Threads 1 to 50 of 328
Honestly they both look like great instruments and will have near identical build quality so it comes down to what hardware you want and what sound you want. Secondarily, what aesthetics you are...
Looks like you’re having a blast and it works great with a guitar trio, lots of room to stretch out. One of my favorite tunes to jam on. Thanks for sharing it here!
well im tossing up whether to get a PMC3 or Ibanez LBG30..looks like Lgb30 is the contender..any more contenders..Shout out..
Stream TCBL 2 by ragman | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
For the love of god. I mean that whether you call this E7 a modulation or a temporary tonicization or nothing at all makes no difference for how you play it.
Yes, it appears here on every end of the chord progression. This standard is really an obsession even if I'm not an alcoholic but it took me time to connect the dots. It's an "old" video. Random...
Hi ! This is a weird question but what do you prefer here ?
True, but maybe someone reading this thread and looking to build a decent guitar might be interested to take a crack at it. Didn't mean to hijack it. It looks like stewmac doesn't offer that kit...
Between the 575 and the eagle I see that the fretboards are different, the 575 looks like a classical guitar, the eagle has the edges of another white material. Does all this have a meaning? Is it...
Came for the S400 - left with a taste for indecent waistcoats ...
One thing Jimi had in common with jazz players is that he improvised when playing his songs live. He didn't play the rhythm guitar nor his solos 'exactly' the way they were on the recordings. He was...
Practicing at slow tempos, listening and recording - this greatly affects the development of a jazz musician.
Bass guitar or double bass ? What do you prefer...
Today, 07:11 AM in Other Styles / Instruments