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  1. #1
    Enlightened Rogue Guest
    It is a dark, rainy day here. To brighten the atmosphere during a rainy day I like to watch this clip of Mike and Leni Stern out on a pretty day. They both seem relaxed and their genuine selves. It is a cool capture in time.

    Last edited by Enlightened Rogue; 06-02-2024 at 12:24 PM. Reason: NA


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

    User Info Menu

    Man, there ain't one thing wrong with that!! Joyous!!!

    I only wish my day were going as well LOL

  4. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Enlightened Rogue
    The Django Reinhardt tune "Nuages" performed by Julian Bream should help to find the silver lining.
    Pretty, but can't compete in the JOY dept. with the Stern's video! I don't even listen to Stern (I'm not much of a bebop fan), but I watch every interview I can find, I love that guy, his demeanor and smile is contagious! He's genuinely one of the people I've seen not be able to contain his JOY while playing the instrument (also Julian Lage, Eddie Van Halen, among others)

  5. #4

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    Mike and Leni both radiate joy when they are playing. Even Mike's near career-ending injuries don't seem to have damped his spirits. Even though Mike's playing is a little too dense for my ears to really understand, I love listening to him because of the joy he sends out. He seems to be beaming every time he has a guitar in his hands. Leni's playing is joyful in a different way. Her recent album "Dance" is wonderful.

  6. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by ruger9
    I love that guy, his demeanor and smile is contagious! He's genuinely one of the people I've seen not be able to contain his JOY while playing the instrument (also Julian Lage, Eddie Van Halen, among others)

    Another joyous player and all round nice guy is blues guitarist Kirk Fletcher. Check him out on his you tube channel.

  7. #6

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    Leni is playing in Mike's quartet these days. I think it is awesome that they are playing together.

  8. #7

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    Mike's new album is out soon, I think I saw on FB where it's available for pre-order.

  9. #8

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    They are such a loving couple. One of those couples where I say they're so lucky to have found each other.
    They make beautiful music together.

  10. #9

    User Info Menu

    Just listened to Leni's "DANCE" album. Loved it...all types of sounds and flavors..Joyous overall. I hear so many things in there even hints of Carlos and Garcia.

  11. #10

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    That's so cool! Their joy is contagious!

    Why is Leni looking like she could be in a ska band or something?