The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  1. #1

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    Hey guitar world,

    It's hard to find much info on Carl Albanus Johnson - about him as a person, luthier, and pictures of his work - and as someone interested in learning more about him, I would like to make this post as a request that owners of Albanus guitars share pictures and stories about him.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by timc100
    Hey guitar world,

    It's hard to find much info on Carl Albanus Johnson - about him as a person, luthier, and pictures of his work - and as someone interested in learning more about him, I would like to make this post as a request that owners of Albanus guitars share pictures and stories about him.

    Him and his guitars are on Google:

    albanus guitar at DuckDuckGo

  4. #3

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    I worked with Bill Barker who learned to make guitars from Carl. I used to own one but sold it years ago. I don't just post a bunch of stuff but ask a question I could probably answer. He made great guitars somewhat like Stromberg used single traversed bass bar and Barker too at first.

    He died in I believe 1973 made about 60 guitars. Mostly for Chicago players and studio guitarist. His good friend was Fred Rundquist. Fred was a friend of mine I took some lessons from him in college. Fred always had a nice Albanus guitar to play and more than one usually.

  5. #4

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    The name sounds like some sort of mystical alchemist of guitar making, all by itself.

  6. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cunamara
    The name sounds like some sort of mystical alchemist of guitar making, all by itself.
    Personally I was more reminded of a Belgian comedian called Urbanus van A(n*s)