The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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    Another good video. Nice insight into Wayne's style.

  4. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Christian Miller
    Haha.. sorry I will not look into it until I feel deep into the song myself ())

    Is it somehow related to our recent discussion we had not long ago?

  5. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonah
    Haha.. sorry I will not look into it until I feel deep into the song myself ())

    Is it somehow related to our recent discussion we had not long ago?
    yeah, for sure…. but I’ve been thinking about this tune for a long time

  6. #5

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    I just noticed I have the last 8 bars different in two different Real Books that a guy gave me.
    The F#m7b5 could belong in the parallel major key as the #4m half dim. chord, the F7+11 the IV7,
    The E7b5 (#9) as a Bb13 could be the bVII7, the A7b5 (#9) as an Eb13 could be the bIII7.

    That leaves us with an F melody note on a Cm7, which is an opportunity to do all types of things as a turnaround, because we've had enough bloody Cm7 in this tune to last us a lifetime anyway.

    On the F melody, we could make it more fun to blow on by continuing the pattern by using either a D7#9 or Ab13 bVI7 for two bars, and then a Db7 as a bII7 to get us back to the Cm7.

    Or if you must have the Cm11 sound, just play one bar each of the Ab13 and the Db7 (or G7b5), and stay on the Cm11 for 2 measures, or one measure, followed by a Db13, because the F only lasts for three measures.

    You could do this only on the blowing section, or make your own arr. of it.
    There's so little chord movement in the first 16 measures, that any added chromatic movement would only be welcome.
    Anything to keep it from being like Equinox, the worst POS minor blues ever written.

    The jerks who screwed up Footprints with the D13 Db13 seemed to want to turn it into another POS like a"Comin' Home Baby" ripoff.
    Anyway, this has given me some ideas

  7. #6

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    Anything to keep it from being like Equinox, the worst POS minor blues ever written.

    The jerks who screwed up Footprints with the D13 Db13 seemed to want to turn it into another POS like a"Comin' Home Baby" ripoff.
    Anyway, this has given me some ideas

  8. #7

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    Hej Christian, very nice outing into Waynes footprint world, thanks!

  9. #8

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    I forgot the syllables you used so now, instead of 123 123 it’s Bur-lap sac, bur-lap sac, repeating in my head the whole time I play this.
    Last edited by AllanAllen; 04-12-2024 at 08:45 AM.

  10. #9

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    Great, you wanna cancel D Db Cm11 for the last 4? Another case of cancel culture gone wild. Not gonna happen with me thou, I'll keep at it!