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  1. #26

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    Pat Martino was recent asked a similar question on minor conversion over on his thread on another site. It's a Cool thread that Pat posts to when not on the road.

    Pat Martino - Jazz Bulletin Board


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #27

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    Thank you DocBop


  4. #28

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    Quote Originally Posted by docbop
    Pat Martino was recent asked a similar question on minor conversion over on his thread on another site. It's a Cool thread that Pat posts to when not on the road.

    Pat Martino - Jazz Bulletin Board
    Yeah, docbop - I was following that thread along for a great while. Very interesting and almost amazing that Pat is willing to spend time online with the public like that.

    This post led to my comments about Pat being into "the geometry of the guitar" in another Pat-related thread on this site.

    It's almost like he got out his Spirograph and had at it!

  5. #29

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    If anyone's interested, I just posted some of my own homework (inspired by this thread), over here: Pat Martino - Multiple Substitutions

  6. #30

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    Interested, appreciative.

  7. #31

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    Martino's tone certainly does vary quite a bit depending on the recording. The instruction vids seem to me to poorly showcase how good he can sound sometimes. Then again, the "Consciousness" tone is pretty close to those vids, so...

    The linked recording from YouTube sounds great imo. Some of his early stuff has more clarity than the "dark and blunt" stuff that came later. And I've heard some recent stuff that sounds good as well.

  8. #32

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    Quote Originally Posted by kris
    "One of the important guitarists of our time is Pat Martino.He uses his masterfull technique with exeptional melodic sense."Linear Expressions" now offers guitarists everywhere the oportunity to share in Pat's insights to improvising.-HERB ELLIS
    Yeah, I shared in Pat's insights into improvising and learned all the lines in that book. I can still play them, and play them fast, but I rarely use them when improvising, whereas I use things gleaned from Charlie Christian and Herb Ellis all the time. I *know* Pat has "masterful technique" and I wasn't dogging anyone for liking him; I said I don't like his tone and rarely enjoy hearing him play. I don't care to sing his solos.

  9. #33

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    All books,transcribing recordings,etc. are only a step in education .
    Look an Django many books was written about his style/gypsy jazz...etc? how many guitarist playing in style of Django?
    I like Django very much but do not play his licks during the gigs.

  10. #34

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    You are not in violation of any law if you don't like or dislike Martino's music. You criticism though, is a bit vascillating. Bad tone, too many notes, his licks have no re-sale value.

    Might I suggest that the only to make a living sounding like Pat Martino is if you are Pat Martino. The same is true any cutting edge player. There aren't that many cutting edge audiences.