I was inspired by Mr B's month of rhythm guitar then summer of rhythm guitar. I've been on a kick to improve my technical skills so I thought why not record every day? People say if you want to shake out your playing, it's good to get out there and get gigging consistently. But wouldn't recording all the time be great also? You're under the microscope and it makes you all nervous. So wouldn't recording every day tighten up your playing and you'd also learn to relax in an intimidating environment? Plus it helps to objectively hear how you're playing to be able to improve on it.
I think I'll record for a half hour or an hour every day until I get a complete take then I can go to just practicing or playing for fun. I was thinking whether to record with or without the drum track or both. I think I should just always use the drum track since it should be about tightening up the rhythms.
Here's the latest clip from me since I'm BT now. Moanin in G# minor.
Last edited by Bobby Timmons; 05-24-2024 at 02:08 AM.
I can hear things that made organ clunky make the piano sing. Great articulation and timing on the head.
Thx a lot. I was thinking that too that even though I was dying on organ, focusing on rhythm with it for 3 years ended up helping piano. And then some idiosyncrasies work better too like you said.
Green Dolphin
Yesterday, 10:31 PM in The Songs