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  1. #26

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    Quote Originally Posted by 2bornot2bop
    I had the opportunity to purchase a black L5 back in 2013 for $5400. I should have moved on it. But I hesitated and it was soon gone. I regret not buying it. I shouldn’t have hesitated especially since I’d already owned a black Golden Eagle which was a stunning non cutaway model.
    I bought a new “open box” black L-5 CES in 2017 for $4600. Those were the relatively recent days when 5k would get you pretty much any L-5 Wes you could want.

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    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #27

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    Wolfe's Guitars has a black Super Eagle that shows how strikingly beautiful that finish can be on a big box.
    That said, black archtops still are not my cup of tea.

  4. #28

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gitfiddler
    Wolfe's Guitars has a black Super Eagle that shows how strikingly beautiful that finish can be on a big box.
    That said, black archtops still are not my cup of tea.

  5. #29

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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatRhythmMan
    I bought a new “open box” black L-5 CES in 2017 for $4600. Those were the relatively recent days when 5k would get you pretty much any L-5 Wes you could want.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    My friend Rhythm Man, those days seem to be long gone. My take is the most desirable L5 of any kind either acoustic or ces it a Wes L5. It has just what you need only one pickup and still retains a fair acoustic bite. There are those that really say the 2 pickups actually sound better even if you only use 1. However, I am still in the camp that a Wesmo is the most sought after L5. Not rare and not vintage old stuff from the golden age of gibson archtops, but ones that even younger fellows ( under 35) can relate to.

    Yes I would take a Wes but right now a deal is not to be made.

  6. #30

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluedawg
    I don't like black guitars but really that looks pretty nice. On stage it will draw some eyes.

  7. #31

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    I like black guitars. A lot. Black guitars matter.

    I do not have a black archtop but most certainly would if the right one showed up. I do have a Black and Chrome Les Paul (I like Black and Chrome, but I am a Harley guy, so that might explain that!) and a Black Strat.
    New Gibson Custom Shop L-4?-black-lester-jpg

  8. #32

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    Me too Marco.

    New Gibson Custom Shop L-4?-b0c1b6fa-bd7d-4ab7-afbd-2d7a7fb2f20a-jpgNew Gibson Custom Shop L-4?-67e11bda-fa99-4feb-8c8b-0502f89d4289-jpg

  9. #33

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    I really miss my Road King Classic (it was black too). Sold it about 7 years ago. I like black Les Paul Standards. I prefer SB or natural hollow bodies.

  10. #34

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    I spent my Harley money on guitars.

  11. #35

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    Quote Originally Posted by vinnyv1k
    Me too Marco.

    New Gibson Custom Shop L-4?-b0c1b6fa-bd7d-4ab7-afbd-2d7a7fb2f20a-jpgNew Gibson Custom Shop L-4?-67e11bda-fa99-4feb-8c8b-0502f89d4289-jpg
    Vinny, I like a Harley in any color as long as it is Black. Here are pictures of the two of mine on the days that I took delivery of them (June 1983 for the FLH Shovelhead and May 2016 for the Heritage Softail Classic: New Gibson Custom Shop L-4?-83-shovel-jpgNew Gibson Custom Shop L-4?-2016-harley-jpg:

  12. #36

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stringswinger
    Vinny, I like a Harley in any color as long as it is Black. Here are pictures of the two of mine on the days that I took delivery of them (June 1983 for the FLH Shovelhead and May 2016 for the Heritage Softail Classic: New Gibson Custom Shop L-4?-83-shovel-jpg:
    New Gibson Custom Shop L-4?-hdjuneauexterior640-jpg

    Cool photos SS. I grew up maybe ten minutes from the HD factory. We'd be goofing off after school and see the HD test riders, full leathers and all, testing bikes......Remember -autumn and winter in Milwaukee Wisconsin. I couldn't even imagine anyone in the world having a cooler job than road-testing Harleys and getting paid for it !
    HD converted the factory to Army / AirForce parts during the war, and my Mom and many other women worked there.