The link originally posted here did not work. Sorry about that. It was to a story from American Songwriter magazine about Willie's new book.
>>>>With his latest book, Willie Nelson offers fans an unfiltered look at the stories behind some of his most beloved songs. Released today (October 31), Energy Follows Thought: The Stories Behind My Songs offers firsthand reflections on 160 tracks from his extensive career.<<<<<
Here is another article about the same book. I hope this link works!
Willie Nelson Announces New Book 'Energy Follows Thought'
Last edited by MarkRhodes; 11-01-2023 at 11:34 AM.
10-31-2023 10:43 PM
Something wrong with that webpage, it just keeps reloading.
He wrote ANOTHER book? He's written quite a few I believe. I read his first autobiography, then I read "Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die", and it was very similar.... Then he had a more recent one "Tao of Willie", which put me to sleep.
I love the guy, he's one of my favorites. But as an author... eh... I'll have to look and see if one of his books was his "definitive" autobiography; I'd read that. This new one does sound interesting, since I know most of the songs he's talking about already, could be interesting...
Originally Posted by ruger9
Like you, this one interests me because it's about his songs and boy, has Willie written a lot of good ones.
What intrigued me most about the article from American Songwriter (---sorry the link doesn't work; I'd fix that if I knew how) is that Willie said he wrote the lyrics first. And all of them. He doesn't think about melody or backing until he has the whole lyric done. I have never once in my life (and I'm 65) worked that way. It's a mystery to me how anyone could. Works like gangbusters for Willie, though.
This is the song with the same title as the book.
What the heck....
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