Threads 1 to 50 of 1378
Don't break your elbow, patting yourself on the back. Everyone suffers from confirmation bias and everyone has failure of critical thought. That is part of the heritage of being a human being. It's...
Something like an Ibanez GB10 bridges the gap. Through an amp it definitely sounds like a jazzbox. No feedback. Unplugged, it sounds like the laminate hollowbody that it is. Currently I have three...
Ummm. No. Buddhism did not come out of Taoism. The former arose in northern India, among followers of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha. Taoism arose in China, a thousand miles away, among the...
Buy one if you can return it. I am currently in the market for a second-hand Yamaha SA2200. Great guitar, but I'll have to try one before buying in order to make sure that it's OK in terms of...
Exactly. Some points to consider, only the less positive ones because you asked to be talked out of it ;-) -Big difference between CS and non-CS models, in every aspect including price -If you...
Listened to the vid. I agree that diads are a great place to start because they're the easiest to grab. They also sound good and are concise. 3 suggestions: 1. Try to run them over a chord...
No one can tell you what you do or don’t like. Don’t buy it if you need convincing. Buy it if it’s your personal Holy Grail.
Another vote for ‘buy one’ I’ve been really impressed by the quality of recent (23/24) ES guitars I also happen to like the T-Type pups that they’re using right now, but YMMV
It just takes a bit of work to make the 17" carved archtops work for higher-volume situations, along with a basic understanding of the physics of guitar feedback. The easy solution is a 17" carved...
Gibson seems to handle feedback a bit better than others, probably due to experience. I've watched people play L5s and Super 400 live without any problems, but the stages were decent, not your...
Have you considered attending a divine liturgy at a eastern orthodox church as a visitor? While other denominations are losing parishioners small Orthodox mission parishes are growing. If you've...
He doesn't seem to tour that much? Tour — JULIAN LAGE Maybe it will get fill in more later? I'd really love to see his show live, and afaik he's never been to China, so hopefully one day...
Sorry to be late with the response, but I had to wrap up the Thanksgiving holiday and then it was back to work. The time with the Triumph went well even with that crack in the back. It turned out to...
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