The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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    Not the only way to do this, but quite a fun way into it I think

    How to HEAR the altered scale

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    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by Christian Miller
    Not the only way to do this, but quite a fun way into it I think

    How to HEAR the altered scale
    There are a few very long threads going on now that touch on everything except how something sounds, as if that is some byproduct of theory and technique rather than the musical thing in itself. Sometimes I think the posts must be assuming everyone is focused primarily on the sound, but sometimes not. Glad to see you encouraging it.
    I invented a scale about 30 years ago and subsequently began exploring Jazz, and discovered much later that it was already a thing called Lydian Dominant. While everyone else was learning and applying MM and thinking of LD as MM's fourth mode and the altered scale as its seventh mode, I developed LD name unknown as a basis and thought of MM and ALT sounds names unknown as modes of LD. All the MM and ALT I've heard, I heard and continue to hear as LD. Part of the fun of being self taught I guess, modes as inversions of scales.
    Choosing the "basis or reference" mode from which the others are numbered from... that just makes me wonder why if C major is the fundamental reference, why is it C rather than A, which would have been simpler to make the reference major scale note names ABCDEFG. Or maybe minor is more fundamental than major.