Legato 2-1-2 arpeggios over ii-v-1 progression, jazz-archtop style, Lydian, Altered Dom

This lick demonstrates a 2-5-1 chord progression in A (Bm7-E7-AMaj7) and demonstrates how you can create exotic, rich and beautiful tones using simple arpeggios scales and using modern, 2-1-2 style, legato fingering.

IMPORTANT - You can use the jazz licks for fusion and the fusion licks for jazz. Just because the tone is one or the other does *NOT* preclude you using it for other stuff!

Bm7 - Bm11 arpeggio
E7 - AbMaj7#5 arpeggio Ab C D E G gives you 3 #5 b7 root #9, classic altered sound ala brecker
AMaj7 - AMaj13#11 arpeggio

#TimMiller #MikeBrecker
#jazzguitarlessons #guitarlessons
#jazzguitar #modernjazzguitar #jazzguitarriffs
#ibanezbenson #fusionguitar #altereddominant