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Yesterday, 09:00 PM
Very good! I liked your ending better than Arnold's, which is abrupt and rather bland.
Below is the chart to which I referred, written on top are the composer's original chords (supposedly) and below them are the common alternate jazz chord changes. The chart is from this book: ...
That's wonderful Bop Head. As if you taking it back to Africa puts my advice to add more legato 8th note feel on the wrong side of the African roots platform.
I did not invent jazz. African-Americans did. By marrying African rhythm and sense of melody with European harmonies. Honor to whom honor is due. And in a bigger picture mankind descends from...
Of course he can. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynLHtRoHBzg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edRvTdMrkgo @ Bobby: Oscar Brown Jr. is BTW the guy who wrote the lyrics to a composition by a...
That's my take on it. The issue is not metul technique 'picking lighter' it's the sense of swing. Not to rag on his playing because I think it's good. But I think what he's asking about is the swing...
Dizzy was also a hell of a dancer. He really knew how to shake that ass. And so relaxed !!! That is the secret to groove. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjIWIJTPwu4
Quincy can shuffle too. https://youtu.be/JF_wx8sv8uk?si=MXsQMzGlvKDH6_Fh
Like this? BH said people should play more shuffle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsjvIWUSq6Q I get the impression that many people do not really understand the African aspect of what's going...
Interestingly, I have both. The Cube 60 was a gift from a friend who played bass with Steve Miller. He used it for quiet practice back when he had an apartment in the 80's. I used it for my band...
^ Agreed. You don't want your jazz playing to sound like a damn shuffle.. Unless you want to sound like a dork. Jmo.
Alright hang tight hang tight. So I think the issue he was talking about at first is probably more related to actual legato. Guitar is a naturally choppy instrument with lots of ways to kill a...
I do not know what kind of rock blues you listen to but you seem to have a strange conception of its legato and rhythm ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkmfS64-1hc ...
It seems to be very quiet though I still have the fractal FM3 so I'm using that for recording. I haven't tried recording with it. I run it into an Alto 10" powered PA cab which weighs around 21lbs. ...
Free Western Swing recording
Yesterday, 08:38 PM in Other Styles / Instruments