The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #1

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    For years I have used the Dynarette cushion for both my classical and jazz guitars. Recently found a version from the online retailer TEMU for $20. Interestingly, this is a copy of the large size but it has a leg strap that I found to be an improvement over the original. The one negative is that the TEMU version has a tiny nylon zipper on the top but it is below the surface and does not touch the guitar. Since it is more economical to order several items, I also bought a guitar neck support for repair work and a few fret dressing tools for my shop. These were also good quality items.



    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by Donnd View Post
    ... The one negative is that the TEMU version has a tiny nylon zipper on the top but it is below the surface and does not touch the guitar...
    Cheaper and perhaps better alternative to Dynarette cushion?-61csqzcatwl-_ac_sl1000_-jpg
    That's why I chose another version. I don't trust my ability to keep the side of the guitar away from that area, especially while in the throes of musical bliss.

  4. #3

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    I love the strap idea. It solve the most serious problem with the Dynarette (as long as it's not too tight)

  5. #4

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    Yes, the strap idea is brilliant!
    I stopped using mine years ago because the only way it wouldn’t slip was if I nailed it to my leg.
    Great stuff!

  6. #5

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    Do you have a link? I also use the cushion, it's good to know alternatives!

  7. #6

  8. #7

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    I prefer this support:
    MUNDO GUITAR SUPPORT – Mundo Music Gear

    It's certainly not cheap, but it works well for me. The magnetic ball socket at the bottom allows me to freely move the guitar around in any position. The part that rests on the thigh doesn't move much IME, as there is a rubber-like sheet on the underside. The support stays securely on the guitar back, so it's no more difficult to pick up the guitar and place it than it is with just the guitar. I bought a Dynarette, but it's far from ideal for me.

  9. #8

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    The TEMU is great. Once I got used to it, I can't play my classical without it - (the footstool I used for a long long time started to have negative effects on my hips, and back)

    But to be honest, I did modify the foam rubber inside, mainly to get the guitar to sit exactly like it did with the footstool in use. The positioning with the FS. was perfect after years of use.

    But the strap is SO convenient. I tried the others without a strap and quickly abandoned them. Amazon for the TEMU.

  10. #9

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    I read the reviews of the ones that have straps on them, and a lot of people say that the strap isn't long enough to fit around their thighs.
    I'm also a little hesitant to order directly from Temu. There have been a lot of complaints about orders never showing up, etc... Maybe if you order them through Amazon, they're more dependable?

  11. #10

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    Straps???? They're elastic.

  12. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Mack View Post

    Straps???? They're elastic.
    Yeah, that Temu website looks fishy. What website wants your email address just to look at it?

  13. #12

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    The ones that want to bombard you with spam. It's cheaper than buying addresses. Mine has been sold so many times I might as well post it everywhere, all the spammers have it. OTOH, I use free Google spamtrap addresses for websites, or burner aliases my real email provider gives me. I don't even bother to check the email I use on websites. Free email is not, in reality, free, because it has steep hidden costs, if you actually use it.

  14. #13

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    You could get a Polystyrene wedge, then cut it to your exact shape.

  15. #14
    After about 3 months of constant use, the TEMU cushion has worked well and I am sold on the leg strap concept.

  16. #15

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    Quote Originally Posted by Donnd View Post
    After about 3 months of constant use, the TEMU cushion has worked well and I am sold on the leg strap concept.
    Great. I use mine daily. Have had it for almost a year now, and the other cushions have gone to the trash. I did modify the foam pad inside to make the guitar sit more comfortably, at the angle I like. But it's also better than using a foot stool where I was getting some sore back pain.

    I hated the metal contraptions that rest on your knee and attach to the guitar. The guitar moved around more than I did, and when I did move (often you have to) I had to reposition everything to get back to where I was!