John Coltrane inspired 2-5-1 lick in the key of C using tritone 2-5

This lick features an often utilized substitution that Coltrane used all the time. A tritone 2-5.

So over a Dm7 G7 C, Coltrane would use the tritone of the 2 and the 5, Abm7 Db7 and then to C.

You can hear this a lot on the Lush Life album. I feature a lot of this harmony in my discussion on Dodecaphonics ( so feel free to read more.

#JohnColtrane #sheetsofsound
#jazzguitarlessons #guitarlessons
#jazzguitar #modernjazzguitar #jazzguitarriffs
#IbanezBenson #quartalharmony #diminishedscale