The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #26

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    I have lots of material, including many songs with lyrics.

    You can go to an old website to hear Vicki Doney and Steve Ash on the original demo for Not a Bad November (plus some other tunes for a date I never released and never will, but the tunes are there:

    SoundClick artist: Joel Fass - Jazz Guitarist/Composer/Arranger

    There's also a whole 2 sets of material with a good NY band and 'boy and girl' singers from this past Jan. 27 at Smalls (you have to pay a small fee to stream it):

    Smalls Jazz Club - SmallsLIVE

    Then, there's a wonderful video done for the Jazz Foundation of America, that went wordwide, featuring You're My Foundation, co-written with the late Jimmy Norman---and performed by a choir of their clients (with Sean Harkness, not me, on guitar---he also arranged the date):


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #27

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    Hello All -

    You might think I'm just 'liking' everything here to boost the thread and give lots of encouragement, etc etc, but actually I'm blown away by the sheer quality of nearly all these posts. There are truly some great musicians around!

    I was just wondering what really is the difference between what the pro's do and what you're obviously capable of. Is it just publicity and exposure? Or they play faster sometimes (!), or their tunes are more memorable? Much of the time they're not their tunes, of course, they've been composed by someone else.

    In some cases they're evidently displaying highly advanced musicianship, especially the more modern players, but that's not always so. And the advanced, developed players aren't always the more popular.

    I don't know what you think about this. Are we really so far behind or is it just a question of fortune and dedication? Bearing in mind that many of the best have crashed so badly? Is our relative anonymity actually a blessing? What do you think?

  4. #28

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    Good stuff everybody, after this post I'll go back to page 2 to continue listening. On my YT channel, sound cloud and bandcamp, there's a number of my originals. They are all what, at some time, I considered "B choice". Hopefully, I'll start posting "A choice" some time soon, but that means nothing, A vs. B, since I could never get it right what the people would prefer.

    I see non - jazz - midi - techno - stuff being posted on this thread, so here it goes and more will come:

    I made this on Propellerhead's Rebirth (TR 808/909/ TB 303 soft clone) back in 1999-2000,

  5. #29

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    It's about time someone posted some polka psy-trance. This grabbed me right away.

  6. #30

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    To be honest, I was really hoping that we'd get composing new things just for the thread, probably jazz. But, per the header, that takes time. But we're still doing great. There's some brilliant stuff out there.

  7. #31

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    Ok, as far as I'm concerned this is JAZZ, on guitar. I named it In The World Project.
    Following clip is final stage, complete tune, as I imagined it was at the time.
    Please be sure to read explanation below the clip.

    The music it self is based on one old pop rock song of mine.
    I offered the music and the recording in various stages of formation, even here on this forum, proposing free use to anybody interested, even in commercial pourposes, no obligations, except to mention the source and possibly give the link to my clips and/ or pages and let me post their efforts on my pages, with, or without monetization, as you like it.
    Not many participated, Oilywrag was the only one from here, I think, and one other guy from one other forum.

    Nevertheless, here are:
    1. Blog page: VladanMovies & CCC - Car Camera Clips: Community project: In The World
    2. Youtube Playlist, with all stages: Community Project: In The World - YouTube
    3. Soundcloud, audio only, all stages + efforts by other people:

  8. #32

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    Quote Originally Posted by fasstrack
    Sure. Known him forever, and have been on his radio show at Fairleigh Dickinson...
    He was my teacher back around 77. I've had maybe 10 lessons. 7-8 were with him.

  9. #33

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    Okay, guys, terrific.

    I'm sorry you've got a phobia, Stevebol, there's certainly nothing wrong with your music! I agree using the computer is nothing compared to jamming with other responsive musos. To be honest, every track I make takes literally hours sometimes but I persevere because it's a relief when it's over... I mean, that's why they invented engineers, right?

    No, anything goes here, old ones, new ones, anything that we've done. Because it's ours and we did it. I just had the idea having a place to post stuff might encourage people to write, that's all. I'm trying to get my ass off the ground into something as we speak.

    (Don't tell Vladan, but I like his site too. You get free musical trips to Italy...)

  10. #34

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  11. #35

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevebol
    He was my teacher back around 77. I've had maybe 10 lessons. 7-8 were with him.
    Great guy. We go back to '82, when we both played the West End with Percy France.

    I'm sure he's playing my CD on his show, and I appreciate the hell out of that...

  12. #36

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    Don't want to spam too much but forum members might enjoy this one from the Hot Club of Jupiter album which features Nigel Price on guitar.

    The Ajani used to be a hip jazz and food place, sadly now closed. The tune itself very simple, purpose designed as a gypsy jazz jam session number.

  13. #37

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    Also from 2011 and once again abandoned due to "elevator music" infection.

    Last edited by Philco; 04-18-2017 at 07:39 PM.

  14. #38

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    Here's a recent one. Kind of a smooth jazz thingy.....

    Last edited by Dana; 04-18-2017 at 08:20 PM.

  15. #39

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    Thank god the dog wasn't singing along, they like to do that...

    My nightmare is the ice cream van... always turns up just when...

  16. #40

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    Quote Originally Posted by Philco
    Also from 2011 and once again abandoned due to "elevator music" infection.

    That was sweet man. Couldn't decide whether that was Larry Carlton or George Benson.

  17. #41

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    I heard some of those very fine tunes here.
    I would like to contribute with this original:

    Cheers Uffe
    Last edited by Uffe Steen; 04-20-2017 at 06:05 AM.

  18. #42

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    I can't remember if I posted this before or not but there's no harm in posting it again, so here it is - my attempt to write a tune in the style of Jimmy Bryant -

  19. #43

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    BTW - my wife and I caught Mike Stern at the 55 bar on Monday (he's up and playing again folks), gave this review:

    'He reminds me of the log lady from Twin Peaks. If the log lady played the guitar, that's what it would sound like.'

    Anyway I think that was a good thing, cos she insisted on staying for the second set.

    Anyway definitely hearing the Stern in your playing Fuzz :-)

  20. #44

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    I don't like Mike Stern. I don't like the echo-y sound and I think his tunes are boring. I went to a show once in Brighton before I knew what it was about. Famous jazz guitarist, I thought, this'll be great! It wasn't. I left.

    Right, that's my miserable negative post of the day over with :-)

    If only Mike Stern had played like FUZZTHEBEE I'd have had a party

    P.S. He can play very fast, though, I'll give him that

  21. #45

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    original composition,in tribute to Vinicius de Moraes

  22. #46

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    In the spirit of the thread let's just post our songs.
    This is like an old-school master class. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. The point of master classes used to be to listen carefully and point out positives.

  23. #47

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    What a great thread, so much Music here, my favourite is The Lost Balloon from Ragman which has someithing in it that keeps me listening. Maybe I'm still childish...

    And my penny in the fountain:

  24. #48

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tomcat
    What a great thread, so much Music here, my favourite is The Lost Balloon from Ragman which has something in it that keeps me listening. Maybe I'm still childish...
    Czesc, Tomek. I've looked at SLOW music and it's all very professional so a mention from you is appreciated.

    And I hope you are still childish! We can lose it so easily...

  25. #49

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    Some music from an old VHS movie with somewhat Jazzy smell (video in this clip is completely NOT related to that movie) ...

  26. #50

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    Quote Originally Posted by ragman1
    Hello All -

    You might think I'm just 'liking' everything here to boost the thread and give lots of encouragement, etc etc, but actually I'm blown away by the sheer quality of nearly all these posts. There are truly some great musicians around!

    I was just wondering what really is the difference between what the pro's do and what you're obviously capable of. Is it just publicity and exposure? Or they play faster sometimes (!), or their tunes are more memorable? Much of the time they're not their tunes, of course, they've been composed by someone else.

    In some cases they're evidently displaying highly advanced musicianship, especially the more modern players, but that's not always so. And the advanced, developed players aren't always the more popular.

    I don't know what you think about this. Are we really so far behind or is it just a question of fortune and dedication? Bearing in mind that many of the best have crashed so badly? Is our relative anonymity actually a blessing? What do you think?
    Art Farmer is the only musician I ever heard say publicly that he was NOT a composer (except, of course, that he WAS. He composed to me on a high level every solo).

    I think you can really spot the player/composers. Their improvising seems to be more focused, better edited and more purposeful---at least to me. Everybody has licks and pet phrases, of course---but, if used right, that's VOCABULARY. I recommend a book of interviews with Lee Konitz, a very astute commentator, and justifiably so, on improvisation. For one thing, he referred to Charlie Parker as a 'composer'---just what I was saying, he had a stockpile of ideas he kept reshaping---plus the ability to play anything that came into his head instantly.

    I won't pile into the 'fortune' piece. Life is tough, and the good die young---but not always. Tom Harrell is an inspiration on so many levels, with all he's had to deal with---and talk about a player/composer!! But look at how many years he's been at it. Recordings were uncovered of him playing the Guaraldi 'Peanuts' music at 16! You have to keep at it.

    In pop music, there used to be professional songwriters (Goffin-King; Neil Sedaka, Bacharach-David, etc) who wrote for all the 'name' acts.That all changed in the era of Dylan, Beatles, Joni Mitchell, etc. Even Stevie Wonder did mostly other people's tunes until he blossomed into the master writer he is.

    It's not NECESSARY to compose, but I believe it helps. Improvising, done right IS composing. So Mr. Farmer was, methinks, too hard on himself...
    Last edited by fasstrack; 04-22-2017 at 08:41 PM.