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  1. #176

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    How Many Guitar Amps Do You Own?-2737853a-3783-4028-9b0d-49a1e17111ec-jpg
    I’m down to 3

    i like to think of them as three different eras of sounds

    Vintage 47 VA-185
    Sequel Tribute
    Fender ‘62 Princeton (Chris Stapleton edition)


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #177

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    Far too many:

    Redplate Blackverb
    Fender Deluxe 1977
    Fender Prosonic
    65 Amps London (want to sale)
    Dr Z Zwreck
    Bruneti Singleman 30
    Red Evil Twin
    Vox Ac 30
    Roland Cube 60
    Aer Compact 60
    Clarus Amp

  4. #178

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    I've been using a Traynor ygl1 (only amp) for the last 10 years. I love this amp. With the right touch it can cover all the bases. However, a few days ago, I ordered a tweed '57 custom champ. It won't be delivered right away, but I expect it sometime next week. Can't wait!

    So I guess you could say I have 2 amps now.

  5. #179

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    I have 10. I play three of them often. Fender Vibrolux, Boogie Mark III, and if I’m rocking: a Marshall SC20H. I’ve had a ton of the boutique stuff and still do have a few, but if the first three I listed can’t get it done I don’t want to play it.

  6. #180

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brion
    I have 10. I play three of them often. Fender Vibrolux, Boogie Mark III, and if I’m rocking: a Marshall SC20H. I’ve had a ton of the boutique stuff and still do have a few, but if the first three I listed can’t get it done I don’t want to play it.
    Do you have the matching SC212? Or using something else?

  7. #181

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    I use a 2x12 I’ve had for quite some years made by Mojotone. I have a Scumback M65 and a Celestion Creamback in it. The cab and speakers have worked for every amp I have played through it. It is partially open backed, but I made a panel to close it off. It is currently open backed. I have never played the SC through any other cab, though I could try my Boogie Thiele with EV (which weighs about the same as the 2x12 LOL). I haven’t played the SC cab, but I did play a 2525 or whatever the silver Jubilee reissue through its matching cab and it sounded good (not sure If the cabs or speakers are the same)

    I like the Sc20H better than the aforementioned 25 watt jubilee and way better than a DSL20H I had. It also beat out a Friedman Runt 20. I like the Classic better than the Vintage model because it has a more versatile range of gain at all volume levels other than really quiet. I.E it does standalone home volume fine, but I think it is a bit too loud for homes with walls connected to other residences

  8. #182

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    ......and they all serve very singular purposes.

    Carr Rambler Brown Tolex 212
    Red Line 6 Spider 2x10 (stereo)
    Peavey Transtube Bandit 112 (Silver Stripe)
    Crate GXT 100 112 (tube pre amp)


  9. #183

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    Just one...

    Fender Super Reverb Head
    cabinet with 15” speaker

    I like Pat Martino’s minimalist approach. Just take your head and plug into someone’s 4x12 cab. I would like to try a Claris head but I do love the tube sound.

  10. #184

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    Replaced the Boss Katana 100w, a jack of all trades do anything modeler, with a ToneMaster Twin and a Mesa Rosette. Seems I prefer the real to the faux.

  11. #185

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    I have 3
    Main amp is now a ToneMaster Deluxe - covers super clean up to volume levels I need as well as being light as a feather and great power attenuation options - I can get good breakup and distortion at bedroom levels if I need it. It replaced my Princeton Recording which died last year.
    My second amp is a TC electronics BAM 200 into a Toob Metro 6.5 BG. Doesn't get more compact and has great clean sounds. Takes pedals nicely, but has no built-in reverb. Takes my bass too.
    My "standby" amp is a Laney Linebacker 50w combo bought new in 1986. Excellent cleans with adjustable mid and bass boost. Good spring reverb and effects loop, plus line out. Dirt channel does a good scooped blackface impression at all levels and in full boosted overdrive does nice Santana-ish distortion. Channel switching and mixing gives lots of flexibility. 35 years of good and loyal service!

  12. #186

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    Too many, I'm afraid. Just don't ever let them appear in the same place at the same time.

  13. #187

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    Fender Twin Amp 2002 version.
    Musicman 65RP 1x12
    Marshall JCM800 2x12 4104
    Sessionette 75 1x12 90s version
    Fender G Dec 3 30
    Kustom kga16r practice combo
    Polytone MiniBrute III 3knob.
    HH Bass Baby 1x15
    Ashdown Electric Blue 180 1x15

  14. #188

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    Right now I have:

    Roland Cube GX-40
    Vox AC-15C1
    Polytone Mini-Brute III
    Monoprice 5-watt tube amp
    Fender Super Champ X2 head/cabinet
    and some super cheapy Fender that my son isn't letting my grandson use right now. Frontman15 I think.

  15. #189

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    Just 1. Fender Tone Master Deluxe Reverb. Has everything I'll ever need for any kind of music. But it's tone for jazz is superb. Great attenuator that actually works the way it's supposed to, takes pedals really well, and weighs 23 lbs. Checks all the boxes and then some for me. Not saying I'll never own another tube amp. I've been a vintage or boutique tube amp fanatic/snob for 59 years. Would have never considered a SS amp until I played through the TM. Most versatile amp I've ever played through. Some people complain about the price ($899 I think). But if you look at the features, they're a bargain, IMHO. They're really that good.

  16. #190

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    Local guitar store had a Schertler DAVID languishing for 3-4 years.
    Played through it a few times... excellent for my use but used at $700.. I passed.
    Recently I had a chance to use it again to try out a guitar.
    Passed on the guitar but got the DAVID for a screaming deal.
    I like it a lot.

  17. #191

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    Some of you guys have amp fetish’s.

  18. #192

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    Quote Originally Posted by 2bornot2bop
    Some of you guys have amp fetish’s.
    Oh yes! Definitely!

  19. #193

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    Presently I own 2. My main amp is a Reeves Custom 50. I also own a Roland Blues Cube Artist.

  20. #194

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    1965 Ampeg GS12 Rocket 2
    1964 Deluxe Reverb
    Bedrock 652 50w 2-12
    Bedrock 621 25w 1-12
    Marshall 8080 Valvestate
    Behringer ACX1000 Acoustic amp
    Quilter MicroPro 200, 8”, with an extension cab w/Celestion Classic Lead 80
    Yamaha THR10II
    I really need to sell the two Bedrock amplifiers, the Marshall Valvestate, and the acoustic amp, as they get no use at all. The Quilter is my gigging and rehearsal amp. I just got the Deluxe Reverb back from the shop, and it is just what one would expect. The Ampeg hasn’t run in decades, but it’s my first amp, so I guess I’ll get to it fairly soon while I’m in that mood. The Yamaha is just a cool toy with good sound and features. Those Bedrocks are killer, especially the 50 watters. I sure do miss gigging, what little I was doing nowadays...

  21. #195

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    Fender Twin Amp 94 100 w. tube amp
    How Many Guitar Amps Do You Own?-fotos20guitarra20039-jpg

  22. #196

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    Oh my.....I never listed my amps before......Scary!
    (well maybe I did for insurance purposes)

    Geeze there are did that happen?

    Oldest to newest...

    1946 Gibson BR-3
    1947 Gibson GA-25
    1948 Gibson GA-30
    1952 Gibson Gibsonette
    1955 Gibson GA-20
    1955 Guild MasterAmp 66
    1959 Guild 66-J
    1960 La Prima (an Ampeg Rocket rebadged for an accordion builder/distributor)
    1965 Gibson Falcon
    1967 Fender Bassman head
    1969 Fender Princeton Amp
    1969 Fender Princeton Reverb
    Early 2000's? StewDaddy Hopkins replica Fender 5E5 Pro chassis in a Larry Rodgers 12" tweed cabinet.

    Here's a photo of a few....I don't generally stack'em up, but took this one for someone that made a special request.
    A bunch of these will be going up for sale pretty soon....not because I don't love them all, but its time to make space and simplify. I'd like to keep 6.

    How Many Guitar Amps Do You Own?-img_0571-jpg
    Last edited by zizala; 09-27-2020 at 11:25 AM.

  23. #197

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    One. A Roland Street Cube EX.

  24. #198

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    I've got 5..............because............well............ ..because...........

    Crate GFX 15............two of them. I hang them on the wall(actually shelves) and run my guitar thru a "splitter" pedal. They are DSP so I can get different sounds from each.

    Crate GX 60 C................use this with a Presonus TubePreV2 with a single 12AX7 tube. Got the amp for basic shipping charges. This was just an experiment. Don't do it very often, but I do like the effect....and I don't sell my toys. Oh, I got it cheap because the reverb doesn't work anymore..........

    Crate GX 130 C.................from time to time I get a wild hair up my(you know what) to serenade the horses and cows and pull this out on the porch. One of the things about this amp is that I can get a LOT of volume without distortion. Just ask the horses, cows and any neighbor within a half a mile.

    Blackstar ID:Core 40.............this is the one I use the most. I've experiment a good bit, but mostly it's the clean and smooth setting with just a touch of reverb. I get the sound I like the most..............

  25. #199

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    2. Sort of.

    A custom one a friend built out of a Gibson GA20T husk and a Tech21 PowerEngine Deuce Deluxe that I run both my bass and guitar pedal boards into.

    ...oh! And an old MicroCube that I've had for 12 years. Use it for around the house playing. Definitely a good little practice amp. So, 3.

  26. #200

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    Last night I took the AER Alpha with my Boss Reverb for a duo gig with a singer. The Alpha is still a great little amp for those smaller gigs. The Boss reverb sounds a lot better than the built in reverb imho and makes the amp much more usable.