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  1. #26

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    Popping in to say that I played one of these at my local Mom & Pop shop this weekend. I'm looking through the closet for trade material now.

    I play 90% fingerstyle and, these days, mostly classical guitar, so I was digging the Stage played through a Fishman Loudbox. Lots of string noise through the amp, but if that can be tamed this guitar is a winner for the way I play.

    If anyone in New England wants to buy my lightly used Godin Kingpin II w/ P-90s today, I can buy the Staqe tonight. 8-)


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Neverisky
    Popping in to say that I played one of these at my local Mom & Pop shop this weekend. I'm looking through the closet for trade material now.

    I play 90% fingerstyle and, these days, mostly classical guitar, so I was digging the Stage played through a Fishman Loudbox. Lots of string noise through the amp, but if that can be tamed this guitar is a winner for the way I play.

    If anyone in New England wants to buy my lightly used Godin Kingpin II w/ P-90s today, I can buy the Staqe tonight. 8-)
    Ironic since I have my eye on a Godin 2 locally as well...

    I have a Fishman Artist. I found that turning the treble and tweeter settings down to about 11 o'clock on each made a big improvement, also keeping the undersaddle/body mix on the guitar about 50%. The body pickups add to the warmth and body of the tone, but do seem to increase string and ambient noise (whereas the US pickup has a bit of that annoying piezo click). I am still playing around with the settings.

    I also ordered some La Bella polished strings, which should help.

  4. #28

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alder Statesman
    After polishing the frets I just restrung mine with D’Addario Pro Artè EJ-46’s. I prefer harder tension and the new strings added some crispness to the tone. I assume the guitar came with Salvarez normal tension, but I could be wrong.
    According to the spec sheet they are Savarez Alliance /Cantiga High Tension 510AJ.

  5. #29

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    A steal at $700 shipped, brand new, on Reverb! Time to get your Nova groove on!

    Last edited by 2bornot2bop; 05-22-2023 at 02:51 PM.

  6. #30

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    Is there enough saddle that you can get the action really low? I mean, like, Jerry Reed rattling low? Of course, he used the lightest flamenco strings he could find but I like that sound sometimes if I'm playing (or trying to play) his stuff.

    Update: just pulled the trigger from Sweetwater - should be here in a couple days. I looked at these when they first came out but was not enamored with the red burst but the antique amber is drop dead gorgeous. Pics when it gets here.
    Last edited by Skip Ellis; 05-22-2023 at 04:15 PM.

  7. #31

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    I thought it might be useful for anyone thinking about picking one up to note that there is no grounding for the bridge/strings. If you use strings with metal wrap you will know about it. A fix for this is to run a wire from underneath the strings behind the bridge to the sleeve on your jack. This will ensure the metal strings are grounded.

    I was very surprised I needed to do this, and though I've reached out to Cordoba support several times, they have not responded.

  8. #32

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    Quote Originally Posted by pedr.browne
    I was very surprised I needed to do this
    Me too, because a priori there is no magnetic PU on these guitars, for rather obvious reasons. Have you ever heard about having to ground strings on an electro-acoustic?

    Unless of course they did add a PU so the thing can double as an e-guitar?

  9. #33

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    Any neck dive on that? With such a light body, I’m wondering.

  10. #34

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    Quote Originally Posted by macuaig
    Any neck dive on that? With such a light body, I’m wondering.
    Not on mine. I find it well balanced.

  11. #35

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    ^^I agree. Excellent ergonomics.

  12. #36

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    I've had mine now for a few weeks. I put strings on it that have somewhat flatter winding so there isn't as much fret squeak, but otherwise it is a lovely guitar and I'm having a lot of fun playing it.

  13. #37
    I purchased my Cordova Stage a few months back. I truly love it; it is light, has good sound, and has a comfortable neck. I enjoy playing it every day. I almost purchased a Godin until my friend pointed me in the right direction. I play bossanova and jazz and write music. I do have one question, it appears the battery goes quick. Is there a way to turn it off so it does not continuously drain it? I genuinely enjoy this guitar.
    Attached Images Attached Images Cordoba Stage-img_7749-jpg 

  14. #38

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    To this day the wife says the Cordoba Stage is the best sounding guitar I ever owned.

  15. #39

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    Quote Originally Posted by Juan Aguirre
    I play bossanova and jazz and write music. I do have one question, it appears the battery goes quick. Is there a way to turn it off so it does not continuously drain it? I genuinely enjoy this guitar.
    Do you pull the plug from the guitar when you are done playing?

  16. #40

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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody Sound
    Do you pull the plug from the guitar when you are done playing?
    I was going to ask the same thing and then realised this guitar may have some built-in amp and speaker (see the "soundholes" in the left shoulder).

    I also remembered that I killed a battery overnight in the Cordoba I had by leaving the tuner function on ... but I assume that the Stage doesn't have Fishman circuits inside.

    FWIW, I got a lithium-based rechargeable 9V block battery for that guitar after that one mishap. I don't know if you can charge these while connected to the circuit they power. If so it might be an option to see if you can put in one of those with a USB cable hanging out so you can just hook the instrument up to a charger after each session.

  17. #41

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    I recently acquired a Cordoba Stage and love it. I also have a Cordoba amplified classical with a cutaway and on that one, the battery will die overnight if you leave the tuner engaged. I like the Stage for stopping battery drain when you unplug. The Stage is exactly what I wanted in an amplified nylon-stringed guitar.