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  1. #101

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    Thanks for your pely.
    The Dude from the mieinlshop who sold Ibanez Stuff told me, the pot knob must be one for stuck toothed axes

    Just another question:
    Can you tell me what length and diameter the strap buttons have? I also wanted to trade them.

    Thanks & Regards


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #102

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    Quote Originally Posted by christianm77
    But I might try the pick up swap thing. Does it give you a Peter Green middle position?
    I think you have to flip the magnet itself to get that out-of-phase thing going. But perhaps you could reverse the phase by exchanging pos and neg wire terminals on the pickup?

  4. #103

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    Quote Originally Posted by Prof.Reverb
    Thanks for your pely.
    The Dude from the mieinlshop who sold Ibanez Stuff told me, the pot knob must be one for stuck toothed axes

    Just another question:
    Can you tell me what length and diameter the strap buttons have? I also wanted to trade them.

    Thanks & Regards
    What are ‘stuck toothed axes’?!?

    I really like the Ibanez strap buttons by the way, they are wider than standard strap buttons and hold the strap really well:

    The diameter of the ‘mushroom’ is 12mm.

    I found a nice ‘50ies tailpiece on ebay for only $30:

    It’s probably my mind playing tricks on me but I really have the impression this old tailpiece changes the sound for the better.... a more solid tone, less zzzing and more oomph......
    Last edited by Little Jay; 10-24-2018 at 02:54 PM.

  5. #104
    So I played on of these a couple of weeks back. And I kind of liked it! For the money it is an absolutely awesome guitar. Beautiful stained matte finish, good neck and decent hardware. I’m thinking about upgrading the pickups, bridge and tuning keys.

    This was offered on facebook at a real low price and I even managed to talk a bit more off. The guy was a little bit in the south of the country (NL) but my girlfriend, Bob the dog and me were on a little vacation trip down there so we drove up to the guy’s house on our way home. Convenient logistics. After all I got this for less than €200 which is an absolute steal in my opinion.

    I strung it up with a couple of EB 12’s roundwound which really opened the guitar up! Kind of a strong acoustic voice for a laminate sub €200 guitar! Didn’t have a lot of time to play amplified but it sounds good! I like the 20th fret pickup position. Sounds smokey and vintage to me.

    If I have to mention something negative the neck is a bit small. The string spacing is kind of narrow and that takes some getting used to. I’m predominantly a tele player and this feels a bit smaller than that. Time will tell whether this is going to bother me.

    Couple of pics:

  6. #105

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    Cool! I have one too. For the money it's a great guitar. Heck, even for more money it's a great guitar!

    And with a few upgrades it is a serious gig-worthy instrument! I use it whenever I don't want to take my vintage ES-125, like when I have to play on a boat in a canal :-)

    If you are curious about how I upgraded my AF55, check out the thread I did on it last year:
    Ibanez AF55

  7. #106
    That sounds really great!

    What's the pickup?

  8. #107
    @ Little Jay: Fun fact 1. Your thread inspired me a lot to pick up this guitar! How do you feel about the wooden bridge and in what way do you feel it differs in sound from the stock one?
    Fun fact 2: I play that festival too! With my band Tess et les Moutons . I took a solid body that day. But this guitar is going to be my main one for that band!

    @ Tommo: Thanks man!

  9. #108

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    Thanks Pingu! The pickup you hear in the vid is the neck pickup and that is an old (80ies?) stamped patent number Gibson. Bridge is a SD 59, sounds good but I hardly use bridge pickups.

  10. #109

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    Quote Originally Posted by LeonSibum
    @ Little Jay: Fun fact 1. Your thread inspired me a lot to pick up this guitar! How do you feel about the wooden bridge and in what way do you feel it differs in sound from the stock one?
    Fun fact 2: I play that festival too! With my band Tess et les Moutons . I took a solid body that day. But this guitar is going to be my main one for that band!

    @ Tommo: Thanks man!
    Haha, wow small world!

    The wooden bridge yields a little less sustain (tone dies out faster) and sounds a little darker and.... ehr..... woody-er! ;-) Both good things to my ear for a more authentic jazz sound.

    Oh and I rearranged the electronics into 50ies style. Sounds more open to me and I like the way the tone knob also works almost as a gain-control.

  11. #110

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    While it is hard to accurately judge from your picture, but based on the space on the outside of each E string and the way the strings line up with the pole pieces on the neck pickup, there appears to be room to swap out the nut with one with a slightly wider string spacing. Enjoy your guitar.

  12. #111
    @ Little Jay: Cool! I’m gonna look that 50’s wiring up! Sounds cool!

    @ Rob taft: You know, I’ve been thinking about that, too. Would you recommend a specific nut?

  13. #112

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    I have done my own nut replacements for the same reason but I used a blank and custom spaced the string spacing. But unless you have the skill and the tools e.g nut files. I would take it to your guitar tech and ask for a new bone nut from a blank. Should be pretty cheap. Below is a example of nut blanks.

    Bleached White Bone Nuts |

  14. #113

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    Oh to answer your question, here’s the pickup height on my AF55, but bear in mind the Gibson patent no humbucker in there is only 7.2K, the Ibanez buckers are hotter I think?

  15. #114
    Thanks Jay! Mine are a little lower than that but indeed the stock pickups are kind of hot. I’ll look out for some second-hand seymours or gibsons. Thanks!

  16. #115

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    I've been having trouble finding a pickguard that says it will fit this guitar. How did you go about making yours? Would you suggest a website that would sell one?

  17. #116

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    Quote Originally Posted by nate mcmanus
    I've been having trouble finding a pickguard that says it will fit this guitar. How did you go about making yours? Would you suggest a website that would sell one?
    I ordered a pickguard blank from and designed one myself!

  18. #117

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    Quote Originally Posted by nate mcmanus
    I've been having trouble finding a pickguard that says it will fit this guitar. How did you go about making yours? Would you suggest a website that would sell one?

    If you’d like me to scan/trace my pickguard and send it to you let me know!

  19. #118

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    Sweet project! Great playing and the Ibby sounds really nice! I had an AF95FM for awhile and I was VERY impressed with the quality. I wish I hadn't let it go...Love the buffed out finish. Makes me wanna give it a go on my project 175.

  20. #119

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    Does rotating the pickup have the desired effect - does it matter?. I think that if it does have the desired effect I might use this trick on the bridge pu on my Ibanez AG75 which I find a bit too sharp.

  21. #120

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    Quote Originally Posted by teeps
    Does rotating the pickup have the desired effect - does it matter?. I think that if it does have the desired effect I might use this trick on the bridge pu on my Ibanez AG75 which I find a bit too sharp.
    Yes, it does have the effect I wanted/expected, but it’s subtle. But it might be just the little touch you need!

  22. #121

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    Thank you. I only just realise that you already had this covered this back in post #67 .
    I will test to see/hear the effect on the bridge PU. I also noted that in the video with Eva & The Tracies, the boat behind you left just after you ended your solo, so clearly also they found the guitar playing and sound worth waiting for .

    Edited a bit later: Yes, there is a difference. Thanks again for the inspiration. I flipped the neck pickup and the difference is so prominent that the two pickups now sound as if they are in the same guitar which was not the case originally. And - as you mention better clarity of the neck pickup. I can not flip the bridge pickup since the wiring is not long enough so it will need the soldering iron and some length of wire. That will be another day.
    Last edited by teeps; 06-23-2019 at 05:41 AM.

  23. #122
    Ibanez AF55-af55-jpg

    Cant go wrong for the price with this true hollow body. Tuners were rubbish so installed good ones plus some round wound strings then made my own pick-guard and neck adjustment cover. Don't feel guilty for messing about with it and you can leave it around the house to play anytime as the dust doesn't show on the flat finish.

  24. #123

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    Quote Originally Posted by
    Ibanez AF55-af55-jpg

    Cant go wrong for the price with this true hollow body. Tuners were rubbish so installed good ones plus some round wound strings then made my own pick-guard and neck adjustment cover. Don't feel guilty for messing about with it and you can leave it around the house to play anytime as the dust doesn't show on the flat finish.
    Pretty cool you made your own trussrod cover! But I find the Ibanez truss rod cover so practical .... the only one I ever saw that let’s you access the truss rod without unscrewing the cover!

  25. #124

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    Quote Originally Posted by Little Jay
    But I find the Ibanez truss rod cover so practical .... the only one I ever saw that let’s you access the truss rod without unscrewing the cover!
    That's such a neat little detail isn't it?

  26. #125

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    Nice guitar and playing. It's really hard to beat Ibanez in bang-for-buck. Congratulations, and play it in good health!