Originally Posted by joe2758
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11-08-2024 05:02 PM
Fie upon youOriginally Posted by joe2758I play one of those dixiland banjo tremelos there
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I am very curious how this brilliant child will play GS in 40 years.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MA9r9V_Nzs
Surprising how hard it is to play without mistakes, even with 30 minutes warm up! A couple of places I'm trying to push or pull the lines, and a couple of places I just plain get the rhythm wrong...
I first encountered this tune in 1977- I remember almost quitting; there and then. If I’m lucky I will have another 25 years or so to keep on after this.
How does this cause a problem for you? Finger squeak? The Thomastik are really more akin to round wounds than most flats IMO. Dogal are nice more of a old school flat sound, with a bit more zing....
HAHA boy ain't that the truth!! I've got a Fender tube amp at the rehearsal space, but a Roland solid state amp (Cube Artist) to carry to gigs.
Here is Take 5, with a clam or two. I think I have the melody down pretty well, though: https://youtu.be/z0v3j8_HNII
Despite the wishful thinking of evangelicals impatient for the Rapture or deep ecologists who believe that Gaia would be happiest with a thin sprinkling of hunter-gatherers, megacities like Los...
Oh my. How embarrassing. I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque. https://youtu.be/9MHDObiSplA?feature=shared
Here's 'just the melody' of Naima (the right way up), unadorned, no embellishment. And it's incredibly difficult. Yes, that's a joke. What is not a joke, of course, is to play it properly....
hi, the bridge says '37 or later. as noted, the TP RW cross bar and no TR suggests maybe '41 or later. i have a long scale '40 L-50 and it has a TR. the logo looks better than the typical late...
Here is Albert Lee with his Fender Twin. https://youtu.be/pQ30A3w5Mjw?si=9Jbj_N-3GCY_DhE1&t=546
DawgBone at least is talking about a vintage tube amp, which is the purpose of this thread.
Hmm ... not quite the same. Four is Eb to Ebm Ab7 … then Ab or Fm ... Check out September in the Rain and the A section is pretty doggone close to Misty. Beautiful melody too, speaking of
Actually, I had a metronome going but I think I occasionally played ahead of or behind the beat, and I may have lost half a measure when I hit the bridge. So Allan has a point, I should forget about...
Yamaha C40
Today, 12:26 AM in Guitar, Amps & Gizmos