Threads 1 to 50 of 392
No, it doesn't. When Kent Armstrong fabricates the pickup I have him leave the top layer of epoxy off it so the rosewood is the same thickness.
Guitars are tools, and they work best when used for what they were designed for. With the intimate setting of recording yourself at a computer to post on a forum, I've been surprised to find my...
i suppose you must figure out if this is a mental issue (for example, a friend's daughter stops playing automatically if she makes the slightest error, almost out of her control right), or if there...
I think at least in part it comes down to an aspect of the algorithm whereby it recommends similar videos to those you've already watched/search for (it seems, and I'm guessing, to also favour newer...
Here is an example - This is Guitar Salon International in Los Angeles Just a moment... $9000 US for a new Licari Albayzin and here is a new Licari Albayzin in CA: C-661, Valerio Licari...
Thanks! It’s been a lot of work, but I’d do it all over again.
Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be much of a photographer. It looks like that pic was taken with flash from a slight frontal angle. So the guitar casts a shadow that obscures the treble side and...
says the master double bassist:). How are you old friend?!
I think they're both true. You have almost always used tippity-top gear. But when you headed off to Cuba with that $400 Dean PRS-knockoff you were still ready to sound like Mark Kleinhaut. And if...
Great guitar, Bill is a phenomenal builder.. Congrats! Cheers, Arnie..
Joe's influence was significant in two ways. First, Ray deeply appreciated Joe's musicianship and showcased it prominently during their performances. Additionally, we remastered this old tape as a...
Hard to tell without looking at the guitar up close, lighting can play tricks on photos, and this one is not a very good photo. Just make sure he's willing to take it back if you find that it is a...
Please have a look at this neck picture
Today, 01:02 PM in Guitar, Amps & Gizmos