The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #401

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    I swapped her for Dora, it's better :-)


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #402

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  4. #403

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    1986-1995, I had a Quartet for playing Standards and a Quintet, playing my own compositions (and I taught guitar locally). This, called “Hey Dude” is one of them, recorded (on cassette tape!) in the rehearsal place we used at the time. We never recorded a proper “album”/CD, although I had (still have!) enough material for at least a handful of albums. I was 27 at the time of this recording. I hope you enjoy, and opinions (both favourable and critical) are welcome. The guitar used in the recording is the one I had at the time: a second hand Ibanez GB10 (beautiful guitar, I had to sell it in 1990). Before the GB10 I had had an Ibanez JP20. I remember liking the GB10 better for body-size and sound but prefering the JP 20 for it's slimmer neck and classic (D'Acquisto ...ish) looks.

    Lo fi sound quality. Headphones recommended.

    BenFajen: tenor sax Francesco Barberini: guitar and composition LeonardoPieri: piano and keyboards Raffaello Pareti: bass Walter Paoli: drums

    Last edited by frabarmus; 05-08-2023 at 12:18 PM.

  5. #404

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vladan
    "Serbian DISCO" Electro MIDI

    VladanMovies & CCC - Car Camera Clips: "Serbian DISCO" Electro MIDI/ ...
    2nd clip for same music

    VladanMovies & CCC - Car Camera Clips: "Serbian DISCO" (the title is not the genre) 2nd video/VladanMovies POV Slovenia, Portoroz (Portorose) i Piran (Pirano)

  6. #405

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    More MIDI sequencing (Atari 520, Kawai K1, Alesis HR16, Fostex X26)

    "DISCO" (title), Electro MIDI (genre), 1994

    VladanMovies & CCC - Car Camera Clips: "DISCO" (title), Electro MIDI (genre)/ VladanMovies: POV Driving Venezia - Belgrade,

  7. #406

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    More of my compositions here: some are old cassette-tape live recordings of gigs or rehearsals, some are just Sybelius (software) midi versions.

  8. #407

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    More here: these are all my compositions eccept last one (Gargantua, by Stefano Bollani)

    Quattroquinti Project Plays the Music of Francesco Barberini - Topic - YouTube

  9. #408

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    Here are two different versions of another composition of mine, recorded by the late Luca Flores (Pianist).

  10. #409

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    This was a more "commercial" gig, I composed this song and I'm the guitar player in it.

    The following (from the same project as above) is a composition by Anthony Sidney (American composer/guitarist who lives in Italy). All guitars were played by me in this one.

    From the same gig, this is the "jazzier one": I wrote this tune and played what you can tell is a jazzbox, playing the head and then comping, while Anthony Sidney played the nylon-string guitar improvised solo (and on final Head).

    This, too, I wrote and played both the distorted guitar and the "chimey" harmonix part, while the repetitive line at the end is played by Anthony Sidney on a Telecaster.
    This one has more of a Prog/Fusion/World (African) flavor.

    Last edited by frabarmus; 06-07-2023 at 02:10 PM.

  11. #410

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    Very good, Luca

  12. #411

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vladan
    More MIDI sequencing (Atari 520, Kawai K1, Alesis HR16, Fostex X26)

    "DISCO" (title), Electro MIDI (genre), 1994

    VladanMovies & CCC - Car Camera Clips: "DISCO" (title), Electro MIDI (genre)/ VladanMovies: POV Driving Venezia - Belgrade,

    And another video for same music
    VladanMovies & CCC - Car Camera Clips: "DISCO" by VladanMovies and Grega 2nd video/ POV Driving Belgrade-Vienna Jun 2014/

  13. #412

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  14. #413

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  15. #414

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    Something recent:
    Spacey Saturday Miezo Jam

  16. #415

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    One pop rock of mine.
    Made in 1989 ... recorded 1999 ... 2014, heavilly cut and edited and with addition of some techno bits, not to say beats ...

  17. #416

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    Solo guitar 3 part fourths in Harmonic Minor with chromaticism.

  18. #417

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    A bit more Harmonic Minor

  19. #418

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    With vocals (luckilly not mine), otherwise 100% MIDI sequenced and quantized to grid. I think that all the sounds are from Yamaha QY70

  20. #419

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    This composition I wrote in 1989 (directly at the piano), it's called Magico Hermeto (my homage to Hermeto Pascoal!).

    I had a Quintet at the time , I was writing original music for it, we had local gigs but no "proper" studio-recordings (no record deal), so this is the only recording of it I've got, on cassette-tape (headphones recommended, if you want to hear the bass) and was a rehearsal (in 1992). It was fun (this piece, the quintet, those years etc.)! I was using my Yamaha SF 400 (solid body with a whammy bar), so the sound of it is a bit "Mikesternish", I guess.

  21. #420

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    Here`s a song from our latest album, hope you`ll like it.

  22. #421

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    Quote Originally Posted by ma1
    Here`s a song from our latest album, hope you`ll like it.
    I liked this, so checked out your YouTube and found some more good stuff. Your solo guitar clips are great and should be much longer! Try posting in the showcase subforum? This one has never received much attention for some reason.

  23. #422

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    Really like this!

  24. #423

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    Quote Originally Posted by ma1
    Here`s a song from our latest album, hope you`ll like it.

    Great stuff, unique music, look forward to hearing more!

  25. #424

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    Jeff Novotny JAZZPRJKT - A Caribbean Odyssey
    Latin jazz: calypso, bossa nova, salsa.

  26. #425

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    Hi friends, this is my ultimate work, I hope you enjoy!

    Tonada para un lugar Inhospito | Paul Wegmann