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Part 2 - How to play over Min7b5 (half diminished), Ibanez Benson, FractalAudio

Part 1 of this series discussed using minor, up a minor 3rd from the root (Fm over Dm7b5). You can find this on my youtube channel or on my website.

Part 2 uses something different and interesting.

Another way to play over min7b5 chords when they are used in a 2-5-1 is to play over them with melodic minor
up a 1/2 step.


The melodic minor up a 1/2 step outlines an altered ii chord. So in the key of C (or Cmin) if we have
| Dm7b5 G7 | Cmaj or CMin)

The EbMelodic minor over the Dm7b5 overlays a D7b9#9#4#5 chord. In other words, it's the V of V since we
are going to a G7 chord.

This is one of those things which sound weird when you explain it but when you hear it, it will sound familiar.
Everyone from Bird to Trane, from Wes to Martino used these sounds. And of course you can use Ab Melodic
minor over the G7 which gives you the G7b9#9#4#5 chord...

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#jazzguitarlessons #guitarlessons
#jazzguitar #modernjazzguitar #jazzguitarriffs
#IbanezGuitars #IbanezBenson #altereddominant