The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #401

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    The current batch of Jazz Specials are now finished.


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    The other three:

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    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #402

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    ‘The French Connection’ is here!

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  4. #403
    Quote Originally Posted by David B
    ‘The French Connection’ is here!

    Trenier guitars-d887f177-a1ac-450c-9252-151b96b35aee-jpg
    Wow - that is gorgeous ! Hope it meets your expectations. Wishing you many years of enjoyment

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #404

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    Stunning! Congrats, David.

  6. #405

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    Please do a proper NGD post with pics (and clips). That is simply stunning!

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  7. #406

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    Just stunning! Looking forward to hearing you play a few clips with it!

  8. #407

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    His work is stunning. I have two guitars on order: 2025 Broadway (considering adding a vintage D'Armond FHC pickup) and the next Continental in 17" size. If I were to ask of him to build me another guitar I would give free reign of creative freedom and go after new styles/sounds etc. I haven't met him in person yet, but I can tell through correspondence that he is a great person and a true artist.

  9. #408

    Smart purchase! I own several of Bryants guitars and they are fantastic. I've played the blonde Continnetal and it was amazing. It is every bit equal to many D'Aquisto guitars I've played during my visits to Jimmy D's shop.

    Bryant built me a theme guitar called the Georgian, and its one of the finest sounding guitars I've ever played - and I've pretty much played them all.

    I think his theme guitars , or one off 's , will appreciate quite nicely over time.

    Sent from my SM-P610 using Tapatalk

  10. #409

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    Adding to the repo now that this guitar has a pickguard and looks less naked.

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  11. #410
    Quote Originally Posted by omphalopsychos
    Adding to the repo now that this guitar has a pickguard and looks less naked.

    Trenier guitars-img_5410-jpgTrenier guitars-img_5443-jpg
    Strikingly beautiful guitar ! The application and gradient of the finish is very reminiscent of the 20’s L-5’s - and the added pick-guard looks great.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  12. #411

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    You’re never better served than by yourself...
    As I will turn 50 in a couple of years+ I decided to treat myself with a unique piece of craftmanship and contacted Bryant for a discussion about the guitar I would like to order.
    Aside from being a very kind person, we seem to have very similar tastes. So it looks like that a New Yorker would fit very well complimented with a floating CC pickup. Contributions from this group have been very helpful and I will keep you posted on the future steps. January 2025 is a long way but I am sure I will love every mile of it!

  13. #412

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    I know it's been said to death, but Bryant sprays the best burst of any contemporary luthier.

    Trenier guitars-img_5820-jpgTrenier guitars-img_5811-jpgTrenier guitars-img_5806-jpg

  14. #413

    User Info Menu

    Absolutely beautiful!

  15. #414

    User Info Menu

    Yes indeed.
    Trenier guitars-fdd6eec9-7c37-449a-9fb5-29354b9c367a-jpg
    Last edited by Fal Tarlow; 11-27-2022 at 09:48 AM.

  16. #415

    User Info Menu

    The gradient looks very well done indeed but in photos there's always something with the overal tint that I like less. Too cold, for lack of a better word.
    I guess this finish is supposed to be like the one on vintage Gibsons, and I mean how it looks now?

    BTW, where does this idea of a sunburst pattern really come from? It evokes how some traditional (oily?) finishes on violin family instruments can behave, slowly flowing away from edges and down slopes. But that gives a more complex pattern.

  17. #416

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    That beauty needed to be rotated

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  18. #417
    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie2
    That beauty needed to be rotated

    Trenier guitars-fdd6eec9-7c37-449a-9fb5-29354b9c367a-jpg
    Exquisite !

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  19. #418

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    Quote Originally Posted by omphalopsychos
    I know it's been said to death, but Bryant sprays the best burst of any contemporary luthier.

    Trenier guitars-img_5820-jpgTrenier guitars-img_5811-jpgTrenier guitars-img_5806-jpg
    Did I see this, or a similar, Trenier recently posted for sale. Although I’m getting long in the tooth and may be mixing things up.


  20. #419

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    Well, entire my family tested positive for COVID on the day of my final for my degree. Everyone's doing ok, just under the weather, but instead of performing in person I had to submit some videos to complete the jury. I used my Trenier unplugged since everyone was asleep. I am constantly shocked at how great it sounds acoustically with the set in pickup. I played a couple chord melodies and then solo over some backing tracks. Figured I'd add here because we need more clips of Trenier instruments in the thread.

    I Fall in Love Too Easily:

    Have You Met Miss Jones (arr by Barry Galbraith from his chord melody book):

  21. #420

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    Quote Originally Posted by AKA
    Did I see this, or a similar, Trenier recently posted for sale. Although I’m getting long in the tooth and may be mixing things up.

    It was this guitar. Now sold I believe.

  22. #421

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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie2
    Well, entire my family tested positive for COVID on the day of my final for my degree. Everyone's doing ok, just under the weather
    Strength to you and your family.

    Talk about awful timing!

    (In the "Different But Not Entirely Different" Department: My son was born during the middle of law-school finals. The school gave me a 24-hour extension to take the Secured Transactions exam. I ran in, sprayed some nonsense on the page and went back home to where I belonged, with my wife, brand-new kid and deeply-beloved mother-in-law.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie2
    Instead of performing in person I had to submit some videos to complete the jury.
    You sound great, Paulie.
    You sound more than ready to get your degree.
    Nice work and congratulations in advance!

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie2
    I am constantly shocked at how great it sounds acoustically with the set in pickup.
    Don't sell yourself short, man.
    That guitar would sound nowhere near as good if I was playing it.
    It's beautiful gear, but let's keep the focus on the operator.

  23. #422

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Sherry
    Strength to you and your family.

    Talk about awful timing!

    (In the "Different But Not Entirely Different" Department: My son was born during the middle of law-school finals. The school gave me a 24-hour extension to take the Secured Transactions exam. I ran in, sprayed some nonsense on the page and went back home to where I belonged, with my wife, brand-new kid and deeply-beloved mother-in-law.)

    You sound great, Paulie.
    You sound more than ready to get your degree.
    Nice work and congratulations in advance!

    Don't sell yourself short, man.
    That guitar would sound nowhere near as good if I was playing it.
    It's beautiful gear, but let's keep the focus on the operator.

    Wow appreciate the kind words!! It’s crazy how timings can work out like they do. I’m in the final stretch and finish up in the spring. It’s been a ton of work, weird to be at the finish line.

  24. #423

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    Quote Originally Posted by David B
    It was this guitar. Now sold I believe.
    Wow! That was a quick turnaround.


  25. #424

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    Here’s a shot of my Trenier from my recording session today

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  26. #425
    Here are some pics of Bryant’s latest batch. A Broadway, Custom 16”, Jazz Special Solid and Custom Grasso/ Classic. Trenier guitars-ee90ef8b-c666-48cf-88a7-753225ace006-jpg
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    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk