I've had the original spiral bound Lego Brick Jazz Harmony book for over 20 years.
A few years ago, I bought and downloaded the newer Elliot book, I prefer using the Elliot book.
As well as an aid to remembering a song's chords, I use the method as a guide to structuring my improv solos.
09-19-2024 05:48 AM
Eliott mentions in his podcast that one advantage of Cork's approach to memorizing tunes is that it improves one's improvisation because one stops thinking chord-to-chord and instead focuses on larger segments.
As an aside somewhere he mentions that the tradition of using quotes in one's improv makes a lot more sense when you realize that, say, this quote from X in tune Y works because both tunes have a section in common.
My Foolish Heart - Jeff Arnold Jazz Ballads Book,...
Yesterday, 09:40 PM in Chord-Melody