The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #51

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    I've had the original spiral bound Lego Brick Jazz Harmony book for over 20 years.

    A few years ago, I bought and downloaded the newer Elliot book, I prefer using the Elliot book.

    As well as an aid to remembering a song's chords, I use the method as a guide to structuring my improv solos.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #52

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    Quote Originally Posted by GuyBoden View Post
    I've had the original spiral bound Lego Brick Jazz Harmony book for over 20 years.

    A few years ago, I bought and downloaded the newer Elliot book, I prefer using the Elliot book.

    As well as an aid to remembering a song's chords, I use the method as a guide to structuring my improv solos.
    Eliott mentions in his podcast that one advantage of Cork's approach to memorizing tunes is that it improves one's improvisation because one stops thinking chord-to-chord and instead focuses on larger segments.
    As an aside somewhere he mentions that the tradition of using quotes in one's improv makes a lot more sense when you realize that, say, this quote from X in tune Y works because both tunes have a section in common.