The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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    Is there a way in Musescore to do a search and replace like a text editor.

    I am really thinking in terms of a lengthy single line.

    For example, I want to find all the E's in a line and change to an Eb to convert from major scale to melodic minor,
    or change all the G's to a G# to convert from C major to C harmonic major.

    I don't think transpose works for what I want to do.

    Also wondering how to do this in Finale. The explanation for mass mover function is not sinking in as to whether that would work.
    And yes I read the Finale manual and just wasn't seeing what I wanted. And since Finale is going under I am thinking of trying MuseScore.

    I have also read the manual for Guitar Pro and not seeing it.

    I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
    Last edited by JohnoL; 09-09-2024 at 05:33 AM.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    Selecting elements | MuseScore

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