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  1. #1

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    Hi, I saw the photos of the DV Mark Jazz 12, is the fan no longer there? Has it been removed? Thank youDV Mark Jazz 12 new version?-screenshot_20230926_123435_com-google-android-googlequicksearchbox-jpg
    Last edited by Karlos; 09-26-2023 at 09:13 AM.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    The amp pictured here was manufactured in 2019.

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by jazzshrink
    The amp pictured here was manufactured in 2019.
    Is the current one different?

  5. #4

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    The current model also has a fan.

    DV Mark Jazz 12 new version?-dv_jazz_12_focus_rear_q-1-jpeg

  6. #5
    I thought they had removed the fan because of the noise it made. I was wrong. Sorry..

  7. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by Karlos
    I thought they had removed the fan because of the noise it made. I was wrong. Sorry..
    Sorry for what? You're just asking questions. That's how you get smarter (or so they tell me). Anyway, I believe they made significant changes to the fan some time ago to address the noise complaints. Perhaps someone who actually owns one of these great amps could chime in and tell us more?

  8. #7

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    I recently bought and returned the Jazz 12. The electronics seemed to be the exact same unit as the LJ -- just put into a bigger box.

    There is no circular fan cage in either (the early LJ had one). I read that they moved the fan. I've never heard it in either amp.

    Also, in several years of frequent use I've never had any problem with the LJ.

    I returned the Jazz 12 because it didn't really sound better (a little different, but not better) and it wasn't enough louder to persuade me to keep it (I've been hooking up a powered speaker to the LJ when I need to be much louder). Also, the bigger box didn't work with the way I usually transport things.

  9. #8
    There is no circular fan cage in either (the early LJ had one). I read that they moved the fan. I've never heard it in either amp.

    Also, in several years of frequent use I've never had any problem with the LJ.

    I returned the Jazz 12 because it didn't really sound better (a little different, but not better) and it wasn't enough louder to persuade me to keep it (I've been hooking up a powered speaker to the LJ when I need to be much louder). Also, the bigger box didn't work with the way I usually transport things.[/QUOTE]
    I find it hard to believe that the 12 sounds the same as the Lj! They are two speakers of different sizes, the 12 should have a fuller, warmer sound.

  10. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by Karlos
    There is no circular fan cage in either (the early LJ had one). I read that they moved the fan. I've never heard it in either amp.

    Also, in several years of frequent use I've never had any problem with the LJ.

    didn't work with the way I usually transport things.
    I find it hard to believe that the 12 sounds the same as the Lj! They are two speakers of different sizes, the 12 should have a fuller, warmer sound.[/QUOTE]

    I didn't say they sounded the same. I said they sounded a little different but the Jazz 12 did not really sound better. The Jazz 12 was louder. Obviously, these things are in the ears of the beholder -- this is the way they struck me.

  11. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by Karlos
    I find it hard to believe that the 12 sounds the same as the Lj! They are two speakers of different sizes, the 12 should have a fuller, warmer sound.
    I often use or play with others who use the Jazz 12 in the backline at the club in which I'm the house band leader. And I had a LJ for about 2 years during Covid, since I couldn't get a firm delivery date for a Superblock US or a Henriksen Blu. When Covid rates dropped off and we could get out again, I used the LJ on gigs from solo to g-b-d trio to quintet with tenor and keyboard. It was right there even in large rooms, and I really liked the sound. The LJ is similar in character, but the bass is a bit flabbier. I think the upper bass and lower midrange of the LJ are tighter. The 7th string on my archtops sounds more guitar-like and less bass-like through the LJ than through the 12.

    The LJ is a lot more amplifier than it looks like it should be. I do think the 12 is audibly louder than the LJ, but not by as much as the size disparity makes you expect. They both have the same electronics - the only difference is the cabinet design and the driver.

  12. #11
    Do you know what I'm telling you? I ordered the DV MARK Jazz 12 and it will arrive at my house in two days! Whoa..

  13. #12

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    Personally, I love my LJ. I also have a DV "Silver Gen/Guitar Friend" (currently discontinued), which is basically a Jazz 12 + a distorsion/drive channel.
    I've tried them both clean, side by side, a few times to compare them and to my ears, the LJ sounded way better and jazzier.
    Plus I don't really like the Silver Gen's distorted channel (not that I use distorsion that much, anyway...).

    Furthermore, the Silver Gen's clean channel has recently started sounding "dirty/distorted". So I gave up on that amp... couldn't be bothered to send it back for repair. While the LJ seriously challenges my old (90's) 100W Yamaha/Soldano T100C tube amp's clean channel and still works fine... no complains!

  14. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by frabarmus
    Personally, I love my LJ. I also have a DV "Silver Gen/Guitar Friend" (currently discontinued), which is basically a Jazz 12 + a distorsion/drive channel.
    I've tried them both clean, side by side, a few times to compare them and to my ears, the LJ sounded way better and jazzier.
    Plus I don't really like the Silver Gen's distorted channel (not that I use distorsion that much, anyway...).

    Furthermore, the Silver Gen's clean channel has recently started sounding "dirty/distorted". So I gave up on that amp... couldn't be bothered to send it back for repair. While the LJ seriously challenges my old (90's) 100W Yamaha/Soldano T100C tube amp's clean channel and still works fine... no complains!
    Are you saying the LJ sounds better than the DV MARK Jazz 12 I'm waiting for? Only change the diameter from 8 to 12!

  15. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by Karlos
    Are you saying the LJ sounds better than the DV MARK Jazz 12 I'm waiting for? Only change the diameter from 8 to 12!
    No. What I'm saying is to my ears the LJ sounds better, I'm not saying it is better.
    I also have a Polytone Megabrute, which has an 8" speaker and, for what I play and at the volumes I play, my archtops sound better (to my ears, that is).
    I personally prefer the 8" speaker, as I find it more "focused" and "penetrating", if you will. And my guitar's voice sounds "clearer", stands out better in a group setting,I find. And my personal experience with the Silver Gen was not very good, as I've reported.

    Just my tastes! But I like the Jazz 12 too. Enjoy!

  16. #15

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    Quote Originally Posted by Karlos
    Only change the diameter from 8 to 12!
    The change is more than just the cone diameter. The cabinet has a larger volume, which affects physical damping of the cone’s motion. The speakers are not identical in voice coil size, excursion, electrical parameters, suspension characteristics, etc.

    I also prefer smaller speakers to larger ones, assuming equal quality of driver and cabinet design plus equally fine mating of drivers with cabs, with sufficient cone strength and excursion plus adequate power handling ability to move enough air . Proper damping (both electrical and mechanical) keeps bass tight and lets the bottom strings sound more musical.

    I didn’t always feel this way. My early gigging amplifiers starting in 1961 were a Magnatone 4x12, then a 15” Pro, and finally a B15N that I used until 1972. My main amp from the late ‘70s for 30+ years was a Boogie 1x12, to which I later added a Boogie Thiele 1x12 external cab. I thought that the boomy bass was great for jazz guitar, especially solo. But as I discovered good smaller cabs, I realized how unnatural and flabby my tone really was.

    I’ve also had 2 Twins over the years and did like the tighter, effortless, natural sound I got with the bass pot at about 9 o’clock compared to the Boogie and the 15s. But I like my tone through good amps into my little cabs (Toob, RevSound RS8, Blu 6, and RE 10) as much as any of the big ones I’ve had. Eights can be great!
    Last edited by nevershouldhavesoldit; 09-27-2023 at 10:52 AM.

  17. #16
    The DV MARK Jazz 12 arrives today! I'm curious to hear it and finally have my own experience. Greetings

  18. #17

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    Let us know your impressions.

  19. #18
    Hi, this morning I tried the dv mark jazz 12 minute only. I have to admit I was expecting a much warmer sound, the reviews said it was very warm. However it sounds very good and is a step forward compared to the Katana 100 mk2, but only in terms of sound. Tomorrow I will try it better and decide whether to return it or not. Ps: it doesn't make any particular noise.

  20. #19

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    Has anyone been able to compare the Little Jazz with the The Bud/Blu?

  21. #20

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    Does it have the same nasty metallic reverb that the compact heads have?

  22. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody Sound
    Has anyone been able to compare the Little Jazz with the The Bud/Blu?
    I had both for a few months (along with a SBUS) until I sold the LJ (which I bought during Covid because I couldn’t get a Blu or a SBUS for months). My Blu 6 is a hair tighter than the LJ, with a bit more clarity and note definition, plus better note separation in chords. The LJ was a little warmer, which sounds to me like more second harmonic from the ported enclosure than it is an EQ issue. This is a characteristic of most ported cabs, and it makes the low notes sound bigger but flabbier. Interestingly, the Blu 6 does not suffer from this at all.

    The Bud / Blu is also much louder, but it has 3 times the power and costs 3 times as much.

  23. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody Sound
    Has anyone been able to compare the Little Jazz with the The Bud/Blu?
    This has been discussed before, with a few people who have had both weighing in.

    My impression is that most people prefer the Bud/Blu, but there are a few who aren't quite on board with that. Some describe the Bud/Blu as clean to the point of being too clean (for their style). Others like the sound of the LJ a bit better in the volume range it can handle. Everybody notes that the Bud/Blu is louder. I don't recall any criticism of the small speaker (Bud/Blu is 6.5, LJ is 8).

    And, of course, they are in entirely different price ranges. The LJ was just on sale for $200 (was usually $350 or $400). The Blu is $1100.

  24. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by rpjazzguitar
    Others like the sound of the LJ a bit better in the volume range it can handle. Everybody notes that the Bud/Blu is louder.
    I don't understand this. The Bud is louder, but the LJ is "a bit better in the volume range it can handle."(?)

  25. #24

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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody Sound
    I don't understand this. The Bud is louder, but the LJ is "a bit better in the volume range it can handle."(?)
    Some people (not a majority) like the LJ a bit better when the volumes are equal. But, the LJ doesn't go as loud as the Bud, so there's a point beyond which you can't compare them.

    Sorry if that wasn't clear.

  26. #25

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    I have LJ and bud 6. I found I enjoy the LJ more for solo chord melody style. The Bud 6 lacks the bottom end the LJ can offer. On the other hand the Bud 6 has broader range of highs probably because it’s designed for multi-instrument / vocal. I have to cut the presence and highs on the Bud 6 quite a lot in order to get the warm jazz sound that I like.

    I’ve been thinking to change the bud 6 to 10 for better low frequencies. But I also love the handy form factor of the 6.

    Considering the price point of the LJ, it’s really a no-brainer. I play it even more than my old polytone