I have this new Gotoh 510BN bridge with height adjustable saddles and have mounted it on my Yamaha SA2200.
Unfortunately there are problems on the 1st and 2nd strings. Suddenly there are a lot of dead spots with this bridge and it produces a strange sound overall, there's clearly something counter-vibrating, almost sounds like phasing.
Well, such a bridge is not a very complicated thing, so I tried to find the reason, but I couldn't.
Everything seems exactly as it should, except for the sound.
Putting the original bridge back everything is fine again.
Has anyone here had the same experience?
Any tips...?
Odd never had the problem as such. Sometimes the very small indents for the string can cause a problem. Other than simply working it all the way through settings by turning the slots, you could try and dip the whole thing in odorless mineral spirits. That might clean anything and smooth things out. OMS will not hurt the plating and it might be worth a try. Run a very smooth file or even a nail file through the top where the strings sit. You are not taking off any metal but might clean up a burr. My thought is that just looking at the saddle insets they could mover a bit up or down and hit the one next to them causing a problem.
You need to make sure the height adjustment screws are at the same height for both, on each saddle. Having the saddle cocked can possibly cause issues. Also make sure all the screws are contacting the bottom of the bridge, and not loose in the saddles. Other than that, I don't know.
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