Part 5 - playing over min7b5 chords using harmonic minor off the 7th chord

A continuation from part 4 where I am playing over the 5 chord and not directly over the min7b5,
this example uses C Harmonic minor over the Dm7b5 chord.

The C Harmonic minor scale starting on G yields a G7b9b13 with the root being the sus4.

Interesting side bar is that G7b9sus is an Fmin/G chord which borrows from the 2nd minor 3rd
series of dominant 7th chords. (G7, Bb7) where Fm is the ii chord to the Bb7.

Over the G7 chord itself I'm mostly using C harmonic minor but in the second example, I borrow the Bb
from the Altered scale briefly (Ab Melodic Minor), highlighted in red.

I'm also using a technique of approach notes toward the target "juice tones" of the G7 chord. This is
true for both the Dm7b5 and G7. The chromatic approach tones are colored green in the examples.

You could compose lines entirely of C Harmonic minor over both the Dm7b5 and G7 but if you
listen to Bird (who loved C Harmonic minor over Dm7b5-G7), more often than not, he spiced it up with
chromatic approach notes and enclosures.

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#GibsonArchtops #GibsonL4CES #altereddominant