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  1. #1

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    Been looking for either a SS15 or Jimmy Bruno for some time. If you are aware of any for sale, please let me know. Thanks.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    There are some on Reverb, and you can also get brand new ones directly from Sadowsky.

  4. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by sgosnell
    There are some on Reverb, and you can also get brand new ones directly from Sadowsky.
    Thanks but there are NO Sadowsky JB on Reverb and one Pink ss-15 for $6k.

  5. #4

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    Well, they come and go, although not in large numbers, probably because they don't sell in large numbers. I suspect your best bet is to buy new. I have no knowledge of delivery times, though, nor of what is available. It's definitely a niche market with low volume. Thus the high prices.

  6. #5

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    Just so you know, the necks on those two models are quite different. I have a JB. It has an extra fret clear of the body, and standard 1-11/16 neck. I thought RS was bringing back that model, but it doesn't look like it has happened (yet).

  7. #6

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    Thanks for information. I didn't know that. I seem to think there was a falling out between JB and Roger S such that the models were discontinued.

  8. #7

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    The Brunos are back in production. There were 4-6 of them on the Sadowsky online store in late summer and then they were gone. Both are great sounding guitars. I've played both but owned neither one ... yet!

  9. #8

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    Good to know. Thanks.

  10. #9

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    There are a lot of these in Japan if you want to go down that road. Check out dolphin guitars.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. #10

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    Man, wish i could always on the lookout for the older original JBs. I had a blond one at one time that im kicking myself that i sold it..damn.

  12. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by ewall
    Been looking for either a SS15 or Jimmy Bruno for some time. If you are aware of any for sale, please let me know. Thanks.
    You can buy some SS-15s directly from Japan by using an agent...

    sadowsky ss-15????????????????

    You can use these agents to buy for you..

    Shop Rakuten Japan | ZenMarket

    Grab the best japanese product deals on Rakuten Japan
    - Neokyo

  13. #12

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    ????????????????? | WALKiN'

    ?????????????????? | WALKiN'

    JPY500000.00 each-brand new, export price sans 10% sales tax. No need to pay an agent fees and the corresponding Japanese 10% sales tax-the agent pays the sales tax because it is considered a domestic sale. Masaki-san of Walkin Japan will do right by you.

  14. #13

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    SADOWSKY Frank Vignola Model (TBK) - ドルフィンギターズ

    I just bought this black Frank Vignola model directly from Dolphin Guitars for about US$3750, shipped to my door in China. I'll be taking delivery in a few weeks when I get back to China from vacation.

  15. #14

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    Dolphin Guitars are good people, too.

    MorganP, isn't there a 17% China Import Duty on foreign goods? When you get back to China after your vacation I don't want you to get a surprise: guitar impounded for non-payment of duty. I hope you have someone in China paying duty on your behalf.

  16. #15

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    Another brand new SS-15 for sale.

  17. #16

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    Yes...sigh...but they didn't have this model in China only one semi-hollow...

    The courier will contact me and pay on my behalf.

  18. #17

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    Quote Originally Posted by MorganP
    Yes...sigh...but they didn't have this model in China only one semi-hollow...

    The courier will contact me and pay on my behalf.
    All right. Glad you have it sorted.

  19. #18

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    Not to encourage you in particular, but if you are spending dollars, it's a pretty good time to buy from Japan. The yen was down to about 150 recently, back to around 144 these days. (Higher number = better for American dollars.) I'm in Japan now. I am American, but was married here 30 years ago. The yen was about 82 back then. Felt like the pauper I am. These days, I feel almost middle class. ;-)

    Sadowsky SS15 or Jimmy Bruno-2024-01-04_21-06-08-png

  20. #19

    User Info Menu

    One 2017 SS15 was just posted today on here:
    FS: 2017 Sadowsky SS-15 Carmel Burst

    There is also a 2022 black SS15 on Reverb in the UK that I was eyeing but its out of my budget. I've spoken with the seller and hes willing to come down quite considerably (less than the one above) but you'll have to factor in shipping and import fees.
    Sadowsky SS-15 2022 - Transparent black | Reverb

  21. #20

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    Pickers Supply in Fredericksburg VA has a ss15 currently. It's priced a little high I think (5500) though no telling if there's some wiggle room. Not sure the year, but it looks very clean... Really sharp finish too.

    I'm "175-curious" and if I ever get to the point were I can't fight the the somewhat irrational desire any longer I'll be sure to post my 2020 here... if you're still looking. Good luck!

    Picker’s Supply Product Inventory | Picker's Supply

  22. #21

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    Did you find what you were looking for. I have a Jimmy Bruno I may be selling.

  23. #22

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    I have decided to sell the Sienna Burst Sadowky Frank Vignola that I bought. I've decided that Ilike nitro lacquered guitars. The FV is similar to an SS-15...but it has two pickups instead of one but everything else is the same. Here is the listing if you are still searching.

    Sadowsky Frank Vignola 2023 - Sienna Burst | Reverb

    Sadowsky SS15 or Jimmy Bruno-img_1274-jpg
    Last edited by MorganP; 04-18-2024 at 04:59 PM.

  24. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by Soccerpoodle
    Did you find what you were looking for. I have a Jimmy Bruno I may be selling.
    Thanks much. After a very long time without success, I found a 2002 Heritage H-575 with a floating p/u at a reasonable price. Just need to lower the action a little but it will fill the bill for a while.

  25. #24

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    Hope you find one. Love mine, and wish you the best in your search.