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  1. #51

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    Quote Originally Posted by PMB
    Playing BH descending chromatics from each degree of the chords that make up a major ii-V-I progression helped me get the conventional form under my fingers and into my ears when I first came across the concept.
    Attachment 106802
    Yes, good stuff, I initially did similar BH style chromatic sequences starting on chord tones, but usually descending and ascending in eternal loops.

    The BH chromatic sequence is truly superb, but gets a bit too similar sounding after a while, so I'm trying to create my own sound.

    Below shows one of the many examples of eternal loops I created to initially practice the BH style chromatic sequence.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #52

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    Currently, I'm working with Messiaen Mode 7.

    It's a sequence with a lot of chromatics, which seems to descend very nicely.

  4. #53

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    Here's another using the Messiaen Mode 7 sequence.

    I'm finding these Messiaen sequences very interesting, but you have to practice them a lot to get them under your fingers and in your ears.

  5. #54

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    You could do the whole Slonimsky and Lateef's "Repository of Scales and Melodic Patterns" the Barry way LOL.

    (Lateef being an early BH student of course.)

  6. #55

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    This Chromatic Sequence using the 3rd and 1st chord tones on the 1st and 3rd beats of the bar is simple, but sounds good to my ears. Give it a try.

  7. #56

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    Here's a Christmas Chromatic Sequence based on a Bebop Cliche using the cycle of Fourths, obviously it would repeat itself after 12 bars.

    Here's the first 5 bars:

  8. #57

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    Here's a 9 note Chromatic Sequence that sounds good over a Major iiVI .

  9. #58

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    Here's a 10 note Chromatic Sequence that sounds good over a minor iiVI.

  10. #59

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    Here's a Chromatic Sequence that sounds good over a Major iiVI with a tritone sub.

    Chromatic Scale Sequences-chromatic-sequence-major-iivi-tritone-sub-png