The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  1. #1
    As I understand it, the ER feature ties the amount of output signal that is routed to a tweeter via an adjustable circuit. That is, full counter clockwise adjustment completely dials out the tweeter (rendering the cab) equivalent to a standard non-ER cab. Then the level of output signal sent to the tweeter can be adjusted via clockwise adjustment. This enables the ER cabs to add some additional high end as desired.

    Is that more or less correct? If the tweeter can be fully disengaged, are there any disadvantages to the ER vs the non-ER cabs?


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

    User Info Menu

    Yes that’s correct. The tweeter is wired with an L-Pad attenuator that can drop the signal to zero. The only drawback isn’t sonic: the tweeter adds a bit of weight, but I don’t think that’s a problem because it’s a heavy cab already (30 lbs). If you’re shopping I recommend the ER version. Nice to be able to add a tiny bit of presence especially because the eminence beta speaker has an attenuated top end.

  4. #3

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    As far as I can tell from my cabinet, I've seen no disadvantages. I seldom use it with the tweeter full off, because it generally sounds better with some amount of tweeter added. There is additional weight, however, because the tweeter and the crossover network weigh about two pounds.

  5. #4
    Thanks both for the (consistent) answers!

    Somewhat off topic, but any experience with the Stealth vs Acoustic cabs?

  6. #5

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    Omph posted while I was still composing, I was too slow. I once owned a Rich-built cabinet he called a 6/8ER, but there was no tweeter, no crossover network, just two speakers, 6" and 8". It was fairly bright, and I sold it because of the weight and the brightness, but now I sort of wish I hadn't. I have no personal experience with the 10" or 12" standard RE cabinets, so no real point of reference.

  7. #6

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    The only disadvantage to the ER cabinets are the added weight. But the benefits of the adjustable tweeter, IMO far outweigh that.