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  1. #1

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    No idea how I got it, but I've been annoyed by a "wry neck in my left shoulder", more precisely at the level of the left shoulder blade, since at least past Tuesday. Usually when I get this it'll go away by taking 1gr of paracetamol before going to bed plus some additional stretching & warm-up exercises getting up. Or it's an upbeat to cold. This time it's neither, and it's proven to be resistant even to oral NSAIDs (taken just before bed) and 2 days of not playing at all haven't really helped either and I can't seem to find the stretching movement that pulls on the offending muscle (strand) :-/ Movements that trigger pain shots are no problem: looking over my left shoulder requires deliberation as I found out driving into town the other day.

    I thought I'd ask and see what remedies people have here, as it does interfere with playing.

    I'm sure my former guitar teacher would remind me of my age if she heard about this... (and I'd just as rather not find out what the new one will say when lessons start again in 3 weeks )


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    I haven’t had pain there yet, I suppose you’ll have to try stretches until you hit one that works.

    I hold my left arm out with the palm out and tip my head to the right, this will crack my shoulder, neck and sternum.

    I try to practice with a better posture now and also do the McGill Big 3 back routine along with some other yoga and body weight movements. Getting old hurts.

  4. #3

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    I thought it was a quite common location to have muscle aches but it appears not so much, or I haven't yet figured out the correct terms to search for.

    Getting old... yeah, no fun, and I don't even have a young spirit :-/ Seems I finally got rid of the cramps in a calf and some sort of arthritic symptom in my right shoulder I got myself from insisting to take off 2 layers of clothing by pulling it up over my left shoulder with my right hand (= as I've always done). I actually found some exercises with my Theraflex bars that helped, haven't yet for this newest ailment.

    I'll try those McGill exercises, thanks. (The one that looks like it'd be most appropriate also looks like it'll dislocate my knees, fun assured!)

  5. #4

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    Without an actual diagnosis, it's impossible to give advice.

    I had shoulder issues for about 2 years, long story short it was FINALLY diagnosed as a rotator cuff tear with accompanying tendonosis, altho not one bad enough for surgery, I did 6 months of physical therapy and it STILL wasn't 100% better, so at that point I simply had to rest it (luckily it was winter, so not alot of outside work to be done), and at around the 2-year mark, it's now at 100%.

    But unless you know what's actually causing the pain, it's impossible to give any worthwhile advice. I guess you could try some stretches (look on YouTube), but beyond that, if it continues you'll need to see a doc. Who will probably offer you a cortisone shot. Might work. Might not. Everybody's different.

  6. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by ruger9
    Without an actual diagnosis, it's impossible to give advice.
    Of course, I'm not expecting medical advice beyond specific terms (like muscle names) I might search for.

    The other (right) shoulder issue I mentioned was probably something with one of the biceps tendon attachment areas - and didn't interfere with playing.

    It feels like I must have traumatised a probably tiny strand in a muscle that I don't use particularly intensively and that's now remaining in contraction. Possibly during weeding (though I can't remember if I did any of that on the day I think the issue started). Annoyingly it's out of reach where I can massage it myself. I'll probably have to make a pharmacy run to get some topical diclofenac ("voltaren balm"), I've been sloppy with my stock of that indispensable stuff!

  7. #6

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    Sorry, in French, but this page stirred some forgotten memories:

    Soulagez vos douleur entre les omoplates - PhysioWork

  8. #7

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    Shoulder or back pain, I'm not understanding which you are referring too.

    FWIW, shoulder pain might be "frozen shoulder" also known as "adhesive capsulitis".

  9. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by fep
    Shoulder or back pain, I'm not understanding which you are referring too.
    Sorry, I guess it can be confusing, with the shoulder blade being located on the back...

    I tend to restrict "back problems" to those directly related to the spinal column, but I realise that may not correspond to anything official.

    EDIT: pulled the trigger on an IR lamp. I have good memories of the one my parents used to have, from way back when I was doing more martial arts than music.

  10. #9

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    First thing I'd try is a warm pack, maybe a massage.

    I'd suggest a consult with a doc and get a referral to a physical therapist (especially one who specializes in shoulders). 4 years ago I was having a lot of right shoulder pain and a PT gave me to tools to fix it, no pain at all for 2 1/2 years now. 15 years ago I had sciatica and low back pain, referral to PT gave me the tools to manage that very successfully. Last year it was plantar fasciitis, PT fixed that too (iontophoresis with dexamethasone was immediately helpful).

  11. #10

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    Strap it too, if that's possible. It relieves no end of troubles.

  12. #11

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    If it's not a serious injury and feels like mainly a tweak, for the shoulders I recommend pull ups or simply hanging.

  13. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cunamara
    First thing I'd try is a warm pack, maybe a massage.
    Yeah, that's what the IR lamp is meant for, but in the meantime I'm wearing a sleeve-less bodywarmer. I've actually been thinking this might simply have been caused by a "cold" due to the temperature swings we're having.

    As as to massages ... wouldn't that be great. My old trainer would get his son to foot-massage his back for this kind of thing but I can't say I have anyone I'd trust enough to trample me gently but firmly like that

  14. #13

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    When I started lifting, bench overloaded my serratus muscle. Because my main muscles could handle it, but this little muscle on the side that also moves your arms forward got overloaded. It was the most painful and achey non serious injury I've ever had. It also affected my back and I felt like I needed the biggest back crack ever.

  15. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by RJVB
    Yeah, that's what the IR lamp is meant for, but in the meantime I'm wearing a sleeve-less bodywarmer. I've actually been thinking this might simply have been caused by a "cold" due to the temperature swings we're having.

    As as to massages ... wouldn't that be great. My old trainer would get his son to foot-massage his back for this kind of thing but I can't say I have anyone I'd trust enough to trample me gently but firmly like that
    Go to a masseuse.