10-27-2024 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by mr. beaumont
Originally Posted by Bop Head
Originally Posted by SandChannel
I recently got a guitar with just a bridge pickup. And love it. Guitar volume and tone both on five, plug into a Fender-esque tube amp, pump the bass a bit and it sounds just great.
Originally Posted by Oscar67
Originally Posted by Oscar67
Originally Posted by Irishmuso
If you've got a brain, you can do whatever you want with a bridge pickup maybe more than a lonely neck pickup.
The neck pickup is the shorter way to get a "jazz" sound...
Sure it will sound a bit different but playable and quite pleasant.
Jimmy appears to be using both here.
Originally Posted by mr. beaumont
I don't like the bridge pickup alone, never did, doubt I ever will.
well I would not fight it...hook up TWO twin reverb..everything on 10
and play everything Leslie West did
Gibson Les Paul Junior Electric Guitar Vintage Tobacco | Guitar Center
I am cheating slightly, using the bridge pickup full on and the neck at about 10%.
I love the sound of the bridge pickup! If you are going for a warm jazz tone of course using the bridge PU alone will make it much more difficult, but that is generally not the only sound that I like to use.
Last edited by Question; 11-08-2024 at 04:36 AM.
@Question: Very "piercing" tone on Inner Urge (slightly more neck-PU on Goodbye Pork Pie Hat?)
Very nice playing! Congrats.
Ciao Frabarmus,
I recorded those videos last year for other threads on this forum related to these songs, so I don't remember the exact settings.
The bridge PU has more dynamic range for me, especially with a bit of boost, so I just set them until it sounds the way I like.
For these two videos the Bridge PU is on full, it could be that Pork Pie Hat has a bit more neck PU mixed in or I am just playing with less attack.
I posted these videos because I always thought that players with a two pickup guitar who only use the neck PU are missing out on many interesting tone colors.
Today, 06:23 PM in Guitar, Amps & Gizmos