The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #1

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    Got my first archtop (and this is my first post here)! I haven’t played electric guitar in over 15 years and it feels great to pick it up again.

    Eastman AR603CE-15 (2020)-cd54c6a2-cb53-4e59-8e1f-005b98daa6b3-jpg

    The only amp I have right now is a GK MB112 mk2 bass combo. I’ve been thinking of getting a dedicated guitar amp, but space is tight in our little apartment. This model has popped up here before as a recommendation so I thought I'd ask for some advice. In my first run through, I have not been able to get a pleasing tone out of this combination.

    Any advice on getting a solid jazz tone out of this, including any applicable pedals that might help or other novel ideas? I have a MXR 10-band EQ, but I haven’t had much luck with that yet. A lot of inexperience with archtops and EQ could be at play here. It would be great if I could make this work as I may be switching between bass and guitar during jam sessions with friends (usually no drummer, sadly) and I’d rather not bring multiple amps.

    A tall order?

    Thanks for all your insights. This forum has proved invaluable in so many ways.
    Last edited by mrventures; 06-20-2020 at 01:45 AM. Reason: Photo didn’t post the first time


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2
    Well, with a little more experimenting after watching this video on EQ, I think I have a much better sound.

    I am curious if a little more gain would be helpful, so maybe something like a preamp could help?

  4. #3

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    A small multiprocessor like the Digitech RP55 might come in handy. It's inexpensive but has lots of things to tweak, from EQs to reverb and delay, chorus, overdrive, etc. I have found it very useful when playing through non-guitar systems like a Bose L1 or a PA system. Other brands like ART and Boss may work as well, and you get to experiment by only spending $50-60, and something like the RP55 will fit into a gig-bag pocket and run off batteries or a plug-in power source.

  5. #4
    Thanks, ronjazz. The more research I do, the more I'm looking at a multiprocessor of some sort. The RP55 seems difficult to find out here in Switzerland (man, those living in the U.S. are just spoiled for choice with this stuff!), but there are other major brands like Zoom, Boss, HoTone, TC Electronic, Line6, Mooer, Kemper, et al. that I can work with (probably not Kemper -- though widely available here, way out of my price range!).

    Does it make sense to increase the budget (I'm thinking up to about $300 equivalent) to get something higher quality?

  6. #5

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    If you can find a Digitech RP360 in your area that’s a good option too.

  7. #6

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    Consider Tech 21 Fly Rig (or one of their Sans Amp units), it will expand your options tremendously with zero learning effort. For a very new more boutique device, think Strymon Iridium: it is expensive ( and it has no reverb or delay) but gets great reviews for authentic tones.

    I still have no problem going to my old loyal Line 6 Pod 2.0 table top and getting very nice tones out of it.

    The options are plenty even in Europe.

  8. #7

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    I like the FlyRig a lot. They have a new one out V2 which is even better.

  9. #8
    Anyone have thoughts on the Hotone Ampero One? I know it's a slightly different concept than the Fly Rigs, but it's a little cheaper and seems to have more flexibility.
    Last edited by mrventures; 06-20-2020 at 09:43 AM. Reason: typo fixed

  10. #9

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    Ok so that looks more equivalent to a Line6 Helix, more hassle to schelp to a gig.

    take the fly rig out of its nifty tin and it and the psu will fit in the gig bag nicely

  11. #10
    So, I decided to go the simple route and get an OD pedal. After reading a bunch of posts here and listening to clips on YouTube, I found a J. Rockett The Dude v2 for a really good price. I’m sure this won’t be the end of my tone chasing days, but everyone needs a good OD, right?