. Pros offer encouragement and helpful suggestions. The reason people are irritated with you is that you are openly critical, condescending and antagonistic towards others. You don't support consensus-bucking opinions with anything tangible or credible.

    If I say "skip the surgery and have and extra dose of vitamin C" the entire medical community is going to say that's rubbish until I actually back that up. Things aren't "true" until they're demonstrated to be so. That's real life. Wild, out-there statements aren't taken seriously until you've demonstrated some credibility.

    In terms of internet anonymity, well that's it in its purest form. You can say anything without backing it up. You can insult people and criticize their methods or ideas without having to demonstrate your own credibility. You've done that in another thread, saying that I don't teach "grown-up" music etc. That's not just a critique of my methods it's a personal insult.

    For my part, I've tried to limit my comments to your actual behavior and the things you've actually said. I haven't attacked your person. I've attacked your attitude and your refusal to do the things you've promised, but that's very different from calling names. I said I was "calling 'troll'" on one particular behavior of yours. I saw this as being slightly different from outright calling you a troll. I'm sure I was wrong.

    I apologize if you took this as a personal attack or name-calling. I just find your off-topic rants and insults to others' use of tab or whatever to be aggressive and belligerent. It's also bizarre and insulting to turn every conversation about any topic into being about you, your beliefs about Sibelius, and continuing long stories about how reading at a very high level is just easy and how well you read music. Every conversation doesn't have to be about you.

    Dale Carnegie wrote an excellent book that has never gone out of print titled "How to Win Friends and Influence People". A couple of the primary tenets are things like "talk about the other person" and "talk in terms of what interests them". This book is worth its weight in gold really. Jay, people will think you are witty, entertaining and a great conversationalist if you adhere to the principals in that book.

    I'm sorry for being personally offended by your comments, and egging you on. I need to get offline myself.

    Please accept my best wishes for your uncle's recovery. I can appreciate priorities.

    BTW, my mother and all of the senior adults at my church think I'm a real good lookin' guy! Ha! :-)

  26. #425

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    Quote Originally Posted by matt.guitarteacher
    Please accept my best wishes for your uncle's recovery. I can appreciate priorities.

    BTW, my mother and all of the senior adults at my church think I'm a real good lookin' guy! Ha! :-)
    +1 to Jay's uncle's recovery

    +1 I think you're a good looking guy too.