Threads 1 to 50 of 151
The Sadowsky SS-15 was introduced in 2010. Your guitar is not from the 1990s.
Leave it to you to find the best looking ASAT I've ever seen. Congratulations! That's a beauty.
^ I'm not a minimalist but I don't really like the Tatum school of frantically changing tempos and spazzing out the whole time haha.
This is how your namesake did it. I find it all a bit flowery personally but each to their own. I must be a minimalist.
Honestly I kind of like that question more than the one about analyzing. Trying to describe a line to a layperson can make you think about the aspects that are really important in it. Sounds like...
Did they ask you to do it? If you don't really know how to do it why did they ask you? If you mean you're on a course or studying for a qualification that would be different. Then, obviously, you...
For some reason, I can't imagine what that might sound like with your guitaristic notation of the lick. The Jobim song "Girl from Ipanema" is often listed among the most recorded songs in history. It's been done countless times by innumerable musicians...
Is there a source artist or recording or is this your own? And is there a name for the enclosure in the first measure?
I communicate why a thing sounds good by playing it so as to be heard. Why would I treat a non-jazz audience differently from a jazz audience?
I think I might have misunderstood the quote. I was sort of thinkong about people who play language vs people who don't (it's not a dichotomy but there are different types of players). Certainly they...
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Impressions of Ipanema
Yesterday, 11:51 PM in The Songs