Originally Posted by AllanAllen
And (that's my personal thing and I think I mentioned my typography obsession before) I hate "jazz fonts". Why use the pseudo-handwriting when Steinberg gave us the beautiful Bravura (which I prefer to Musescore's own Leland) for free?
And I'd use 4.3.2 instead of 3.2.3 (at least that is my PDF viewer tells me).
08-01-2024 01:30 PM
I can't figure out how to update musescore. It's an old laptop running ubuntu, so that might be part of the issue. I also can't figure out how to add breaks. I'll have to google that since I'd like it to be obvious where the bridge is on these lead sheet style arrangements.
Originally Posted by AllanAllen
For the bridge use double bar lines and rehearsal marks for the different sections (AABA).
And instead of Google use Startpage or DuckDuckGo Through search machines I have always found a solution either in the handbook(s) or in the forums. If you do not know the right terminology feel free to ask what it might be you should search for.
Thanks I’ll look into all that. Never heard of flatpaks, I’m not a computers guy really. The great irony being my
job is literally being good at excel.
Green Dolphin
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