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  1. #251

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    Roland Micro Cube
    Fender Champion 20
    Traynor YGL 1
    Fender ‘57 Custom Champ
    Henriksen Blu

    Both tube amps are class A. The YGL 1 will do any style. The Custom Champ is just plain fun. I’ve only had the Blu for a couple of months. I wish I had bought the Henriksen long ago.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #252

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    I have 2. Vintage47 Ric Supreme and DV Mark Little Jazz 12".

  4. #253

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    Fender Concert ii (1982, Rivera era)
    ZT Lunchbox Acoustic; 2-channel version, includes mic channel w phantom power
    Center Point Stereo Spacestation v.3. Aspen Pittman creation; Takes stereo input > M-S process > mid and side speakers for spatial projection

  5. #254

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    Quote Originally Posted by tnelson
    Fender Concert ii (1982, Rivera era)
    ZT Lunchbox Acoustic; 2-channel version, includes mic channel w phantom power
    Center Point Stereo Spacestation v.3. Aspen Pittman creation; Takes stereo input > M-S process > mid and side speakers for spatial projection

  6. #255

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    If x = the optimum number of amps you own and y = the number of amps you currently own, then x = y + 1

  7. #256

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    I am currently down to 2...Fender Champion 20, which I find surprisingly nice at home for only $100, and a Quilter Tone Block 200 into a Fender Bassbreaker 112 cab.

  8. #257

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    I own three:

    1. DV Mark Jazz 12
    2. Watson XR15
    3. Electro Harmonix Headphone amp.

    1. is now my main amp. 2. I never use anymore. 3. Gets used a lot at night at home.

  9. #258

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    Quote Originally Posted by sicourtjon

    I own three:

    1. DV Mark Jazz 12
    2. Watson XR15
    3. Electro Harmonix Headphone amp.

    1. is now my main amp. 2. I never use anymore. 3. Gets used a lot at night at home.

  10. #259

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    Quote Originally Posted by Boogaloo
    Roland Micro Cube
    Fender Champion 20
    Traynor YGL 1
    Fender ‘57 Custom Champ
    Henriksen Blu

    Both tube amps are class A. The YGL 1 will do any style. The Custom Champ is just plain fun. I’ve only had the Blu for a couple of months. I wish I had bought the Henriksen long ago.
    I just ordered a tweed deluxe from Trinity Amplifiers (Brighton Ontario just down the road from me). The build will be finished in 4 weeks. I love tweed amps. Can’t wait.

  11. #260

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    Quote Originally Posted by Donplaysguitar
    Sorry about the delay. I haven't been on this site for a while.

    It's tough to pick favorites. If I were to do so, I'd have to say that the tube amps (Heritage and Rivera) are the best in that they provide the biggest range in tones from jazz thick to brighter cleans. The Rivera is possibly the most versatile of the tube amps in that it has a push-pull mid knob that allows for a substantial alteration of the mid character allowing the amp to sound more acoustic. It's a feature that I use more often than I initially thought I would.

    Of the solid state amps, I'd pick the Evans over the Acoustic Image or Polytones. The Evans has a great balance between thick mids and brilliant highs.

  12. #261

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    1. Vox AC15 - almost always use the normal channel.
    2. Roland JC-40.
    3. Vox MV50 AC - Tiny amp that sound great with speaker cabs or with headphones.
    4. ZT Lunchbox - I have the original with the horrid sounding "reverb". Incredibly versatile amp that sound great with guitars, basses, and keyboards.
    5. THD Univalve - Currently sporting a KT66. Great for rock sounds and I love the ability to switch power tubes.

  13. #262

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    Three amp here:

    -Traynor Quarter Horse one of the first amps in a pedal

    -Fender Super Champ X2

    -Vintage 47 Twin: Octal Amp, hand wired, 22w RMS-Thanks Steve Wooley!
    Last edited by Doug B; 10-18-2021 at 01:22 PM.

  14. #263

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    Victoria 518 - tweed champ clone…a recent acquisition….absolutely love it..can hang with a drummer in a small room. Gorgeous cleans at lower volumes

    Milkman Dairy Air - 2 6l6s just basic tone circuit no reverb just clean tube power…great pedal platform. I usually pair this with a Mesa Boogie 1x12 open back cabinet

    1978 Fender Vibro Champ - my first amp purchased new for $98

    Headstrong Lil King REverb a 1x12 Princeton copy….great amp

    These cover all my needs.

  15. #264

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    Gee, it's been so long since I posted what amps I use, that I need to do an update:

    Fender Tonemaster Deluxe Reverb
    - LOVE its light weight courtesy of its neodymium magnet speaker. Great cleans, and for those non-jazz times, it takes pedals well.

    Fishman Loudbox Mini Charge - I've had it for almost 3 years, as my acoustic guitar amp. It takes a licking, and keeps on ticking. At 60 watts of output, it's plenty loud for my weekly church band gig, despite having to deal with a loud piano player (the amp is loud enough, that I can't run it much past 2.5 on the master volume, without being asked to turn it down). Also, it's built-in Lithium Ion battery pack means not having to worry about trying to find a power outlet, on a stage (albeit a very low stage - it's elevated less than a foot above floor level, behind the altar), that is very much lacking in power outlets.
    Last edited by EllenGtrGrl; 12-25-2021 at 09:31 AM.

  16. #265

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    Amps have been coming and going this last couple of years, bought and sold a bunch. Right now i have these:

    Fender Princeton reverb (a vintage one)
    Fender Pro Junior IV
    Victoria 518 (just got that one, bought it mainly for non drums gigs - love it)
    Zt Lunchbox reverb (should have never sold the non-reverb one)
    Aer compact 60
    Roland Cube 40xl

    A couple of the solid state ones will go, to get me a Henriksen Blu 6 in the near future.. Also, got no real use for a Marshall, but i miss having one in the house haha... probably going to get an origin 20 head at some point, have a couple of spare speaker cabinets around..

  17. #266

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    88 Mesa Boogie 50 Caliber El34 with upgraded reverb tank, recapped. A keeper

    90's JC120. A keeper for sure

    2 Vox Valvetronix VTX ( Blue fabric, first year made, great amps)

    Custom built point to point Fender Bassman head with a gain circuit and a custom built Fender Reverb clone. ( will never part with this amp)

    90' Red Knob Fender Princeton with upgraded reverb tank and speakers.
    A hell of an amp for jazz

    70's Rockman. A blast from the past

  18. #267

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    3 and counting-

    Way loud: Matchless Sc-mini (6w class A)
    Loud enough: AER compact 60 solid state

    And realistically used about 90% of the time: Yamaha THR10c

    been thinking too long and hard on a quilter version. MP2 8” perhaps or if a Mach3 8” came along…..

  19. #268

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    I have 4 and they are all keepers.
    1949 Gibson GA-50T
    1968 Fender Pro Reverb
    1980 Polytone MiniBrute IV
    2017 Henriksen Jazz Amp 310

    I mostly use the Polytone and the Henriksen 310. The Fender Pro Reverb was Billy Bean's so I am archiving it and have only used it on a rare occasion. The old Gibson has been reconditioned and sounds great, but is fragile. It is part of my Jim Hall Wannabe kit.
    How Many Guitar Amps Do You Own?-baf3db86-928c-407e-a081-1e87275611aa_1_201_a-jpeg

  20. #269

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    Just two- I have a Super champ XD and a Boss Katana mini. the SCXD is perfect since I just play at home. It's a terrific amp with very good tone. It has 2 channels but I'm mostly use the 1st one and don't use the modeling on the 2nd. Just a bit of Reverb or delay. I noticed some Symptoms of a bad tube and ordered a match set off Amazon. I went for the JJs. Luckily I bought a Boss Katana mini last year to play through when camping. Sold the camper but using it now till I straighten out the SC. I'm amazed at how good this little amp sounds and recommend it for anyone traveling around or testing out guitars.

  21. #270

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    1. 2019 Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue - This was my first "real" amp, and my first tube amp. I've found myself almost always going into the 2nd input on the Vibrato channel. I often just use a smidge of reverb (around 2), and I turned off the vibrato effect completely via the pedal. In fact, I even have the tube removed that handles that. Later, when I got my BR-6, I found this amp to be very "bright", and when playing with a pick, I got a more percussive tone out of this amp.
    2. 1954 Gibson BR-6F - After being obsessed with Pasquale Grasso for a few months, I decided to take the plunge and buy a vintage tube amp. Also, I wanted a tube amp I could carry around without feeling tired after 10-seconds. This amp weighs around 20lbs, while the DRRI comes in at around 40lbs! I got this only a few weeks ago, and I really love the sound I get out of it. I don't even feel like I need any EQ knobs. I've seen some people refer to this as 15 watt amp, 12 watt amp, and a 10 watt amp, and I really don't know which it is. It definitely sounds big though!
    3. 1952 Gibsonette - I haven't got a chance to check this one out yet. It's still on it's way here, but I'm so happy I got on the vintage amp train! Such a beautiful amp, and from what I heard from Pasquale's recordings, it sounds amazing too!

    How Many Guitar Amps Do You Own?-whatsapp-image-2022-01-30-9-24-15-pm-jpegHow Many Guitar Amps Do You Own?-cqirqdydjsmyfw0hzmq1-jpg

    I also own a Fender Frontman 10G, which was my first ever amp (and my only solid-state amp). I bought it back when I was trying to play the ukulele, and initially used it before I got my Deluxe Reverb. Never found a reason to go back to it, but I know some people like the tone from it. I could never get it to sound all that amazing, but it does an okay job.

  22. #271

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    Just sold 2, so down to 6 here:

    1960s Fender Vibrochamp
    1960s Gibson Falcon
    Fishman Loudbox Mini
    Mark Acoustic
    Yamaha THR10
    Boss Katana Mini

    Mostly for home use, with the Yamaha and Katana for travel.

    I don't gig much, but play often (corona willing!) at local jam sessions that provide JC120, Fender, AER, Polytone, etc.

  23. #272

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    Gibson GA-50
    Polytone MB II
    Polytone 102
    Polytone MB V

  24. #273

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alter
    Amps have been coming and going this last couple of years, bought and sold a bunch. Right now i have these:

    Fender Princeton reverb (a vintage one)
    Fender Pro Junior IV
    Victoria 518 (just got that one, bought it mainly for non drums gigs - love it)
    Zt Lunchbox reverb (should have never sold the non-reverb one)
    Aer compact 60
    Roland Cube 40xl

    A couple of the solid state ones will go, to get me a Henriksen Blu 6 in the near future.. Also, got no real use for a Marshall, but i miss having one in the house haha... probably going to get an origin 20 head at some point, have a couple of spare speaker cabinets around..
    i nearly nearly bought a 12” version
    of your Victoria champ in a pine cab once
    yes what a sound !! and super light

  25. #274

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    The Victoria Champ 528 is a fantastic amp. I did recently sell mine to fund the purchase of a Headstrong Santa Cruz 5. I've been through quite a few tubes amps over the last several years looking for the "one". The Santa Cruz 5 is a also a single ended amp and 5 - 9 watts depending on the power tube used. It will take a 6L6/6v6/EL-34 without re-biasing. I currently have it outfitted with a 6l6 and a Weber 10" but it will take a 12" or 8" depending on preference. It has a a wider cab and also has a very nice spring reverb. Line out and exp speaker. Very usable set of tone controls including a middle knob which is great to add some beef and grit. Can definitely hang with a drummer and is a great grab and go amp. While I loved the Vicky 518 its lack of reverb meant I had to bring pedals. Sometimes I just want to plug straight into the amp.

  26. #275

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    Vox Pathfinder, my everyday amp

    Ampeg Gemini, keeping it just in case I ever get a gig