The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #76

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thumpalumpacus
    From an open-mic back a couple of years. Forgive the poor recording quality, please.

    Such bold vulnerability in this live performance. Love it.

    (Reminded me of questions posed at the start of a talk I heard recently; "What are the needs of the day, and how - as artists - can we serve the world in its constantly evolving form?")


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #77

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    Thanks. I played a jazz original in that set too, but being fingerstyle, the sound is ... yikes ...

    Those are some good questions you pose. I guess if I had to answer, I'd simply say that service to the song is the best I manage for right now, and just hope it's the right song for the time.
    Last edited by Thumpalumpacus; 05-02-2017 at 07:18 PM.

  4. #78

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  5. #79

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    here is a fusion-trans oriented stuff I wrote with my friend Chris. Plus we were lucky to record that with some of the best musicians in Poland - check the drummer, bass and sax player

  6. #80

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hyppolyte Bergamotte
    Very nice tone!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  7. #81

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    Inspired by Kurt Rosenwinkel's "Caipi" album .... only I did it 20 years before his attempt (and I did not think it was good, I was actually looking for someone to do it properly) ... the 1st song is the only one with lyrics not in English language ... the 4th song is the only one with guitar, not much of it though, just a short solo, but the "backing" is Bossa ... also in explanation I made a mistake and wrote "inducted", of course, it should be "induced" instead, but well, we can't all be Kurt ...

  8. #82

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  9. #83

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    Hello everyone,

    It is a very good idea to share our compositions. Can't wait to listen to other memebers stuff.

    Here is a composition I recorded last year. If anyone is interested I can give the sheet music with pleasure.

    Take care.


  10. #84

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spal
    Hello everyone,

    It is a very good idea to share our compositions. Can't wait to listen to other memebers stuff.

    Here is a composition I recorded last year. If anyone is interested I can give the sheet music with pleasure.

    Take care.

    Great! I checked your other stuff on You Tube. You have your certain style.

  11. #85

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hyppolyte Bergamotte
    I´ve heard this before . Its getting better and better

  12. #86

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    Check out my composition:

    Looking forward to your comments

  13. #87

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    Man there's so much great stuff on this thread. I'll go out on a limb and throw one of my own out there. It's a Bobby Timmons inspired hard Bop tune called Betcha Can't. I recorded it with a school jazz combo and two mics.

  14. #88

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    Not bad at all. Very jazzy! If you did it at school you (all) must have been quite young. Hope you did shows :-)

  15. #89

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    Quote Originally Posted by ragman1
    Not bad at all. Very jazzy! If you did it at school you (all) must have been quite young. Hope you did shows :-)
    Thank you! Not that long ago actually! This tune/recording is from about a year ago. I only just graduated from my undergrad studies earlier this month. I'll be re-recording it as part of my first record along with the other tunes on my SoundCloud and more. Tell me what you think of this one. It's an older composition but newer recording. It's called Fifty-68!

  16. #90

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    It's good. Do you just want me to say it was great or give you something constructive? I've never liked people who say everything's wonderful to keep you sweet.

    I think the tunes's good. Very good rhythmically and harmonically. I think the level of instrumental playing's excellent. Drums, sax, these guys know what they're doing. Not perfect but pretty damn good.

    But you're the guitarist and you're here! Again good. I liked the slight overdrive. If I have one idea it's that your solo bordered a little on pentatonic and other set-ish forms rather than lines - but you've got your altered sounds off, which is good. The sax player - because they practice and learn that way - used more lines which, to be honest, is probably better jazz. But guitar is hard, let no one tell you otherwise. But it was still good and personally I think the band has a future...

    Unless it was only school/undergrad stuff that'll be forgotten once you've left and get into the cruel, demanding world :-)

    By the way, what are you studying? Music, presumably... or not?

  17. #91

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    Thanks! No I'm not one who just wants to be told "good job". I don't learn anything from "good job", so I value actual critiques. I'm glad you like the tune! At its core, it's just a blues! With the changing time signatures, I probably did just stick to pentatonic stuff. Soloing in odd time signatures is a tricky enough thing even without all kinds of crazy scales and what not. Like I said earlier, I'll be re-recording it for a record I'm doing, so I'll be sure to practice exploring other sounds than pentatonic.

    As for what you said about the band's future, unfortunately we all knew each other from school and we've all graduated and gone separate ways. As for myself, I studied jazz studies at University of Louisiana at Lafayette and took some composition lessons. In August, I'll be starting work on my Masters degree at the University of New Orleans studying with Steve Masakowski. There's way more jazz in New Orleans!

  18. #92

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    Well, it all sounds brilliant. I envy you!

    Yes, odd time sigs aren't easy. I tried 5/4 the other month and it tied me up in knots :-)

  19. #93

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  20. #94

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    copied this from my other post to here, trying to get the hang of this, no fun being old in a modern world

    "Think it Through" Jazz Waltz

    One i wrote, "Think it Through" guitar myself with horns, this was purely to send to my notators,
    so is very accurate, but very dry not too far out playing but 100%, because they are so good they notate mistakes, i learnt this the hard way.

    Form AABA 16 in/outro Jazz Waltz Jazz Fusion Rock vibe, no improv, just straight thro entire piece. It has been recorded with Piano, TS, Trp, Bass,Drums,Guitar with improvised solos.

    Interesting hearing your own compositions, played for 1st time, say on Trombones Horns, etc there are tiny differences, since the guitar played fast mordent type figures & glisses which very difficult to notate, (easy to play)

  21. #95

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  22. #96

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    I often perform my own compositions, so I'm trying not to spam this thread too much but I thought you might enjoy this slightly 30 degree heatwave addled version of my tune Nibiru, which I posted a leadsheet for a few months back and a few forum members made recordings of.

    It's a contrefact. Name that tune!


    Christian Miller - Guitar
    Marcus Penrose - Double Bass
    Adam Texiera - Drums

    2 people in the audience sweating half to death and the windows wide open... That's a jazz gig!

  23. #97

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    Well, I skimmed through the stuff above sorry for repetition or stating the obvious, but for 4 on 3 (which I confess is not a rhythm I have used) I would start with subdivision.

    Divide the 3/4 bar into 16th notes:

    1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


    Ta ka di mi Ta ka di mi Ta ka di mi

    Then group thusly, bold is the beat, not the accent:

    1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
    Ta ki da Ta ki da Ta ki da Ta ki da

    Then just count the 1's and leave out the others, or just say the 'Ta's

    Pretty straightforward, no? Groupings of 3 against 4 is a pretty old jazz rhythm. Think It Don't Mean a Thing - doo wa doo wa doo wa.

    I'm pretty sure I've seen 4 on 3 in a few charts - IIRC there's one in the Real Book?
    Last edited by christianm77; 06-20-2017 at 06:46 AM.

  24. #98

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    Quote Originally Posted by christianm77
    Well, I skimmed through the stuff above sorry for repetition or stating the obvious, but for 4 on 3 (which I confess is not a rhythm I have used) I would start with subdivision.

    Divide the 3/4 bar into 16th notes:: I would not start 16ths ,

    Christian glad to see youre interested , good boy,

    Without sounding rude, You are over complicating it i know what you trying to do.

    here goes

    A. Two 2 beats each a dotted crotchet in 3/4 makes each beat 1 1/2 X 2 = 3 beats

    B. divide each beat 1.5 into half makes 2 dotted quavers per dotted crotchet so now 4 dotted quavers per bar gives you 4 beats over three all the same

    The hard part is
    A. reading it if not familiar
    B. Conceptualizing it @first

    This is actually pretty easy to play. it is really a feel, trust me if you start thinking it can be difficult.
    So the trick is to understand what is is then just kind of feel it, Just do it

    Bill Evans played a lot in 3/4 he does this all over, you know it when you hear it........
    he sometimes plays 4/4 right across 3/4 and instead of resolving notes he resolves the rhythm
    if this makes sense, and you kinda go hell thats was neat, but not really knowing what it was kinda thing

    Tilting...... In bars 2, 9, 29 & 30 of my image pic, this is 4 over 3 in bar 29 & 30 it is very complicated syncopated but easy to play,

    possibly why Ragman mentioned the backing, with a Real pianist who can play this is no problem,
    but a problem is if the backing (non adjustable) is playing syncopated chords it can throw things.

    4 over 3 is a beautiful rythm and piano should be just on one if at all, because it is a complex poly rthmy
    but thats how it sounds. Ragman if listening thats what it is, and thx for hearing that, i am working on

    I'm pretty sure I've seen 4 on 3 in a few charts - IIRC there's one in the Real Book? I am sure there is cant recall at mo.
    I'll have you know I make an excellent Daal.

    Anyway. I kind of see what you mean... I can see that you could get a bit of a crossed feel with the straight 16ths over the swung feel, so to speak. As I say it's not a rhythm I've played around with too much, but I think it would be a great one to loosen up my 3/4 phrasing a bit.

    In general I would work on subdivisions to get everything as accurate as possible before relaxing somewhat as the rhythm becomes more intuitive. I'd do this for pretty much anything. Otherwise, I might not actually be executing the rhythm correctly. But different people work in different ways.

    I'm not saying this in your case, but 'just feel it' can be an excuse for executing things inaccurately. My experience has been that swing comes from relaxed accuracy. Mere accuracy can be stiff and possibly rush, but mere relaxation can drag and be rhythmically formless.

    However you find helps you get to both, it's worth separating out the intuitive thing that happens in actual music and the highly exacting narrow practice you need to equip yourself with the tools to do it. I personally need to understand the rhythm before I execute it. Of course the aim is that both rhythms can be felt one over the other at the same time - there's not just one way to acheive this.

    (I'm talking about my own process here)

  25. #99

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    Tufnel's tune may have been sad and in Dm, but the song's working title was....

  26. #100

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    I'm sure I'm breaking all sorts of protocols by posting this; style-wise, sound-wise, recording-quality wise, but here goes. More funk than jazz, more jazz than rock, welcome to my weird musical brain. Also not sure if the file is attaching...
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