Absolutely no relation nor do I know anything about the seller- saw this while browsing the interwebs and thought I'd share. If I were on the same continent perhaps...
Heritage Eagle 2007 - musical instruments - by owner - sale - craigslist
Go get 'em if the gettin' is good.
09-03-2024 10:56 AM
The bridge appears to be extremely high. The price is right but I’d have some concerns about the action height. The bridge base isn’t original either. The guitar has a story that’s worth investigating.
The bridge and action look very high...
If that was intended, say, for Freddie Green style rhythm playing, then it's probably fine...if it's jacked up that high to avoid buzzes and such, something's up.
That binding looks like thick buttercream icing, yum!
I have a 2002 Eagle that I acquired a couple of years ago in a trade. When I got the guitar the bridge height was just about the same as the one pictured. I took that guitar to my friend, who is the guitar tech at Guitars 'N Jazz here in NJ, and he diagnosed a slight settling of the top under the bridge, which resulted in the higher than expected bridge height. He thought that it was not a serious enough condition to warrant trying to raise the top, so he built up the base of the bridge with a piece of rosewood to take any excess pressure off of the posts (see pic attached) and preceded with a proper set-up. The guitar sounds good and there seem to be no adverse effect on the action. It's now been a couple of years that I've had the guitar and there has been no further settling of the top.
Help me find Rattle on archtop
Yesterday, 05:39 PM in Guitar, Amps & Gizmos