Ok, a new mini-project for the summer. A thread that is a compendium of short licks and phrases, from anybody who wants to contribute. Simply state what the lick is useful for, whether it's your lick or where you lifted it from, then play the lick full speed, slowly, and again at full speed, and then--here's the catch-- play some variations. The best licks are modular, not set in stone. They're malleable and can be altered on the fly to fit situations.
The end goal-- hopefully a thread consisting of 100's of useful jazz licks that players can take and spin into their own thing.
I'll start this off later today, see if you all like the idea.
06-05-2023 01:16 PM
Oh man I love this. I just recorded a …… Charlie Christian one …… maybe I’ll post here instead.
This is a great idea.
Originally Posted by pamosmusic
Well there ‘tis
And we are off and running. Cool!
And anybody else who wants to join, do it however you want-- explain a bunch or a little. The only point is lick and variation...
Very fun idea, could have more potential than a lot of the study group threads.
is there a way to upload notation?
I would think a screen grab and just upload as an image would work. I might go really old school and write it out and take a photo
If I post notation at all...I think I might stick to the auditory side...
This is a very good idea, I hope many members post their fav licks, so that I can steal them and pretend that they are my own. Only joking.
Creating my own licks and then transposing them to different chords, then different keys and then over whole songs has been my main practice routine.
Nice idea. Don’t know if I’ll have time, but look forward to seeing what people post
Last edited by Christian Miller; 06-05-2023 at 04:17 PM.
Originally Posted by Christian Miller
Originally Posted by mr. beaumont
Lol, im fine with watching someone else for 6 minutes...just not myself.
Here's one I use as part of a Latin tune I composed good for
any bVI-V-im7 where the style is "Latin" or old style "Fusion"
For tunes with this sound
G7(b13) or G7(b13#9)
Cm7 or Cm9
as in
x x 10 11 11 13
x x 9 10 11 11
x x 8 8 8 10
x 9 10 10 9 x
x 8 9 8 8 x
8 x 8 8 8
line is
8 notes for the bVI...F D Bb Gb Ab F C Gb
8 notes for the V.....F B Eb G Bb G Ab Eb
Cm Blues desc from D for the i
For more Latin, play the first six notes notes for the V as
triplets so you have time to make a full enclosure targeting
the D... so at the Eb at the end add B D (see below)
x x x x x 13
x x x x x 10
x x x x 11 x
x x x 11 x x
x x x x 9 x
x x x 10 x x
x x 10 x x x
x 9 x x x x
x 8 x x x x
x x 9 x x x
x x x 8 x x
x x x x 8 x
x x x x 11 x
x x x x 8 x
x x x x 9 x
x x x x x 11
x x x x x 7 (add for more Latin variation)
x x x x x 10... Cm Blues...
For more Fusion, instead of desc Cm blues for the i, repeat
the first eight notes shifted down a "diminished inversion" to start on D
x x x x x 10
x x x x x 7
x x x x 8 x
x x x 8 x x
x x x x 6 x
x x x 7 x x
x x 7 x x x
x 6 x x x x
Lick compendium #1
Originally Posted by mr. beaumont
very cool!
I love a IV to iv to I and using the 7th (not the b7) over the m7 chord. F# on the Gm7 chord in this instance. And then, resolving from the b3 of the m7 chord to the 5th of the I chord. Maybe more of a concept than a lick. Here is the lick which I play and then on the video only a bit of a variation.
The notation is the same lick played twice but once for a Gmaj7 and once for a Gm.
I made this lick up as best I can recall, or so I think.
Last edited by fep; 06-06-2023 at 09:39 AM.
Very interesting!
I absolutely love the idea of creating a compendium of short licks and phrases that can be shared and utilized by fellow jazz players.
Looking forward to more contributions of fellow jazz guitar member.
E7 lick. It can be moved up and down as you like, of course.
All my licks are in my videos!
Mine too, if you can call them licks :-)
Originally Posted by grahambop
So maybe the idea is not to post licks — but to post the source code, in a manner of speaking. Do you ever change and alter and play around with the lines you learn?
It’s a compliment to say that people listening probably don’t hear your licks as such. So they might be obvious to you, but they’re well disguised to the listener! It can be really illuminating to hear how another player got where they got.
I think that’s probably why “variation” is such an important part of the instruction in the original post.
Right, the "lick" is the idea...and the idea is flexible.
I'll try and do one a day for the next week or so, build some stuff up.
Originally Posted by pamosmusic
It’s a compliment to say that people listening probably don’t hear your licks as such. So they might be obvious to you, but they’re well disguised to the listener!
I don't learn them, I make them up as I go. The 'building blocks' is just ordinary musical knowledge, nothing to do with licks. That's why I could do a tune ten times and it's never the same twice.
I use lots of ordinary musical knowledge I guess too—triads, arpeggios, enclosures, etc—but I still find it illuminating to see the way other musicians turn those materials into music. Even though I do it myself too, I suppose.
That could become very deceptive. You could hear a fluent player using his skill and knowledge and say it's all disguised licks. I say only with bad players. And probably if they're good enough to disguise their licks so fluently they wouldn't depend on them in the first place.
Originally Posted by ragman1
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Yesterday, 05:39 PM in Guitar, Amps & Gizmos