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  1. #251

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    Quote Originally Posted by Archtop Bill
    If you cannot hear the difference between a sealed maple neck/fingerboard Tele and and a Tele with a rosewood fingerboard you are being robbed of suptleties of music. Too bad.
    Quote Originally Posted by drbhrb
    And if you think you can you're buying into confirmation bias.
    Comrades, comrades! We need someone to post some clean Tele samples and we can see if we can tell which is maple and which is rosewood. A scientific experiment!

    EDIT: We all know there are many variable at play, but with a Tele we could eliminate many of them. Of course you'd used the same amp, but someone could swap necks and use the same body and even the same strings.
    Last edited by BigDaddyLoveHandles; 03-29-2016 at 06:58 PM.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #252

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    Miles, if that Telecaster sounds as good as it looks, you got a great guitar.
    Nice pickguard as well.

    Best regards,

  4. #253

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    BigDaddyLoveHandles, how do you like that G&L? I did have a Legacy for a short time in the last couple of years or so,,but didn't keep it. As with any strat, the tailpiece detracts from sustain. With the string through body, or even through up at the bridge piece, being a hard tail, (I have no use for wang bars), the sustain is optimized. I'd like to get one of Buzz Feiten's guitars. I like the cheapest one,,the tele style. Forget exact name, but is not the Tele Pro, I don't think,,,that's a notch up,,this one is the simplest, and least expensive.

  5. #254

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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarbard
    BigDaddyLoveHandles, how do you like that G&L? I did have a Legacy for a short time in the last couple of years or so,,but didn't keep it. As with any strat, the tailpiece detracts from sustain. With the string through body, or even through up at the bridge piece, being a hard tail, (I have no use for wang bars), the sustain is optimized. I'd like to get one of Buzz Feiten's guitars. I like the cheapest one,,the tele style. Forget exact name, but is not the Tele Pro, I don't think,,,that's a notch up,,this one is the simplest, and least expensive.
    I love my ASAT Special. I think of it as a HiFi Tele. To me, this is due to the neck pickup, which is not as muffled and dark as the standard Tele neck pup.

    As for sustain, I don't find it lacks sustain. The bridge is chunky and the saddles are "locked" down. It also extends into the body, I'm told. In any case, I haven't hankered for a bridge that anchors the strings through the body.

  6. #255

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    Oh, of all Fender types,,it's the tele load through the back when stringing that, to my way of thinking, connects the strings to the body in no unmistakable fashion, and gives all tele types the sustain they indeed DO have. I wasn't trying to imply that they were wanting in this department at all, to my ears. If it had so been thought.

    In the case of the G&L, the fact the bridge dips into the body like it does, apparently accomplishes the same objective. I'm hankering(dream on) for one of the Feitens that feature neither,,,it's the hard tail-ness of the whole thing, likely.

    It's a regular pain in the rear to restring with strings used before(tho not worn out by any means,,I experiment a bit), to get the previously wound strings to get through the back,,but I manage it.
    Last edited by guitarbard; 03-30-2016 at 08:50 AM.

  7. #256

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    Well, a few secs of google search, and voila:

    STILL can't hear the difference?......

  8. #257

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hep To The Jive
    You sound like you know what you are talking about. Please, do tell us more! I thought I heard the difference, but you convinced me- i didn't! Either that or im an alien.
    Quote Originally Posted by Archtop Bill
    If you cannot hear the difference between a sealed maple neck/fingerboard Tele and and a Tele with a rosewood fingerboard you are being robbed of suptleties of music. Too bad.

    If compared with exactly the same set up, strings, bridge, guitar body and most importantly pickups and player, you might be able to hear a subtle difference if switching between the 2, however, the differences are so TINY, that in reality, it has NO importance whatsoever.

    The difference is so small that if you were to hear a guitar with no reference to the other, that is switching between ample and rosewood, you would NOT be able to tell wether its a maple or a rosewood. So yes, you might be able to hear a subtle difference if switching between, but in practice you would not be able to identify wether its maple or rosewood.

  9. #258

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    haha, did a search on youtube myself.

    Check this test,

    I got 2 out of 3 correct, do the test yourself and be honest!

    I checked the result afterwards, 65% go the first wrong, 46% got the second wrong, and 61% got the third question wrong.

    This doesn't prove my point 100% but it sure as hell give you a HUGE hint!

  10. #259

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    In a band context (bass, keys, drums & git) the subtle nuances of rosewood or maple does not have any effect on your overall tone, it's the pickup and amp combination.

    Used my CC p/u Tele last week and the general consensus was that the CC was too mellow on its own but the bridge and neck combo cut right through.

  11. #260

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    Hi all,
    Just picked up a new 2016 Elite, you all know it has noiseless pickups, S1 switching,
    locking tuners, new contoured heel and body. I am most impressed with it ,in 3 tone
    S/B with a bound body. I rejected the stock case for a genuine tweed. just restrung
    with Ti's 11-47 flats . v easy string change. A broad spectrum of tone. My first Tele
    for over 30 years. I did intend to put Lollar CC's on it ,but after a brief burst on it I
    am not so sure it needs them. I 'll wait and see.

  12. #261

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    Binding tends to prevent something happening, I think, though I need to look close to make sure, and don't have a bound fingerboard here to do so, but unbound neck/boards have the 'tumble in', or 'tumble home', which is the neck, for a small part of it near the board, and the board, both start a turn in towards the board surface, much like the sides of the hull of a boat as it nears the deck surface. Very important to me, in terms of feel. Please let me know if this is done on (some/any) bound boards.

    Oh, my Slingshot has a Big U shape, with a rosewood board, near an inch deep at the nut/1st fret, and it's probably the most desirable thing, of many, of the guitar. This didn't occur to me for years as it was adverted as coming with a C neck, but I had gotten another, just slightly older, with a real C neck, and then I was made aware of the truth of the matter. Huge neck, and according to Feiten, the neck is 60% of the sound of an (this type, at least) instrument. Nice pronounced tumble home, as well.

    Skunk stripe, too,,doesn't need it,,but looks trick
    Last edited by guitarbard; 03-30-2016 at 07:13 AM. Reason: addition to post

  13. #262

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    Quote Originally Posted by jazzbow
    In a band context (bass, keys, drums & git) the subtle nuances of rosewood or maple does not have any effect on your overall tone, it's the pickup and amp combination.

    And I am just talking about hearing the guitar alone, but yeah, exactly, even less in a regular context/situation with a whole band.

  14. #263

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    I've been taking my Highway 1 Tele to ensemble rehearsals because I go straight to rehearsal from work, and the Tele is the guitar I don't mind leaving in my car all day. (Not that I don't love it, but because it's nigh indestructable.) While I'll probably play the Ibanez on gigs, the Tele sound works better than I expected with the group. Sometimes I even dial in a little of the classic Tele twanginess, and it doesn't seem to detract.

  15. #264

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    Quote Originally Posted by AndreeH
    If compared with exactly the same set up, strings, bridge, guitar body and most importantly pickups and player, you might be able to hear a subtle difference if switching between the 2, however, the differences are so TINY, that in reality, it has NO importance whatsoever.

    The difference is so small that if you were to hear a guitar with no reference to the other, that is switching between ample and rosewood, you would NOT be able to tell wether its a maple or a rosewood. So yes, you might be able to hear a subtle difference if switching between, but in practice you would not be able to identify wether its maple or rosewood.

    I've played teles as my main electric for about 20 years now...I've had maple neck, rosewood, now ebony/maple...I've done semi-hollow, had a 9lb. tele, had a 6 lb. tele, vintage frets, jumbos...even one with a neck humbucker...

    And I pretty much got the same tone out of all of them.

  16. #265

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr. beaumont

    I've played teles as my main electric for about 20 years now...I've had maple neck, rosewood, now ebony/maple...I've done semi-hollow, had a 9lb. tele, had a 6 lb. tele, vintage frets, jumbos...even one with a neck humbucker...

    And I pretty much got the same tone out of all of them.
    Tone in your living room and tone at a session or gig are two vastly different things, IMO. In your living room, you'll hear lots of subtle nuances, and you'll convince yourself that something like Maple vs. Rosewood is a huge deal. Playing out, you'd never hear the difference.

    Personally, I like Rosewood. I think it looks and feels better. That's a personal opinion, of course, but I've never really cared for Maple fretboards.
    Last edited by Boston Joe; 03-30-2016 at 10:34 AM.

  17. #266

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    Quote Originally Posted by AndreeH
    haha, did a search on youtube myself.

    Check this test, ...

    I got 2 out of 3 correct, do the test yourself and be honest!

    I checked the result afterwards, 65% go the first wrong, 46% got the second wrong, and 61% got the third question wrong.

    This doesn't prove my point 100% but it sure as hell give you a HUGE hint!
    On tiny speakers built in into my computer screen, I thought there was an obvious difference. And there was. Thing is, I got all 3 wrong. What I thought to be maple, was really rosewood and vice versa.

    Of course, this is if we take for granted all other parameters, including picking strength and whatever were the same.

  18. #267

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    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Joe
    Tone in your living room and tone at a session or gig are two vastly different things, IMO. In your living room, you'll hear lots of subtle nuances, and you'll convince yourself that something like Maple vs. Rosewood is a huge deal. Playing out, you'd never hear the difference.

    Personally, I like Rosewood. I think it looks and feels better. That's a personal opinion, of course, but I've never really cared for Maple fretboards.

    I'm talking both ways, including several of the recordings on my website, where almost all of the electric guitars are teles.

  19. #268

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr. beaumont
    I'm talking both ways, including several of the recordings on my website, where almost all of the electric guitars are teles.
    I think listening closely in isolation, you'd hear a difference. A subtle one, but noticable. But the overall tones will be really similar. Listening casually, or listening in a context with other instruments, I doubt anyone would hear much of a difference. (Maybe Eric Johnson would.)

  20. #269

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    Oh, there's a difference...but I wonder if the difference is what people would expect, or if their preconcieved notions would be wrong...

    for example...I think the darkest tele tone on the recordings I've posted was a maple neck tele...with a single coil pickup...

  21. #270

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    I think we all can agree there's a difference however slight maple vs rosewood (if you still can't hear it- congrats, your ears make your life easier), but it's a personal thing how much it means for you. Most people don't care, I don't really care too, I can be happy with either... But if I to be a country player, I would choose maple, the main difference in the attack, that snap.. And also I can nail my fav. Albert Collins tone much easier with maple neck now!

    And that's it, I'm done arguing about this stupid shit

  22. #271

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    Do most folks tend to mod their teles for jazz? Mine is bone stock. I like the sound, but I've seen pages touting a
    "jazz switch" mod that darkens the sound.

  23. #272

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    Teles are about the most receptive guitars to tone controls and EQ tweaks I can think of. I think the idea of a "jazz switch" is kinda is the notion there's a singular "jazz sound."

    Not that I'm anti modding...I've modded a bunch of stuff on my tele...but the neck pickup and wiring, probably the most fundamental thing in it's sound--is stock.

    Most of the mods I did were "upgrades" that I did rather than fixing/replacing a part with the same thing...for example, my tele needed a I got a whole new neck!

  24. #273

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    I have a 2000 Standard Tele that buzzed and hummed like a short-wave radio. I shielded the cavities and replaced the pick-ups with a Bill Lawrence hand-wound noiseless 202 at the neck and the twin blade at the bridge, I consider it a worthy improvement.

  25. #274

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    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Joe
    Do most folks tend to mod their teles for jazz? Mine is bone stock. I like the sound, but I've seen pages touting a
    "jazz switch" mod that darkens the sound.

    And "stock" in this case means ...?

    Not all teles are build with the same quality components (Pu's, pots, bridge plates/saddles, nuts, frets, etc.).

    Telecasters are commonly modded because: 1) it's relatively easy given the nature of the instrument; 2) sometimes it's a necessity; and, most importantly, 3) it's a whole lotta fun!

    I have a new neck for mine with a shorter scale, 25". And I'm planning on a Lollar Goldfoil or CC neck PU. The PU change is completely unnecessary and (wiping a tear from my eye) will not improve my playing. Still, I really dig the way they sound.


  26. #275

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    Hello All

    Anyone own or played the new Godin Session 59. Getting serious GAS but unable to find one to play. Found one of the discontinued models which has that great Godin neck I love to play but wasn't impressed with the Godin humbucker. They have gone to a Seymour Duncan 59 in the neck in the new model.
