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  1. #51
    How do I set playback in Reaper to my computer speakers?

    I don't want to use monitors or headphones. I want to mix to suit pos speakers because that's what I listen on and what most people listen on. It's also annoying and uncomfortable to wear headphones while recording. And I would have to buy unnecessary equipment if I bought monitors.
    Last edited by Jimmy Smith; 04-30-2024 at 05:49 PM.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #52

    User Info Menu

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Smith View Post
    How do I set playback in Reaper to my computer speakers?

    I don't want to use monitors or headphones. I want to mix to suit pos speakers because that's what I listen on and what most people listen on. It's also annoying and uncomfortable to wear headphones while recording. And I would have to buy unnecessary equipment if I bought monitors.
    I think most people listen with ear buds a various quality.

    To answer the question, in Reaper on a PC at the top right of the screen you'll see something like what I see on my pc: "48khz 24bit WAV...". Double click that and change your Audio System, Driver, Inputs, and Outputs to match the soundcard built into your computer. I can't help beyond that as I'm using a desktop that didn't come with speakers so I can't test exactly what you need to set. Perhaps searching something like "setting up Reaper to my internal sound card". It's possible you might need to disconnect your external audio device, I'm not sure.

    What I do instead, in my Master Channel effects bin I have an EQ that mimics the sound of inferior speakers. I toggle that on and off to try to get my mix working for my monitor speakers/studio headphones and for the eq simulated inferior speakers. Here's a picture of that EQ which is just two bands, a high pass at 200hz and 1.7 band width and a low pass at 4500hz and a 1.7 band width. You don't need to get too precious about the exact eq setting, mainly you are getting rid of the bass fundamental that inferior speakers can't pick up.:
    Attached Images Attached Images Daw hep-eq-bad-speakers-png 

  4. #53

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    JS, you could do the following but I do not recommend it, the latency is far too big, it's pretty much unusable - go to Options - Preferences.
    Daw hep-helix-png

    You could do get an adapter and connect the PC speakers to the headphones output of the audio interface, or even the monitor outputs. That would work but the PC speakers are probably not that great for audio tracking/recording although they might be sufficient for home playback.
    Still, the better solution - if possible/affordable - is to get some used 5" speakers - something like the Yamaha HS5 that I have, but there are lots of brands out there. Buy used, you should be able to get something decent for a good price.

  5. #54
    Thx guys. I ordered some monitors and I'll try the eq plugin to simulate inferior speakers. I can also use the monitors to play drum and bass loops that I create to practice to. This will be easier to use, cheaper, and sound better than a loop pedal and bass amp. I tried adjusting the preferences to play back thru the comp speakers and it worked. Good to know I also have that tool at my disposal.

  6. #55

    User Info Menu

    If I’m making a video playing over a backing track, I hate wearing headphones so in order to hear the backing while I’m playing, I feed the headphone output of my audio interface straight into my PC speakers using a standard audio lead (3.5mm plugs). Fortunately the speakers have an audio input on them which allows this.

    I use Reaper with a Focusrite 2i2. When it’s set to use the focusrite drivers (ASIO option) all sound (in and out) goes via the interface with virtually no latency, so doing it this way works fine.

  7. #56
    I bet that works well. I only have laptops so I had to buy some monitors. I tried doing playback back through the computer and its speakers and it worked fine for practicing.