Hey guitar world,
It's hard to find much info on Carl Albanus Johnson - about him as a person, luthier, and pictures of his work - and as someone interested in learning more about him, I would like to make this post as a request that owners of Albanus guitars share pictures and stories about him.
05-14-2024 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by timc100
Him and his guitars are on Google:
albanus guitar at DuckDuckGo
I worked with Bill Barker who learned to make guitars from Carl. I used to own one but sold it years ago. I don't just post a bunch of stuff but ask a question I could probably answer. He made great guitars somewhat like Stromberg used single traversed bass bar and Barker too at first.
He died in I believe 1973 made about 60 guitars. Mostly for Chicago players and studio guitarist. His good friend was Fred Rundquist. Fred was a friend of mine I took some lessons from him in college. Fred always had a nice Albanus guitar to play and more than one usually.
The name sounds like some sort of mystical alchemist of guitar making, all by itself.
Originally Posted by Cunamara
What the heck....
Yesterday, 08:24 PM in For Sale