Last edited by Hyppolyte Bergamotte; 10-02-2024 at 04:39 PM.
10-02-2024 06:00 AM
Last edited by Hyppolyte Bergamotte; 10-02-2024 at 04:39 PM.
I would be shocked if they had the discretion. Doesn't nut width impact tons of geometry on the guitar (neck width, bridge spacing, etc.?)
Seller is claiming the nut is WIDER than 1 9/16.
Nothing to indicate archtops yet on the gibson.com website. Ten million Les Pauls though! :rolleyes:
And just why are we crying about the demise of archtops when individual luthiers can produce such masterpieces? This one's from 2005 but looks like it was made yesterday. Congrats!
Very puzzling that a new Byrdland should show up in Colchester, UK of all places. Why would no other dealer be privy to such a treasure? Why would Gibson whisper psst wanna buy a Byrdland instead of...
There are actually two types of carved archtops that Gibson produced in the past. Mounted pickup CES models and floating pickup models (La Grand, L4C etc). It doesn't seem like building the CES...
That is GREAT! Thanks for posting! Super sensitive bassist and drummer, really listening. I must admit that a lot of your written posts are over my head, but your playing on this really hits the...
I think there are maybe two parts of this. The first is that seamless integration of the chords with the lines and that’s a really higher order skill that takes a ton of work and you have guys like...
The problem appears to be less the fingering of the chords (I've been working on rootless grips on the top four strings, which I find relatively easy to handle) but in making it flow naturally...
I agree. That’s why I found it so surprising to see a newly built fully carved guitar. The guitar shop owner was very vague about what to expect next. I assume there must be more examples of new...
If they are indeed building jazz boxes again, the production process for an L-5 involves a luthier working with a different and more refined skill set than the crafty tools needed to put together a...
Whoops, yes I meant a 2024 build (as per the 2xxx4001 serial number), and no, I did not buy it. I played it, and it sounded very good, but rather bright, like other Byrdlands I have played. I was...
PSA: the changes in this one are half time from the way they’re usually played.
Angel Eyes
Today, 02:47 PM in From The Bandstand