What do you like?
I've been enjoying "Mi Bossa Nova" by Carmen Cuesta, featuring (her husband) the late Chuck Loeb.
Very sultry singing, and of course Loeb is excellent. (A really tragic early loss to the guitar/music world.)
Last edited by Woody Sound; 12-03-2024 at 08:42 PM.
12-03-2024 08:13 PM
How do you define "modern" in this context? How recently something was recorded (perhaps the simplest definition, rather than one about stylistic considerations)?
My favorite more or less recent bossa recordings currently are "Someone To Light Up My Life" by Gene Bertoncini (solo guitar and percussion), and "Duo" by Romero Lubambo and Cesar Camargo Mariano. Gene's recording is gentle and lyrical, just lovely, whereas Romero and Cesar are fiery and precise. Instead of American musicians putting bebop on top of bossa, as often happens, they put bossa/choro/samba on top of Joy Spring with magnificent results.
And then there is Yamandu Costa, who seems to be pan-Brazilian rather than specifically bossa. Frightening. The Matteo Mancuso of nylon 7 string. If Charlie Parker was reincarnated as a Brazilian guitarist, he'd be Yamandu. I don't listen to him for long all at once, there is so much information coming at the listener that I get kind of worn out.
Luciana Souza; The New Bossa Nova
Originally Posted by Bflat
Not really bossa but wonderfully Brazillian, Fabiano do Nascimento's albums are some of my favorites, particularly "Danca do Tempo"
Also, be sure to check out anything Rita Payes has anything to do with.
Originally Posted by mr. beaumont
(And I can't help but say that no-one has ever come closer to looking cool holding a trombone than Ms. Payes.)
While we're in the neighborhood, Camila Meza:
But y'know, I'm old. "Modern bossa nova" still brings this to mind:
It's still pretty darn modern, don't you think?
This album featuring the amazing Otmar Ruiz on piano is often on repeat in my music platforms:
Some great stuff!
Ah yes, thanks rictroll, I forgot Eliane Elias. She's terrific.
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