07-14-2024 04:02 AM
I didn't know any of that history, thanks man. I searched high and low for a chart for a long time and finally ran into a bass player that knew a piano player that had written it out and got it from...
Of all the guitars that come up on this forum this one is one I would not mind having at all. It sounds great and the Treniers that I have played are outstanding the cutaway not being there would not...
Explore the great Howard Roberts approach to practice. Repetitive things need to be done over and over again to get up the muscle memory, but cognitive work has to be focus but not of great duration....
The Westone brand was a Matsumoku factory product during that time period, thus their consistently high quality. See my post here -- Epiphone Emperor T (and similar Matsumoku guitars)
I was the original owner of this beauty. Those photos from Gryphon are indeed the same guitar. And thanks 2b2b for finding that old vid. It's a stupendous guitar, and the only reason it doesn't...
My comment was not a reflection on your intelligence, however you seem to be ignorant of the history of hysterectomies. Like mastectomies, male bias and ignorance of female physiology led to...
Beautiful guitar, beautiful song, beautiful playing, beautiful girl! I don't know where she got the transcription, but it's perfect. She's playing it in Ab, but she's got the low E string tuned down...
To me this gorgeous Campy thinline is the ideal jazz box. It is perfect in every conceivable way.
https://youtu.be/rMZu8uFjqVg?si=uWH0bK7mocExpt54 https://youtu.be/Z04IQyscNwc?si=4__UOGbNulATSeHH
Thanks, gentlemen. This forum has many friends for me. My understanding regarding these 1980s Westone guitars is that they are great value for money, close to the Gibson L5. I’ve written to the...
It's more like I was asking "what other full size SUVs with these features should I consider before I buy a cadillac escalade, but I apparently don't have enough money for a cadillac escalade" lol
You’ve all been blessed enough to have aging eyes. I knew of too many who died young. Everything in perspective.
Cariba - Wes Montgomery
Today, 02:07 PM in The Players