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  1. #1

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    Are there non-set-in floating magnetic pickups that don’t require attachment to a pick guard or other kinds of intrusive acts that cut into the wood? For example, can you attach a DeArmond Monkey on a stick without cutting into the wood at all? These would be for otherwise fully acoustic archtop guitars that have a sound hole but don’t have a pick guard and will never have a pick guard? My guitar already has a Barbera contact pickup under the bridge, so not talking about contact-piezo pickups. Thanks


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    There are several options. Monkey-on-a-stick requires two small screw holes in the neck; if the right hand end is not supported by a pickguard you can glue a piece of felt or similar to the bottom of the pickup so it just rests on the top of the guitar. Another solution is to mount a floater to the end of the neck; again, screws into the neck but no need for a pickguard. On my Solomon oval-hole archtop, which has no pickguard, I had Tony Duggan-Smith build a little shelf at the end of the neck to support a floater. Finally, you could mount a Krivo or similar to the top with removable putty.

  4. #3

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    Monkey on a stick doesn’t screw in. It clamps to the strings between the bridge and tailpiece. There’s a tab that sits under the pickguard. No holes or cuts needed.
    Attached Images Attached Images Question about Suspended Magnetic Pickups (Floaters)-img_4433-jpg 

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by pcjazz
    There are several options. Monkey-on-a-stick requires two small screw holes in the neck; if the right hand end is not supported by a pickguard you can glue a piece of felt or similar to the bottom of the pickup so it just rests on the top of the guitar. Another solution is to mount a floater to the end of the neck; again, screws into the neck but no need for a pickguard. On my Solomon oval-hole archtop, which has no pickguard, I had Tony Duggan-Smith build a little shelf at the end of the neck to support a floater. Finally, you could mount a Krivo or similar to the top with removable putty.
    Thank you! Just FYI: I too am talking about a Solomon oval-hole archtop, actually a “triangle-hole” archtop. It’s become my #1 guitar, with phosphor-bronze strings. Nothing else comes close, now. I want to keep it at is is, but perhaps add the possibility of incorporating a magnetic pickup WITHOUT messing with the guitar as an acoustic instrument.

    . Question about Suspended Magnetic Pickups (Floaters)-img_7057-jpg

  6. #5

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    You’ll have a hard time finding an 8-string floater.

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by pcjazz
    You’ll have a hard time finding an 8-string floater.
    yeah, for sure. Good point. I inquired about a 8 string CC by this pickup maker in Seattle (famous person, many here know his name,just can’t recall it right now) and they said NOPE, their would create a whole new mold.

    Probably check Kent Armstrong, see if he can make a custom one.

  8. #7

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    The Gretsch Deltoluxe Sound Hole Pickup might work on a slant.

    I think they are magnetic pickups not piezo, but check.

    Obviously, you'd need to check the dimensions.

    Dimensions: 1.75x3.50x6.25 INCH

  9. #8

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    Kent Armstrong or Pete Biltoft would be my starting places. They might have some ideas about mounting, which looks like a challenge on that instrument, but don't discount good old Blue Tack as an option to mount the pickup right to the top in a removable way.

  10. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cunamara;[URL="tel:1336012"
    1336012[/URL]]Kent Armstrong or Pete Biltoft would be my starting places. They might have some ideas about mounting, which looks like a challenge on that instrument, but don't discount good old Blue Tack as an option to mount the pickup right to the top in a removable way.
    but note that the OP is using PhospherBronze strings

    will that work OK with a magnetic PU ?

  11. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by pingu
    but note that the OP is using PhospherBronze strings

    will that work OK with a magnetic PU ?
    The Phosphor Bronze strings still have a steel core so a magnetic pickup will work - just don't expect the same volume and tone that you'd get with "regular" electric guitar strings ....
    There are some models out there specifically designed for Selmer-type guitars that slide under the strings and supposedly work fine with the Silver-wrapped Gypsy-Jazz strings with which these guitars are usually strung up.

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  12. #11

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    Jason Lollar?

  13. #12

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    The Krivo micro PAF can be mounted with putty without having to put any holes in the neck/guard, but unfortunately there's no 8 string model. Maybe something similar could be done if you can source a pickup though.

  14. #13

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    Perhaps use two mandolin pickups :-)

    TAP Man-R Mandolin Pickup – Thomann UK

  15. #14
    Thanks for the responses! At this point, I’m going to keep it as it is. This is the BEST guitar I have ever played, it’s perfect, beautifully resonant, with the high ends like a flat top, to go with the really articulate bass. It has none of the issues that plague the Brahms classical guitar (which I also love), as far as difficulty of intonation of the high A. Paul Galbraith often had to de tune his guitar down a half step to make it work.

    I’m not going to screw with perfection. Unless I can actually find a proper 8 sting magnetic pup that attaches like a DPA mic or with silly putty. The Barbera pickup is very good.

    Erich worked REALLY hard on this project, and man did he knock it out of the park. I’m going to appreciate it for what it is. Unless there is an easy solution that doesn’t mess with the guitar, it doesn’t need to be an “electric guitar”.

    PS I inquired with Lollar before about making an 8 string CC pickup, they said they couldn’t, because they would have to create an entire new mold.

    One thing I learned: you can’t hide bad technique on an acoustic steel string guitar. It will find you, right away

  16. #15

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    If you do decide, I bet Jason at Krivo could make you something. Dude's great to talk to about possibilities.